Apparently no OJ bloggers showed up at Monday night’s Young Americans for Liberty (YAL) Forum at UCI for 70th-AD candidates, so we are all relying on reports from our informants, or “pajaritos” as we call them here. And my pajaritos overwhelmingly agree that, of the three Republican candidates, Jerry Amante came off the best by simply not showing up, thus revealing himself as neither a confused, nonsense-spewing, early-onset-Alzheimer’s case, nor a confidently self-contradictory law-and-order propaganda-spouting hack, as his two rivals did.
Lightweight itinerant office-seeker Dr. Steven Choi rambled unclearly through a litany of Things He’s Known Since He Was Young: The widely discredited DARE program is a fantastic way to keep kids off dangerous drugs like marijuana, which he has never tried. California’s budget crisis can be solved by eliminating “useless commissions,” just as Arnold has been saying for six years. House speaker Nancy Pelosi is remarkably akin to mass-murdering tyrant Josef Stalin. At least, I think that’s what he said, it was a little hard to decipher.
Deranged wingnut Don Wagner, famed devotee of corporal punishment in our schools, achieved unwanted applause by comparing marijuana legalization to the possibility of legalizing gambling and prostitution. Lib friends: Don was not ADVOCATING that! His presentation was also notable for its utterly unselfconscious schizophrenia, as he shifted effortlessly from railing against Sacramento’s supposedly ever-growing wastefulness to bitching about all the recent cuts in education funding.

The fabulous FOX: We may respectfully disagree on definitions of addiction, but I will defend to the death your right to light one up. (VERN PARAPHRASE)
Democratic candidate Melissa Fox stood out from all the others as the only pro-liberty candidate who has a chance of winning. I realize some purists were disappointed with her “incorrect” scientific answer about addicition, and have convinced themselves that her pro-decriminilization stance is a “condescending” ploy for their votes, but I remember asking her about the issue when the question was least expected, and she answered straightforwardly without hesitation – it’s obviously what she really believes.
And if you have some quibbles with anything she says, well, here’s your place to voice them, I know she reads this blog and your comments!
Some reasonable points were made by minor candidates who have no chance of winning (Tharp, Glover) but it’s obvious that the best choice for Young Americans who care about Liberty is going to be Melissa Fox this November!
I know Choi and liked him. I would have voted for him in a heartbeat until he pulled that stupid mickey mouse stunt of putting Pelosi’s picture on his back. Not that I like or agree with Pelosi on everything but Choi’s action was rude and pathetic, something I would expect from a high school prankster. For that, I would never vote for Choi in any election. I don’t even want to speak to that idiot when I see him.
Fox says our budget crisis is the fault of Republicans who refuse to raise our taxes even higher. Sorry, but that is a really stupid theory.
Choi may not be as polished as Fox, but he says he is against raising taxes. That is why he is going to prevail.
Fox might win the primary but in the end she will be as big a loser as Beth Krom.
The 70th AD is not a liberal tax and spend district. I guess Fox will have to discover that the hard way.
By the way, if you prefer someone who is 100% right on the drug issue, vote for Libertarian Debbie Tharp!
From someone that was there on Monday night.
If your version of “pro liberty” is relying on the government to be the all present solution to all of our problems, then I don’t want anything to do with it. In your world and the world of Melissa Fox, government is supposed to take care of us from cradle to the grave while coercing those of us who are wage earners to contribute to their form of “charity.” More funds for failed government run schools, more funds for entitlement programs, more funds to “secure our borders,” more funds for overly bloated public worker pensions, more funds for the failed D.A.R.E. drug education program that Dr. Choi and the other panelists (except Deborah Tharp) love to support. And where is this money going to come from? The printing press that has devalued our currency for 30 years? My income?
And what about the non-solutions for alternative energy presented? I’m not a fan of continued oil drilling, but I think all of the candidates missed an opportunity to talk about using algae or hemp as a form of alternative fuel. Both would cost a lot less than nuclear, wind and solar and leave a smaller, and a potential non-existent, carbon footprint. The research and technology for both are out there but we would rather kowtow to the BPs and the So Cal Edisons of the world rather than have an honest discussion about these potential forms of alternative fuel. Or laugh at people who bring this up. Like the people you laugh or sneer at who have proven time and time again that marijuana is NOT addictive. The studies are out there and I would be more than happy to provide sources for you to look at regarding the “addictiveness” of marijuana or using hemp as fuel. That is when you can pull your head out of Melissa Fox’s ass and look at things from a non-partisan, objective point of view.
But you would rather stickyour head up the asses of your Democratic or Republican candidates and parrot their cliched talking points about “secure borders,” “investing in education,” or “protecting families.” At least Deborah Tharp took the time to speak with us and listen which is more than I can say for Choi, Wagner and Glover. And don’t get me started on Fox, who assumes that we “know what she means.” I may not have a JD, but no… we don’t know “what you mean” Melissa. While I will give her credit for speaking with us after the debate, her condescending and patronizing attitude when we told her that lumping marijuana in with addictive prescription drugs was erroneous was enough proof that she is not a “pro liberty” candidate.
The claim about marijuana being “addictive” has been used since the 1930s by Harry Anslinger and wholeheartedly endorsed by the patron saint of the Democratic Party, Franklin Delano Roosevelt. This propaganda led to legislation which made marijuana illegal in 1937. Of course, I’d be more than happy to cite historical sources showing how this “reefer madness” propaganda was based on racial hysteria towards African Americans and Asians.
Considering that you and Fox are members of a political party that openly endorsed slavery, segregation, the internment of Japanese citizens during World War II, etc, it is not a surprise that the Democratic Party prefers control over its citizens when it comes to economic and personal freedom. The only difference is the labels look less threatening than the drinking fountains that said “coloreds only.” The labels now say WIC, Medicare and Social Security. And you want to demonize Rand Paul and the Tea Party supporters as racist? While I am no fan of his nor do I believe he is a libertarian, it would be best to look at and clean your own side of the street when it comes to treatment of ethnic minorities before you start claiming to be a fierce advocate and labeling others as racist who may not share your policy positions. But it would be easier for you to claim that I am a self hating minority because I refuse to be the compliant ethnic minority puppet on your collectivist group think plantation. The plantation owners who seek to make us dependent on their “compassionate” programs which do nothing more than lead to an insane, never ending cycle of poverty and destitution.
Democrats for personal freedom and Republicans for limited government are a lot like nymphomaniacs for chastity. They don’t exist. At least libertarians are consistent in their advocacy of total freedom.
I never called Rand Paul a racist. And it’s bullshit to bring up what a political party did 70 or 150 years ago, all those people are dead. I’ll get into all that more on another thread.
I’m sure you’re right about addictiveness and the history of marijuana demonization. Your anger at Melissa Fox is somewhat pathological though…
Okay, I just re-read that and see that you consider Social Security and Medicare akin to coloreds-only drinking fountains. Maybe I shouldn’t be taking your comments seriously after all. My mistake.
Did Fox tell those in attendance that she has accepted campaign donations from stalkers?
Kinda catchy…NOT!
Vote for Mike Glover!