Earlier this year there was a lot of noise, especially from Southern California, about the Arizona law known as SB 1070 that was approved by the Arizona Legislature and signed into law by Governor Jan Brewer. This is the law that dealt with immigrants, making it a misdemeanor for an immigrant to be without carrying required documents, authorizing local law enforcement officers to check whether someone they stop or detain is in the country legally, and attempts to crack down on those sheltering, hiring and otherwise exploiting illegal aliens.
Cries of racism, racial profiling, discrimination and other hot button labels were hurled at Arizona by various groups, many from California. Busloads of people from California went to Arizona to participate in protests against this legislation. Blogs (including this one) were laden with harsh criticism of Arizona and this law. The Obama Administration was a harsh critic, and has filed suit to try and prove that a state cannot adopt and enforce such a law.
And there were moves to engage in economic retaliation against the economy of Arizona. The Los Angeles City Council called for a boycott of Arizona businesses, as did numerous immigration rights groups and individuals. Hurt them in the pocketbook for being so heartless was the agenda.
So, against that background a story in the Arizona Republic newspaper on December 17 must be disheartening to those who attempted to wage economic war. Titled “Arizona’s job growth continues, outpaces U.S.” it reports that Arizona has added jobs in the last 4 months – a total of 12,800 jobs during that period. Calling most of this job growth seasonal, the article reports “the numbers demonstrate that Arizona’s employment picture is slowly improving and indicate that employers are feeling better about hiring.” The article also notes that this is a 1 percent growth in Arizona employment compared to .6 percent nationally. Meanwhile, employment news reported on KNX radio on December 15 was that unemployment in Los Angeles County has just risen to 12.9%, an all time high since the great depression. Maybe rather than go to Arizona to protest it would make more sense to go to Arizona to find a job.
So, were the calls for an economic boycott of Arizona just bluff and bluster? Just a bunch of noise made by demagogues? An attempt that lacked significant commitment and staying power? Given that Arizona job creation seems to be doing better than the national average, one has to wonder.
There is nothing to wonder about!
The reason why Az is doing so well is that companies and the middle class are flocking to red states! illegal immigrants leaving Az was the best news for Az.
The fact that illegal immigrants and their cronies on the left protest Az, gave a huge boost to Az popularity! In the last few months hundreds of companies have moved to Az, Texas to get away from the potential demorat disaster that will surly face this state once the demorats take full power! I am hoping Brown moves to the right instead of over the cliff!
Illegal immigration is a business in this state and the money is about to dry up! CHOC, Non-profits and public jobs who indulge in the wind fall of money that accompanies the children of illegal immigrants is not there anymore and the feds are way in the red! No bail outs for California!
So Jan is a great Governor and the people are happy! That is what makes for a productive state!
California’s are screwed and it will only get worse for the Middle Class American Citizen in California!
So good news for Az, California not so good!
Great they are leaving AZ, how many came to KS??
No. One doesn’t have to wonder. One just has to acknowledge the study that was conducted and released last month showing Arizona’s losses topped $140 million due to the boycott.
Plus if you are going to use jobless rates data as a measuring stick to discredit the boycott, perhaps you could also acknowledge this nuance:
The state Department of Commerce says the parts don’t always add up to the whole as far as the state unemployment rate is concerned. Arizona’s unemployment rate for November decreased slightly from October. But the same report lists higher or stable jobless rates for each of the state’s six metro areas that together account for the vast majority of the state’s population.
By your own writing, most of the job growth was “seasonal.” It’s also important to note what kind of jobs are being created.
If you had any clue about business San Roman you would know why the state will do very good! If you understood why people are so against illegal immigration from south of the border you would know that the state of AZ is about to become the fastest growing productive state in the country!
California will continue to go down the tubes and Az will continue to improve!
Thanks to Jan Brewer!
Don’t believe me now! Sit back and watch my prediction come to light!
Phoenix Business Journal
Date: Monday, November 1, 2010, 10:39am MST
Arizona climbed to No. 17 in Site Selection magazine’s ranking of state business climates, buoyed by a 10th place finish in a poll of corporate real estate executives. That’s up from the No. 24 spot in the 2009 survey.
North Carolina ranked No. 1 for the ninth time in the past 10 years with strong resources in higher education and work force training, a moderate climate, and a transportation infrastructure that includes hubs for both US Airways and FedEx.
Tennessee, Texas, Virginia and South Carolina rounded out the top five.
MQ says:
Like I said; Red States!
Whether or not the economic picture has changed, the illegal immigration situation undoubtedly has improved. I have no facts to back this up but it would make sense that illegals would leave for Mexifornia.
The hysteria from the the illegal alien loving crowd was way over the top. Nazi Germany? If illegals want to think that fine, that will encourage them to leave. However, in Nazi Germany they took a group of folks who were legal and made them illegal. Arizona did not do this. They just confirmed that illegal is illegal.
“Well, said!”
FYI: Just heard that California has lost more tax payers to Az, Texas etc… But it gained people through births and illegal immigration! The article stated that California was once the nations power house; now it is the state with the most depressed communities!
I am shocked!
Well, I know that I and my family are going to be in the popular minority!
link it
This is the up beat version! It is about to get much, much worse!
Read the article. Poorly formatted. Looks like you spiced up its claims a bit. I read:
“The out-migration was higher in 2005 through 2007, which would coincide with the soaring cost of Orange County housing.”
You inserted Texas/Arizona.
It is actually 2007-2008 IRS records of taxpayers! Do you want me to send you that link too! 2009-2010 will be out near the end of 2011! Though, I have a feeling there is an increase in migrating tax payers to neigbour
Word is that 130+ businesses moved to Texas and Az because of low business cost’s!
The most important part of the whole article: of course you left that part out; is the fact that California was once the best place to live and work and now it has the most depressed communities!
The reason: Third world low income illegal immigrants! Sugar coat it all you want!
Facts are facts!
What makes this all worse is that when this state collapses, what then!
She “spiced it up”? So things in the article like:
* The projected $28 billion state budget deficit with shortfalls in excess of $20 billion a year anticipated by the California Legislative Analyst’s Office
* Unemployment that is 30% higher than the national average (12.4% in November)
* California’s credit rating is among the lowest in the U.S.
* California’s loss of 1.3 million manufacturing jobs
* California’s 41st ranking in creating scientific, technical, engineering and math jobs
Yeah, that’s not a bleak outlook. Oh wait, you must be reading stories from the geniuses like Bill Lockyear that you Democrats put in office who claim that there’s nothing wrong with California.
How about the census which proves that all 10 states losing congressional seats lean Democratic, versus 5 of the 8 states gaining seats leaning Republican? What do Republican-leaning states have over Democrat states? Fewer regulations, lower taxes, more business incentives, etc. All the things California lacks. So Ms. Quinn was right on in her analysis. If you don’t want to see it, that’s fine.
You put a lot of asterisks next to the word “California.”
I didn’t see anything about Texas or Arizona (#2 in poverty rates next to Mississippi)
Spiced up!
Again who are the poor???
It is a FACT that jobs (PEOPLE) are moving to Texas and Arizona as well as every other red state!
And of course you will continue to deny it! It is your cultural inefficiencies that cause your lack of common sense! Hence the state of Mexico and hence the call of other Mexicans to walk the ships plank to an American Citizenship!
The asterisks are cut and pasted from the article. My point is that Ms. Quinn was spot on in her analysis, and simply repeating your “spiced up” with no support is what I’ve come to expect on here.
The poverty rate red herring is equally inapplicable, but also not unexpected from the liberal side that thinks you can solve any problem simply by throwing other people’s money at it. Personally, I blame churches (said the fundamental Christian) and private entities for dropping the ball long ago on our/their biblical duty of taking care of widows and orphans and allowing the government to step in their stead and create the mess we’re in now.
Chew on this. Arizona is #2 in poverty rates in the nation:
Yeah, Mr. light bulb! Who, are improvised? The same people that are impoverished over the border!
No one on this earth can take another nations poor and uneducated and make them middle class! Most of them cannot even read and write! Most are 1st and 2nd generation who have fallen into the welfare trap! Single mothers and dead beat fathers!
The number one reason Az’s people wanted to stop illegal immigration by far is the fact that they are seeing another nations problems spill into their country!
Who are the poor in California? Who do you think?
You can not see, what you don’t want to know!
California 15.3 37,253,956 5,699,855
Arizona 21.2 6,392,017 1,355,108
How many non-resident aliens are there in the state of California and the state of Arizona? If you took those numbers out of the equation, both California and Arizona (and other states) poverty rate would drop dramatically.
all this bickering. all brought on by illegal aliens. there is a solution, repatriation.
DWM: That was already tried. Read your history books. Oh and many citizens who happened to look to “Mexican” were deported in violation of their fundamental rights.
I bet all of you would have been blathering back then how repatriation would only target “illegals” just like you did with SB 1070…
Ah, the tired liberal mantra – anyone who opposes illegal immigration is a white racist. Fortunately (unfortunately for you), the facts expose this lie:
According to a recent study:
* 52 percent of Hispanics support border enforcement to encourage illegals to go home; 34 percent support conditional legalization,
* 57 percent of Asian-Americans support enforcement; 29 percent support conditional legalization,
* 50 percent of African-Americans support enforcement; 30 percent support conditional legalization
There sure are a lot of racists out there and, shockingly, many of them aren’t even white. Bummer for liberals.
The writer of the above article sums it up best:
“Honesty on immigration is at a premium these days. Americans should make a decision on whom to believe: The writers and ethnic-based groups with an agenda or the voice of the people who demand a fair chance at jobs.”
History a little inconvenient? Where did I say “white racist” or claim to be a “Liberal?”
Don’t join MQ in spicing things up.
You’re right GSR, there was nothing racial about your response to DWM’s post. And I’ve gone back and re-read some of your posts – you’re definitely not a liberal – the Apodaca support must’ve threw me. My mistake.
Lol…. I wish the chinese would come here! How funny! Now they know how we feel about our schools, neighbor hoods, hospitals etc…..
The Arizona Foundation for Women is reporting that women have fared worse in the economic downturn than men and that their status in Arizona has slid some compared with the last women’s status report done in 2007.
Jodi Liggett, chief operating officer for the foundation, said the most startling statistic is that while 16 percent of all women don’t have a high-school diploma, almost 40 percent of Hispanic women in the state lack one.
“When you look at Latinas and other women of color, the educational attainment is not there,” which affects their earning potential, she said.
The foundation also found that the wage gap between men and women in Arizona has worsened somewhat. The gap is fairly small though, ironically because male earnings are fairly low compared with those in other states. The state dropped from ranking second in narrowest gap in 2007 to 16th place now.
“It should be said that Arizona is a low-wage state,” Liggett said. “We are closing the gap, but we are not doing as well as we used to be doing.”
The report also indicated that as unemployment rose in the country, the unemployment rate nationwide for single women is 12 percent, compared with 9.6 percent for the general
MQ says:
Not only is educational attainment not there! Marrying and two parent families is not there either!
It is not only a Santa Ana problem! It is also an entire states problem with 2nd 3rd generation Mexicans who have become wards of the state and a burden to society at large!