Debbie Tharp explains why you should vote Libertarian

Libertarian Assembly candidate Debbie Tharp, who is running against the incredibly lame Don Wagner, has posted a video explaining why we should vote Libertarian.

When I sat down with my wife to fill out our ballots this week, we went down the list and made sure not to vote for any immigrant or gay bashers.  That got rid of most of the Republicans.  Then we crossed off anyone that voted to increase our taxes, that got rid of a few more Republicans (Maldonado and Villines).

We ended up voting for a collection of Democrats and Libertarians.  My wife voted for Dale Ogden, the Libertarian candidate for Governor, but I voted for Jerry Brown, despite a few misgivings, primarily to make sure that Meg Whitman loses.

We did however vote for one Green Party candidate, my friend and co-blogger Duane Roberts.

At any rate, enjoy the video and if you cannot tolerate the red and blue candidates, vote Libertarian!

About Art Pedroza