Busted! Racist Arizona Governor Jan Brewer, she of the leathery face, is under investigation, by TV station KPHO, which is looking into ties between her administration and Corrections Corporation of America (CCA) – and how the Governor’s rhetoric on border security may be damaging Arizona’s tourism industry for the benefit of CCA.
The private prison industry houses illegal immigrant detainees for the federal government. Those companies could gain contracts with state and local agencies to house illegal immigrants arrested for state violations.
Corrections Corporation of America, or CCA, holds the federal contract to house detainees in Arizona. The company bills $11 million per month. CBS 5 Investigates has learned that two of Brewer’s top advisers have connections to CCA.
Paul Senseman is the governor’s deputy chief of staff. He is also a former lobbyist for CCA. His wife is listed as a current lobbyist for the company.
Chuck Coughlin is one of the governor’s policy advisers and her campaign chairman. Coughlin’s company, HighGround Public Affairs Consultants, currently lobbies for CCA.
OMG… Wise Up!
does it surprise you who posted this . the king of illegals himself . zzzzzzzzzzzzzzz wow .
Amen Great One. Give me a break. AZ crime might be down overall in the state, which says a lot about the great job that is being done by the AZ PD….BUT not at the border! You canNOT compare the rest of the state with the border area? What a faaaaaaar stretch THAT is! And, the ridiculous figure they use saying that border crossing apprehensions are down is twisted as well. SPIN, SPIN, SPIN! Why isn’t anyone focusing on the CA law is has been in existence for years that is harsher than the AZ law. OR, the Rhode Island law? You all just want to jump on the bandwagon. WHAT PART OF ILLEGAL DO YOU NOT GET? When someone comes here illegally it clearly shows their lack of respect for our laws.
Bullshit. When someone comes here illegally it only shows that they are trying to stay alive and make a living like your grandfather did when he came here. What a hypocrite you are. Everything is SPIN to you. No amount of facts or statistics will open your blind rage eyes. Please stop using “Amen” because all of the vile you spew out has nothing to do with Prayer. Amen
My AZ sources are telling me that Arpaio has just started a new wing of his Tent City, jocularly called the “1070 wing.” He plans to go on a rampage the day the law goes into effect – which is this week.
Meanwhile Obama’s Justice Dept is trying to get an injunction against the law – still based on the narrow grounds that immigration is a Federal responsibility, not a state one.
I’d kinda like to see Arpaio go into action one last time, demonstrating what SB 1070 really means in the hands of a “lawman” like that, and end up with Old Joe in Federal prison and the law shot down on broader constitutional grounds.
Arpaio will do exactly what he was elected to do “protect the citizens”.
As far a federal government is concerned, the one thing this law has shown is that some of the founders were completely right about Anti-federalism. Allow the feds to have complete control and you get a dictatorship. The federal government without a doubt has become a left wing mess!
Already illegal immigrants (knowing that they are breaking the law) are leaving Arizona. Joe does not need to do anything!
Michelle, I completely agree!
AHA !!
does it surprise you far left vern is with reconqista pedroza . vern wants to see what the law will do . WATCH HOW SHERRIFF JOE DOES HIS JOB . like the previous posters said doing WHAT HE WAS ELECTED TO DO . now let me say on here that i think this thing is going all the way up to the supreme ct . so hopefully neither side should start dancing when the judge decides . i hope she does the right thing .
I’m not a reconquista, I’m a patriotic American who thinks the Southwest is much better off under US rule than Mexican, and that even if the way we acquired the territory was corrupt and shady I’m glad we did it. Can’t speak for Art.
Sheriffs can go ahead and do what the majority of their area supposedly elected them to do, but they still gotta stay within the law and the Constitution, Grate One. This is a nation governed by the rule of LAW you wet-foot-dry-footed your way into, learn about it.
I’m only answering because your last couple sentences were uncharacteristically sensible.
well nice try far , far farther left vern . i came here LEGALLY HAAA THE PROPER WAY . THE WAY YOUR SUPPOSE TOO . SO NO SE PUEDE FOR YOU ON THE WET FOOT / DRY FOOT . . . RULE OF LAW YES . I DONT THINK JOE A HAS BROKEN ANY LAW OR you know they would have gotten him by now as much as they look out TO GET him . . and you speak of law but it seems you defend the illegals WHO HAVE BROKEN THE LAW THE SECOND THEY SET FOOT ON U .S SOIL .
Well the AZ Jan Brewer did it again, she signed into law to allow “Private Prisons”. Even though Corrections Director Ryan pleaded with her in his letter, “Undoubtedly, a private company would pay its employees significantly lower wages and provide them lesser training to realize cost savings. This would lead to higher staff turnover, low morale and place public safety at risk”.
I wonder if its “Corrections Corporation of America (CCA)” the same one that two of her staff members are lobby for “Private Prisons”, no, it could be, say it ain’t so. Corrections Corporation of America (CCA) will benefit from Arizona’s criminalization of undocumented immigrants and their being held as prisoners under SB 1070, it takes fear mongering to another level.
These “Private Prisons” were only suppose to be for DUI prisoners but now we find out that escaped prisoner Tracy Alan Province and John Charles McCluskey, escaped, were being kept there.
These prisoners were convicted of murder, attempted murder, aggravated assault, so what did they do, they carjacked someone’s vehicle, assisted by family (resulting in the arrest of one of their mothers), possibly killed an Oklahoma couple visiting New Mexico, before they were finally capured.
Way to go Brewer, you do not care about public saftey, just as long as you get your political contributions check, amazing.
f*ck you all
Let me just add my fervent agreement to this comment. Whoever he/she was talking to.
Sb 1070 makes being an illegal immigrant a state crime with a mandatory state prison term. This is new and does not exist in any other state. What is also new is that Jan Brewer a year ago allowed all Arizona state prisons to be taken over by Corrections Council of America for profit. Yes, a corporation that makes money the more prisoners are put in their prisons. No wonder Joe Arapaio is putting up all those tent cities for CCA profits. The prison corporation is a major campaign contributor to Jan Brewer and a host of Arizona lawmakers. I smell a rat.
Yes, but Carolyn, let’s not be cynical:
Just because Brewer and Arpaio stay in power by allowing their backers, the private prisons, to make mega-profits, doesn’t mean they don’t also SINCERELY hate Mexicans.
( *mega-snark* )