Melissa sez: Renewable Energy Tech – Let’s make it in California, not China!

Latest blog post from Melissa Fox, candidate for Assembly 70th District (Irvine, Tustin, Newport Beach, Laguna Woods)

Renewable Energy Technology Made in China California

For the first time, China has overtaken the United States as the world leader in the multi-billion dollar competition for renewable energy investments.

According to a report released this week by the accounting firm Ernst & Young, “China has all the benefits of capital, government will, and it’s a massive market. We would expect to see China retaining a dominant position.”

Not only is this bad news for the United States, it is especially bad news for California, which is China’s primary competitor for renewable energy investment dollars. It is also bad news for our local economy, since many of the American companies creating renewable energy technology are located right here, in our 70th Assembly District.

I don’t believe that we should concede to China the billions of dollars and thousands of jobs that renewable energy investment brings, and we don’t have to accept “Made in China” for our renewable energy technology.

In fact, we can’t afford to let China win this competition.

But to make sure that those billions of investment dollars and thousands of jobs go to California instead of China, we need to do two things:

First, we need to reject Prop 23. The big oil companies’ deceptive initiative to kill California’s clean energy and air pollution control standards would cost California more than $80 billion and hundreds of thousands of jobs.

As the non-partisan, independent California Legislative Analyst’s Office explained, the suspension of our new clean air standards would “delay investments in energy technologies reaping longer run savings, or dampen additional investments in clean energy technologies or in so called ‘green jobs’ by private firms, thereby resulting in less economic activity than would otherwise be the case.”

It’s no wonder that more than 89 percent of the money for Prop 23 has come from out-of-state big oil interests: Prop 23 is bad for Californians.

Second, we need to require “Made in the USA” for any energy technology, and for buses and trains, that receive tax subsidies or any other financial incentive from the state’s taxpayers. Californians should not subsidize investment, production, and jobs in China or in any foreign country.

The formula is simple:

Renewable Energy Technology + Made in California = Investment $$ and Jobs.

That’s what I support and will fight for when I represent the 70th Assembly District.


September 16, 2010

About Admin

"Admin" is just editors Vern Nelson, Greg Diamond, or Ryan Cantor sharing something that they mostly didn't write themselves, but think you should see. Before December 2010, "Admin" may have been former blog owner Art Pedroza.