Who’s being truthful?

A picture is worth 1,000 words

Yes, this has been an ugly primary election. For those of use who receive GOP mail in the 42nd CD race you can follow along with my report by simply opening your mail.

Candidate Philip Liberatore sent out several mailers, one of which lists five costly votes cast by Congressman Gary Miller. He quotes Congressman Miller to have stated: You can’t have a federal government running a $1.6 trillion deficit and not expect someone to get mad at you.”

The very next line of Phil’s flyer reads: “That’s The Point Gary-We The People Are Mad at You!”

Liberatore Charge #1. Gary Miller voted YES on H.R. 1424 Roll Call #681

 $700 billion Wall Street bailout. He quotes Gary Miller “Truly my calls are 150-1 against it.” The flyer continues “Overwhelmingly, people in the private sector are looking at this and saying it’s just a big bailout for a bunch of fat cats on Wall Street.” He adds the following source. UPI.com September 24, 2008

Within the past hour I received a huge flyer paid for by the Gary Miller for Congress Committee that answers three of the specific charges.

As to the above allegation it reads:

WALL STREET TARP (H.R. 1424-Roll Call #681)

“On October 3, 2008, Congressman Miller voted for the $350 Billion “Bush Economic Stabilization Act” to shore up financial institutions and stop the financial sector collapse.
Taxpayers have already earned an annualized return of 8.5% on the funds they loaned to these financial institution….etc.

Notice the “spin.” He does not dispute his vote. What the flyer states is that “Gary Miller voted against authorizing an additional $350 billion when it became clear that Obama and friends were wasting the money.”

The fact that we have received a favorable ROI in this timeframe is irrelevant to the Liberatore accusation which is half correct. $350 billion, not $700 billion. Congressman Miller. You did vote for the bailout.

Gilbert opines that while Phil is incorrect in alleging $700 billion Gary Miller does not deny voting for the $350 billion.

Liberatore Allegation #2 FHA Housing bailout $300 billion. H.R. 3221 Roll Call #302

The Liberatore flyer reads: “On May 5, 2008, Gary Miller was the ONLY California Republican to vote with democrats Nancy Pelosi and Barney Frank to expand government housing loans putting the taxpayers on the hook for $300 BILLION dollars. Government backed FHA loans have had some of the highest default rates at nearly 10% during the two years of bailouts.”

Gary Miller responds with his version of  The TRUTH.

“Public records show that Liberatore is lying.”

“On final passage of the bill, Congressman Gary Miller was joined by Republican Members of Congress from our area including Brian Bilbray, Mary Bono-Mack, David Dreier, Duncan Hunter, Jerry Lewis, Kevin McCarthy and Buck McKeon.”

Note: Mr. Liberatore did not question Roll Call #301 on the same bill. However, I have checked it to see how local Republicans voted.

The same legislators named by Gary Miller on Roll Call 302 (as listed above) voted NO on Roll Call #301 while he was the only one to vote YES.

Gilbert opines that once again Team Liberatore has done a sloppy job of vote research. They would be above reproach if they had listed the correct Roll Call if they wanted to point out that Gary Miller was the only Republican to vote for H.R. 3221 bill at a specific Roll Call. I was unable to find a vote for Mary Bono-Mack.

Let me make life easy for those who have yet to vote and are undecided.

Simply fill in the box that reads Lee McGroarty as I did today.
And to be sure that my vote by mail was not stolen I handed it to our letter carrier.

One disturbing part of the Miller flyer is a May 12th statement from Calvary Chapel Costa Mesa Senior Pastor Chuck Smith in which he denies endorsing any candidate. Mr. Liberatore claims that he had received that endorsement. While I recall seeing it I cannot find it as I post this story.

About Larry Gilbert