The entire Southwestern U.S. was stolen from Mexico by the U.S., yet Mexican Americans, and a fair amount of Mexican immigrants, love celebrating the 4th of July here in Santa Ana, which is one of the few cities left in Orange County where you can buy and use legal fireworks.
You see, Mexicans love the idea of independence too. They defeated both the Spanish and the French, on their soil. And they have remained proudly independent ever since. They are in fact celebrating 200 years of independence this year.
What few Americans remember today is that Spain, and its Mexican and New World territories, helped the American patriots to defeat England. In fact I would say that without their help we would be living in a British satellite today. Here are a few facts to consider, from this online source:
Click here to read the rest of this post.
A British satellite would be better than of a Mexican one
In general I think most of us can agree that being the slaves of Euro masters isn’t a pleasant idea at all.
Just remember that we had help in becoming our free nation. Let’s not forget the countries that helped us prevail against the Brits.
even on the 4th reconquista pedroza takes a shot at the usa . it was stolen from us . yeah and you want it back ? too bad you should have fighted for it you lost it and it belongs to the wich is better than mexico or any other country in the world . . if mexico got it it would be run just like mexico is ran today .. HOW AWFULL WOULD THAT BE .
Yes, or it would be run like Maywood CA is run…… How is THAT working for them?
You don’t have to leave Orange County to find example of corrupt, white local elected officials, including folks like Anaheim Mayor Curt Pringle and Irvine Mayor Larry Agran. Or Tustin Mayor Jerry Amante, who like Pringle is a lobbyist/consultant. These guys make money off their elected positions. And they waste money on stupid ideas, like Pringle’s proposed high speed rail.
Maywood is a mess. True. But so are a lot of cities in California. In fact Amante has refused suggestions from some of his own Council members that would save his city a fortune on water fees. And sure enough they have been raising the water fees instead…
better to be independent but if I had to choose whether to live under British rule or Mexican I choose British. easy call on that. But why don’t we Americans now take on a fight to give Mexico back to the Mexicans? Let’s help them build a beautiful, peaceful country, one where they would want to stay.
Yea, Remember the Alamo too.
The Alamo? That didn’t work out too well for the invaders from Tennessee, did it?
With respect to the Alamo . . .
Was the Alamo in sovereign Mexican territory or not?
What would you expect a government to do when foreign troops/fighters invade a country, or secessionists engage in treason, as it happened in Texas?
Interesting piece posted but largely antidotal. Most Americans see the 4th of July as a day of freedom with BBQs & family. Since you mention it, just go to any local “Mexican American” church selling fireworks and ask them why they celebrate the 4th of July. They may not know (and perhaps many youth don’t either) the Declaration of Independence and colonial history. But they will tell you how poor they had it elsewhere and how much better they have it here…America. What they will not say is what you wrote about…even Mexican immigrants that don’t feel American (even those that have resentment) will say they favor Mexico’s date of independence. But what you drafted…they’ll simply look at you and say, “Really? What loans?” And that is because you don’t count the majority us or immigrants in your post. Especially these fluffy declarations:
“You see, Mexicans love the idea of independence too.”: Who says they don’t? Well …an intellectual…you.
“The entire Southwestern U.S. was stolen from Mexico by the U.S., yet Mexican Americans, and a fair amount of Mexican immigrants, love celebrating the 4th of July here in Santa Ana”:
Yes of course…Why is this news? (It’s not to us or unknown knowledge.) You must not realize that our consequential experiences tell us that we have it good here. Better than where our families came from. As far as the patriots and Sons of Liberty being loaned money…you’re missing the point of 4th of July. Our Founders had the smarts, courage and yes …the collateral to get loans. The Pats took the real brunt of the risk by spilling their blood for independence. (…And our generation’s war fighters continue to do so.)
The Spanish/Mexicans shed blood too, when they booted the Brits out of Pensacola.
The point is, in today’s atmosphere of hate towards Mexicans it is worth noting that the U.S. would not be free without their help. We would still be a British satellite.
It is human nature to love freedom. But, as you folks are fond of saying, freedom isn’t free. In this case, the U.S. was founded by stealing land from Native Americans. And without the help of the Spanish and Mexicans the patriots would have failed to overthrow the Brits.
You can deny these fundamental truths if you want to, but history says otherwise.
oh yeah, we owe it ALL to them. and of course our babies and lawns would die without them today. How can we thank them for all the great things they have done for America? I wonder what percentage of total “manhours” have been spent making America great, fighting wars, etc. and I wonder what race put in the most total manhours? Must be Latinos right?
dmw you know pedroza , mexicans invented the wheel , they made the first light bulb , and also wrote the declaration of indepence . just another day in the wacky world of reconquista pedroza .
There was a Constitution in California long before there was a Declaration of Independence.
If the British Armada didn’t stop the Spanish Galleons we would be writing in Spanish right now.
Will somebody please answer a question for me? Why is it, that when Mexicans come to this country to live permanently, they will NEVER consider themselves anything BUT Mexican? I have even worked closely with Americans of Mexican heritage, and THEY consider themselves Mexican first, not American.
I DO NOT hate Mexicans, but get pissed at some of their attitudes/behaviors I have witnessed:
1-Loud parties at 1:30 am, with absolutly NO regard for their neighbors.
2-Letting their kids scream and run through stores, without ever telling them to stop. And if YOU do, they get really bitchy.
3-Littering! I have seen them throw their trash on the ground, just 3′ from a trash barrel, without attempting to toss it in the barrel. or letting their kids just throw it on the ground, without teaching them the right way. Just drive through the heavily Latino neighborhoods…
4-Unlicensed drunk drivers, pulling the old ‘hit-and-run cuz I never re-registered the car in my name’ trick.
5-Demanding we teach their kids in Spanish, not English which would allow them to mainstream in this country.
#1-4 is some really obnoxious low class behavior. I’m not sure how we can measure it for sure, but I’ve seen exactly the same shit from whites all my life. And blacks too when I’ve lived outside the OC, where blacks actually exist. I think if you’re living in a town with a majority of lower-class Mexicans (Santa Ana) you could get the impression that that’s typical Mexican behavior.
1. Go to HB and Newport and you will find loud parties there too.
2. That is not true in every instance.
3. Again, not true in every instance.
4. The State won’t give them licenses.
5. Not true. Many Latino families supported the Unz initiative.
You have a Latino surname but you appear to hate your own kind. How sad. You buy into the racist Minuteman BS. There but for the grace of God goes you!
The point about this post is that Spanish (including French) assistance was critical for the success of America’s independence.
Why the resistance to acknowledge that?
On a special day like America’s Independence Day, it is worth remembering the sacrifices and contributions, including the special efforts by the Spanish and those living in what would become Mexico less than 50 years later.
A simple acknowledgment will do. No need to belittle the contributions or a people.
their you go joe you see you rip something from pedroza and your a racist . things dont change much even if he said he would .
great one,
One thing that will never change is my defense of the immigrants you and Jose keep scapegoating. You can count on that!
“But, as you folks are fond of saying, freedom isn’t free”
It sounds like you believe ‘we’ folks are the only people who see any wisdom in this statement – which would imply that ‘you’ folks think everything should be free. Big surprise.
What do 200 year old Mexicans have to do with drug cartels, anchor babies, tax evasion, crime, or welfare abuse?
Nothing. It’s a sappy, liberal, feel-good article written for 1 purpose. “Look the other way for just a little bit longer gringo”
If we did owe Mexico anything, the debt would have been paid off, oh, I’d say about 10 million illegals ago.
“But, as you folks are fond of saying, freedom isn’t free” … It sounds like you believe ‘we’ folks are the only people who see any wisdom in this statement – which would imply that ‘you’ folks think everything should be free. Big surprise.
AH! A chance to teach reading comprehension, to a real smart aleck!
The important part of Art’s sentence is “Freedom isn’t free.” The rest is subordinate clause. Art is affirming that freedom is, indeed, NOT free, and also pointing out that “you folks” like to say that as well. Something you all can agree on. So do I. So your little insult at the end falls flat, shrivels up, sputters and gasps, and becomes a small oily spot on the carpet, smelly and contemptible.
“The important part of Art’s sentence is “Freedom isn’t free.”
Thanks for your opinion on which part of that sentence I should consider important.
It’s obvious that Art is disassociating himself from the phrase, otherwise you’re so called ‘important part’ would all that need be said. In other words, ‘unimportant’ words don’t make it into the final draft.
“Art is affirming that freedom is, indeed, NOT free, and also pointing out that “you folks” like to say that as well.”
Then Art would know that the context in which he is ‘affirming’ it is an obvious anachronism. It’s a 20th century phrase to describe the necessity of legitimate war, yet he ‘reinterpreted’ it as being a green light for a genocidal land grab centuries prior?
The FACT that it has nothing do with Native Americans makes it a FACT that Art was using the term facetiously. Honest ignorance is not possible either, thanks to Google.
“So your little insult at the end falls flat, shrivels up, sputters and gasps, and becomes a small oily spot on the carpet, smelly and contemptible.”
This implies that the validity of ‘my little insult’ depends directly on the argument before it.
First of all, a widespread sense of welfare entitlement among illegals is reality, regardless of my ability to read between lines.
Secondly, (according to you) since my argument still stands, then so does my insult.
At this point, it’s your juvenile poem that falls flat on its face. You moonbats will say anything to look smart. It’s pitiful. “You people” might try to refuting arguments as a whole rather than just the first sentence.
I can’t wait until next semester to rip you idiotic academics apart in front of the class, and then get one of you bastards fired when you try and fail me for making you look stupid.
(If you aren’t actually a professor, you should be)
DAVID just so you know vern is your typical far left cook . acts smart , think s he knows everything ,and insults you if you dont agree with him . the other pedroza calls you racist if you dont agree with his open border views .
great one,
No, I call you a racist because that is what you are.
Too true, the great one.
Isn’t it funny that immediately after you accused Art of trying to shut people up by calling them racist, he turns around and calls you a racist?
Art, I just looked through everything ‘the great one’ said, and none of it was racist. Other than pointing out the fact that Mexico is generally a craphole, I noticed he went out of his way to specify ‘illegals’ rather than ‘Mexicans’ as being the problem. Thats a far fairer assessment of the situation than a tale about some 200 year old imaginary debt. (Mexican nationals milking American welfare for decades? Debt PAID!)
You’re only calling him racist because you think Mexicans should be immune to all criticism – even the criminal element. Protecting CRIMINALS just because they are of your own race is the DEFINITION of corruption, and is completely incompatible with American values. This collaborator attitude is exactly why some Americans blame ALL Mexicans rather than just illegals.
It’s a joke how you tried to imitate the black civil rights movement of the 1960s by chaining yourselves to government buildings and looking pitiful for the cameras. First of all, you’re all horrible actors. Secondly, what ‘rights’ are you actually losing? Having to show ID when you get pulled over for uninsured drunk driving without a liscense?
You people reveal time and again that you’re primary motive is RACIAL CONQUEST, not civil rights or justice for all. (You started the ‘you people’ stuff, not me)
I promise you you’re only pissing Americans off more; we just aren’t all showing it yet. National surveys confirm this. I strongly advise you just be happy that you’ve border-hopped your way to 15% of the US population and quit the complaining. One day you’ll probably regret not taking this advice.
Where’s that Vern retard? I’d rather argue with an American liberal than some terrorist from ‘La Raza’.
DAVID great points. he is a racist , he brings race into everything . look at all of prior his posts . you posted great things on here he is a total reconquista . now i dont know too much about the legal problems he has on this site but i know someone took him to task on calling people names and now he does not like it . i belive he puts illegals ahead of u.s citizens .and just on another post he did not want a certain kind in santa ana . who is the RACIST NOW .. WHAT A HYPOCRIT
let me say look at all of his prior posts . i gotta say that because his comeback will be na nan na na na spell check .
When the ‘lights come on’, the libs all scatter like cockroaches. Typical.
Oh – that’s me. I’ve been busy, Katana. Writing lots of timely stories which you might call liberal or not. About the Costa Mesa City Council giving away our Fairgrounds, and the Huntington Beach City Council letting developers build over as much of the Bolsa Chica Wetlands as they feel like.
I see you want me to still hang out on this old story and argue with you about race. I’ll see if I can make time soon. Really, gotta run now.
Is that supposed to intimidate me? Posting part of the email address I used? Typical liberal corruption. I’m curious. Do you feel any shame in having to sink so low? Or is your denial just that strong?
When an honest, intelligent person argues, they consider the possibility that they are wrong, and alter their opinion accordingly. This is also known as ‘open minded’.
When an idiot argues, he makes personal attacks, changes the subject, and vanishes when he KNOWS he’s wrong. (Hey, that’s you!)
You and I both know you’re full of crap. Just keep writing about things nobody cares about. That way, there’s less chance that anyone will disagree with you.
If you respond to this without DIRECTLY addressing one of my previous points about illegals, you are a jackass, a coward, and a mental midget. (Go ahead libtard, get the last ‘quip’ in)
PS. Proof that Vern is a liberal, and that my assessment of him was right all along.
Hey lucky you, I got hit by a bout of insomnia, and there is David, scampering around all upset and wanting to play.
Don’t be so paranoid about “Katana.” I’m really not trying to intimidate you, nobody is going to guess your e-mail address if you’re worried about that. I guess I just felt like giving you a nickname because you’re so irritating, and “David” is boring. And really, Katana is kind of interesting.
I don’t mind your insults because I know how you feel. In your mind I’m a big Goliath because I have a blog and you’re a plucky David. I feel the same way when I attack Republican politicians (and the occasional Democrat.) So fire away! But really I’m just a regular guy like you, trying to make sense of the world.
Let’s see, what else… you don’t have to jump thru any hoops to prove that Vern is liberal. I’M A LIBERAL! Or as your new pal the Great One likes to say, “FAR LEFT VERN, FAR FAR LEFT VERN.”
The things I mentioned that I’m writing about, YOU may not care about, but I sure do, and so do hundreds of readers and thousands of citizens – the gradual development of all our open space in my town of HB thanks to a council that can’t say no to developers, and the similar whoring away of the public’s Fairgrounds by the Costa mesa council. If you think nobody cares about those things, that just reflects on the little world you live in.
And I’m a little fond of those issues because I find they’re not necessarily conservative vs. liberals and I have unlikely allies among folks who consider themselves real conservative. For that matter I don’t see why it’s necessarily the case that, on YOUR favorite issue of immigration, my position is “liberal” and yours is “conservative.”
Why haven’t I addressed any of your previous “points” on immigration? I’m not looking at them right now, I know I’ve glanced at all your comments at one point or another and wasn’t inspired to, except for that one sentence of Art’s that you totally distorted (seriously I was right, look up “subordinate clause;” languages like ours are built to give emphasis to one part of a sentence over other parts; it’s a beautiful thing, and I’m not a professor, just a musician.)
I’ll glance at all your comments here again when I finish this one. For one thing I actually agree with a couple things you said, as I remember. For another I’m tired of arguing about immigration, after all these months (before you discovered the blog) I think I’ve said all I have to say. For another it’s all very emotional; I might find some facts I think you have wrong but a lot of it comes down to how we feel about those facts and how important we each think they are.
I think what’s really different between people like me on this issue versus people like you and the Great One, is that the knowledge that white folks like me are gonna be a minority in this country within my lifetime doesn’t keep me up at night or give me nightmares.
Really, I’m bored of this story and glad to see you moved on to my Tea Party one. Good choice.