State election results – Newsom could become Governor if Brown dies in office!

This perv could end up Governor if Jerry Brown dies in office…

“San Francisco Mayor Gavin Newsom has defeated Los Angeles City Councilwoman Janice Hahn Tuesday in the Democratic contest for lieutenant governor,” according to the Sacramento Bee.

Jerry Brown is pretty old.  Newsom might actually get to become Governor if Brown keels over in the next few years.

Meg Whitman went way too far to the right in the primary.  She is done.  Brown will beat her easily.

And, in a surprise, Abel Maldonado won the GOP nomination for Lt. Governor.  I think Newsom will win that race.

And Prop. 14 won.  If it prevails I may have to go back to being a DTS voter.  Third parties will be finished.

Poor Chuck DeVore.  He got blown out in his U.S. Senate race.  He only got 18% of the vote.  Maybe now he can focus on legalizing hemp?

Carly Fiorina now gets to lose to Barbara Boxer.

Some good news for the GOP.  Steve Cooley beat nutter John Eastman for State A.G.   He now faces the too liberal Kamala Harris.

Prop. 17 is winning.  Prop. 16 is not.

About Art Pedroza