Voters barely prefer Barbara Boxer, in cat fight with Carly Fiorina

It’s a cat fight!

A new Field Poll found that 47 percent of likely voters support Boxer, with 44 percent saying they prefer Fiorina and 9 percent either undecided or supporting other candidates, according to the Sacramento Bee.

Fiorina’s campaign had this response “Today’s Field Poll results prove that California voters are ready to fire Barbara Boxer. Her 52 percent unfavorable rating confirms voters have not been fooled by Barbara Boxer’s empty Election Year rhetoric about non-existent job creation when they are staring 12.4 percent unemployment in the face. This poll underscores the fact that California voters are unhappy with Barbara Boxer’s job performance and are ready to show her the door this November.”

It is funny that Fiorina keeps harping about jobs.  “Ms. Fiorina is an expert on cutting back, having cut 30,000 jobs when she was CEO of Hewlett-Packard, many of which were outsourced,” according to the Huffington Post.

Boxer also has a wide margin of support among Latino voters (55 percent to 32 percent), as compared to her fellow Democrat, Jerry Brown, who only has an 11% lead amongst Latino voters, as compared to Meg Whitman.

Women prefer Boxer – and they also prefer Brown.  I think that is due to the pro-choice issue.  Voters don’t trust Fiorina on that issue, even though she is supposedly pro-choice.

I think Boxer has a better shot at beating Fiorina than Brown does at beating Whitman.  She at least has her core constituencies lining up behind her.  Brown, I think, is already in trouble.

And Boxer will have the money to be able to tell the voters all about Fiorina’s sketchy history at HP.  It is telling, as the Huffington Post points out, that no company ever hired Fiorina again, after HP let her go.

About Art Pedroza