OJ Favorite Treasurer candidate Shari Freidenrich adds new key endorsements!


From Huntington Beach Treasurer Shari Freidenrich’s Newsletter:

“Treasurer Freidenrich’s impressive credentials as the only CPA, as a candidate with a 28 year successful private and public sector financial management career, and as the only candidate that has experience and training in investing public funds continues to attract new endorsements.

Shari recently received the endorsement from the National Tax Limitation Committee .    Lewis K. Uhler, Founder and President, National Tax Limitation Committee stated that “Shari is by far the most qualified candidate for Treasurer and the only CPA running.  She has a proven record of protecting and investing taxpayer dollars in this volatile economy.  Orange County voters should put their trust in her.”  Shari continues to attract broad bi-partisan support for this key County position.

Did you Know?

Shari is a proven leader in the municipal treasury field.  Shari was elected by her California peers as the President of the California Municipal Treasurer’s Association in 2003.  Shari has also been elected by her international peers and is currently serving as the Vice-President of the Association of the Public Treasurer’s of the US and Canada.  Shari  is the only candidate who has received key treasury certifications from these two organizations and who has been active in these government treasury organizations.

The County invests over $6 Billion of your public tax dollars, and after the OC bankruptcy in 1994, we can’t afford to have someone learn how to invest our public dollars on the job, we need to make sure someone who has received extensive training and has a proven track record of investing and safely managing your property tax dollars is elected.”


Posted by Francisco J. Barragan

(former Chief Audit Executive at 4 multinational manufacturing companies)

P.S.  Treasurer Shari Freidenrich is a member of The Institute of Internal Auditors-OC Chapter, of which I was the President from 2005-2006 and on whose Board I still serve as a Board Governor alongside other great volunteer leaders. Many of our close to 700 members serve as Chief Audit Executives and in various other key positions within the top companies in Orange County.


Established in 1941, The Institute of Internal Auditors (IIA) is an international professional association of more than 170,000 members.  Throughout the world, The IIA is recognized as the internal audit profession’s leader in certification, education, research, and technical guidance.


About Francisco Barragan