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“Virginia Gov. Bob McDonnell declared April Confederate History Month, reigniting a debate that divides many Virginians. McDonnell’s proclamation initially made no mention of slavery,” according to NPR.
The questions we must ponder, on this the anniversary (April 9, 1865) of Gen. Robert E. Lee’s surrender to Gen. Ulysses S. Grant is:
a) What is being celebrated with Confederate History Month?;
b) What does the Confederate Flag stand for?;
c) Were the Confederates heroes, or were they in fact terrorists – who committed treason against the United States of America, against our country?
Those who want to celebrate Confederate History or the Confederacy flag would have us believe that they are celebrating a certain heritage, tradition, or a “romanticized” defense of States’ Rights which was in fact aggression by the South.
However, it is one thing to remember the service of the fallen and to respect the service of those who serve in uniform, but it is another to honor a terrorist and treasonous cause.
Additionally, it is also a good thing to respect tradition, but this should be respect of positive traditions and not of despicable acts. For example, traditionally the US was a slave holding nation. But we don’t say let’s celebrate slavery.
So, I suggest that the Confederates were Treasonous Terrorists.
a) TREASON– They wanted to dissolve the UNITED States. If you were for the Confederacy you were not a patriot, you were a Traitor, because you were for Attacking a UNITED America. Also, the Confederates marched under the Confederate Flag against the American Flag.
b) TERRORIST – The “Civil” war caused the greatest number of American deaths and casualties than all of America’s casualties from all the wars put together.
c) AGGRESSION – The Confederates started this war. They started it because they wanted to maintain the Status Quo of oppression and brutality. So it is not the case that they were defending themselves, as they like to romanticize. They started the aggression, and fortunately for America, they lost. There is a certain denial and hypocrisy about this.
d) SLAVERY – The Confederate sympathizers would have you believe that slavery was not the issue, as Gov. McDonnell would have us believe by conveniently excluding the mention of SLAVERY at first. However, this was first and foremost about slavery and its brutal and negative aspects.
e) BIGOTRY – The Confederacy and the Confederate Flag came to represent continued BIGOTRY and OPPRESSION because for over a 100 years since the “Civil” War, African-Americans were denied their full and equal civil rights, because of “Jim Crow” laws.
f) TRADITION – Again, in a romanticized way, there is a notion of a heritage of the “GENTLEMEN” southerners and southern belles of the Confederate era. However, this is not the case as it relates to the BRUTAL slavery, OPPRESSION and BIGOTRY that was prevalent in the South.
There are many positive contributions to celebrate about Americans from the “Deep” south; however, the Confederacy and the Confederate Flag are not and can not be on that list of true American values. Americans of all “Stripes” and “Colors” should be concerned in attempts to distort and romanticize a treasonous, brutal and terrorist ideology.
Francisco “Paco” Barragan (my opinions only and not those of any group)
Let us not forget that many of these Confederate traitors were involved in the founding of Santa Ana. They live on today in the form of Santa Ana’s “Usual Suspects…”
Welcome Francisco!
To answer your question: TRAITORS!!!!!
You have to be an ignorant fool to believe the nonsense that is purported in this article. The author clearly demonstrates a poor understanding of the basic tenants of this nation’s history.
TENETS, brother.
We lost the cival war.
As I have mentioned before— a few homes in Floral Park,
fly the confederate flag on every patriotic holiday– could you believe that.
AND on the Floral Park Newsletter–
one board member proudly stated in an article,
“the south shall rise again”.
If you fell back–as you heard this-get back up!
*Half Slave, Have Free? Half Industrial Revolution, Half Agriculture, Half dependent on the English, Half determined to be dependent on the French. Half Pirates, Half Privateers! The Monitor and the Merrimac! The Underground Highway and the rest Slave States! This argument went on for near to a hundred years before the the “Great Civil War”. All were Patriots, All had differences of opinion! The Confederate Battle Flag is a symbol our ability as a nation to hear from opposite sides of an issue.
Lincoln prevailed. Lincoln died! Lee Lost and Lee died. Grant won and Grant won again! Reconstruction lasted over 100 years and Carpetbagging Northeners raped, pillaged and violated the South. The Prison at Andersonville epitomized the hate for the Southerners and their wealth and opulence. Confederate money is not collectible, not worth anything! Jefferson Davis…is not remembered.
The Union prevailed and we all have had to pay the price for those 150 more years of bigotry and racial divide. The specious arguments against the Confederate Battle Flag are the same ones as those against the Nazi Flag! The same ones as those against the North Korean and North Vietnamese Flags! The Red Russia Flag! Flags are not the culprits – people are!
Only bad people can convey evil – not the flags!
Let’s rewrite our history books and claim that the US was formed AFTER the civil war. That way we can wipe out the struggles that comprise our nation’s story.
While I often use the analogy of our cars by saying that while we need a real view mirror to see where we have been, our windshield is much larger because its more important to see where we are going.
How many times have we watched old movies of WWII where five US Marines and one Navy corpsman are seen raising the “stars and stripes” on Mount Suribachi in Iwo Jima or; the US flag that was still standing at the Trade Center after the 9-11 terrorist attacks on the Twin Towers.
The flag is an important symbol for all Americans.
By the same token there are families whose roots in the south go back as far as Jamestown.
We should not wipe out their history. This is not an easy issue to decide. That’s the purpose of our blog. To debate the pro’s and con’s of sensitive issues regardless of how strong we may feel on either side.
And for the anonymous writer who recently asked my age. Without providing an exact response, and with the Masters being played this weekend, let me simply say that I once flew into the Augusta GA airport. As I headed to the restroom I passed a water cooler that read “black” only near the entrance to the mens room that had a sign of “white only.” I spent that weekend with a friend whose dad was an elected official in an adjacent town where we discussed their position on integration.
Note: I did leave my non CCW approved weapon in the car.
There are a lot of things to admire about Americans from the Deep South. For example, the deep spiritual and faith-based beliefs. The hospitality, and the food.
The enormous and invaluable contributions to America’s founding.
But there are others things that I think we must be careful about, especially if it involves romanticizing or revising certain negative aspect of history.
I spent about 3 years there (at least 3 months in each of the following: Dallas; Houston; Baton Rouge; New Orleans; Tulsa, OK; Meridian, MS; Nashville, TN; Huntsville, AL; other cities in Georgia; Arkansas; and Florida.)
And overall, I have some good memories, of all the people I met – White-Black-Brown-Purple-Green- mixed! But, There were some areas on which there was a sense of “hostility” or “suspicion” and that most always was accompanied by the presence of the Confederate Flag.
The states of the deep South can show their pride not just behind the American Flag, but also in particular with a respect and appreciation of their individual STATE flags that ALL Citizens can “rally” behind and that should represent and UNITE all citizens…but the Confederate Flag and the Confederate Heritage Month are DIVISIVE because of the negative reminders.
How sad that the sentiment is “the South shall Rise again!” (almost like a(n) US vs Them mentality) when it should be and must be “America will Rise Again” especially given the tough times we are going through as a nation.
where is my comment? Am I having trouble connecting?
The controversy that has surrounded this topic is deeply rooted in the actual duplicity that embroils the race issue.
How many Americans will actually admit to being fervently passionate about the bigotry that has been passed down through generations, almost like a common trait amongst descendants of Southern Plantation owners, the so called elite, “the gentry”, of the privileged few on large spreads of land.
Today we have some who claim southern pride for those reasons, and others who are descendants of white indentured servants and today are referred to as “white trash”, by the less cultured who offend the lower segments of the anglo population. Those who intent to pose as descendants of the so called “elite” and untouchable gentry, those that make up white supremacy groups and distort the meaning of American Pride.
Why a reference to “duplicity”? It all began with the first widespread act of treason, as slave holding states-southern plantation owners, seceded from the union in spite of the United States being a “perpetual union”. The attack on the union began on April 12, 1861, when Confederate forces attacked a US military installation at Fort Sumter in South Carolina. This was a couple of weeks after Lincoln took office. He became the “President of The disunited States of America- by mid April.
Both the president and vice president of the new confederacy, initially stated at the start of the Civil War that the secession was due to the threat of abolition.
We all know that the African Slave Trade or Trans-Atlantic Slave Trade gig was lucrative, and in ratifying the Constitution, the Founding Fathers only extended that lil goldmine for twenty years if so. By 1807 the UK had outlawed this as well. Now as all that is prohibited– this was the basis of true wealth for the South– the illegal human trafficking of slaves- yet for them human trafficking did not apply since eventually the 3/5 clause re-emphasized their opinion of black men. Again why duplicity– well because by the end of the Civil War, and as Gettysburg (battle of) proved victorious for our nation, the former president and Vice President of the defectors, traitors, terrorists confederates, retracted their statements and thus the duplicity. They both, on separate occasions, stated that secession took place to protect states’ rights.
An act of treason should be treated as such – the Confederates caused terror to our great nation. Heroes? Terrorists? depends which side you are on– first fallacy– your Post title- no offense. Your post asks an open ended question and yet you are looking for a yes or no answer.
A closed ended question as your Post Heading would be more apt to getting an answer– are they heroes or terrorist no and yes respectively, or no and yes or no to both or yes to both. Or maybe there is no fallacy and your intent was exactly as what was presented– yet indeed a fallacy,
because in all things being clear- then no fallacy-
prime fallacy yielding an indubitably faulty response with no definite right of wrong answer-
correction to fallacy: you omitted a very important word:
a more apt and appropriate heading to this post: Were the Confederates American Heroes or terrorists?
Therefore your intended question can be answered. Otherwise confederates may be heroes – regional heroes to descendants of the Southern Plantation /slave owners’ legacy who engage in the duplicity involved with the whole confederate issue= Confederate Heroes not United States Heroes–to Americans=United States and Confederates=un-American since they seceded from the United States of America.
Now- this is tricky:
Can you imagine if Texas would want to secede based on an insurrection led by the Minute Men- what if they attacked Fort Bliss, and Fort Bliss already being infiltrated with anti-immigrant/xenophobic sentiment, surrendered and joined the Minute Men (only way otherwise the MM’s would be pulverized LOL) then you make the call.
Is this their every right based on Thomas Jefferson’s Declaration of Independence:
“When in the course of human events it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another and to assume among the powers of the earth, the separate and equal station to which the Laws of Nature and of Nature’s God entitle them, a decent respect to the opinions of mankind requires that they should declare the causes which impel them to the separation…”
or is this treason- rising up in arms against our country.
Revolutions would not exist if citizens were obliged to remain in a state of being that they did not want to be in. As long as government is legitimate then it is treason.
I with all certainty assert that the confederates not worthy of a capital “C” were traitors, defectors, terrorists, who committed an Act of Treason, because the union is “perpetual” when legitimate and the motives behind it all- slavery as a commodity and good of monetary value, and symbol of wealth and status as a result of possession there of. (i.e a plantation owner with 200 slaves…)
Now there are those who categorize the Civil War as a second American revolution or third, if the War of 1812 qualifies as the second revolution. To them — the Confederates would not be considered traitors, but rather – revolutionary heroes and martyrs.
Now as for your argument, as a probable proponent of banning the Confederate Flag- I agree-
You present a viable solution, at first glance, which in fact is not so viable. You state that states should honor the United States Flag and their state flag rather than the Confederate Flag. BUT some states have a Confederate Flag embossed on their state flag as well: i.e Mississippi, -now Alabama and Florida have those large red x’s with no stars resembling it -or a variation of the Confederate Flag.
In sum, I think the Confederate Flag is guilty by association LOL — most will always associate this disgraceful and dishonorable beacon of treason, treachery, bloodshed, that symbolizes the only war fought on U.S Soil with no grounds but bigotry and lack of love for our country.
Just in time,
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I helped Francisco with the title. Questions force readers to think.
Of course the Confederates were traitors. Which is why I remain opposed to their flag. It symbolizes hate and treason.
The Confederates should be remembered for what they were – racists who murdered a lot of good Americans on our soil.
Is it too late to let them secede?
Union Victory Appreciation Month begins at about 2 minutes 30 seconds:
Taking away Uncle Remus will not ever destroy his vision and understanding to us all. Taking away the Confederate Battle Flag is like attacking a ghost. The image remains – forever!
Every time you ban something…the value rises!
If the South had won……you all would be speaking with a Southern Accent! Considering yourselves as “Bigotry Busters” is a joke! All wars are economic and have absolutely nothing to do with any “Greatest Generation Tripe”! Heroes rise through oppostion and conflict. It is good to highlight the greatness of
U.S. Grant….just as it was to hightlight the exploits of “Moseby’s Rangers”! They were heroes all! Americans with different points of view. Just as the Great Tribes of Native Americans have been bigoted and marginalized against. Chochise, Geronimo, Sitting Bull and Black Hawk! Removing their totems is to deny their existence! Anyone that does that…is not very concerned with understanding the world or the truth about much of anything!
Before the civil war
Untied States = more than one state
After the civil war
Untied State_ = one master state ruling over the rest.
Before the civil war (in order of importance)
Individual rights
State rights
United states
After the civil war (in order of importance)
United State_
State rights, continually shrinking
Individual rights, almost gone.
If in the interests of the government way, (way = control) the government takes away property (legal property) by fiat without compensation and by force of arms. What is to stop the government from taking any and all properties whenever it suits them?
Now look out side at your automobile. How happy are you going to be when the government picks it up and impounds it forever because it has violated the new Global warming / Green policies the highbrows are fostering upon us now?
Cook. Thanks for plugging property rights, while we still have a few left.
Please consider attending our May 1st MORR Conference on this topic.
And no, I will not be the luncheon speaker.
Funny how it’s the Republicans here – from the “Party of Lincoln” – who stick up for the Confederate flag. Shoes have switched…
People who haven’t recently (or ever) boned up on their history may forget how infuriatingly CAUTIOUS Lincoln was from the very beginning. He never sought to outlaw slavery until well after the Civil War was under way.
All the 19th-century Republicans and their predecessors were doing in the years and decades leading up to the Civil War was to try to prevent the spread of slavery into the new territories and states of our quickly expanding nation. This drove the slave-owning states crazy, as they realized they were going to be a smaller and smaller minority. The election of Lincoln (whose supposed abolitionism they exaggerated in their paranoid minds) sent them over the edge.
They remind me of today’s Republicans, reacting to Obama’s very modest attempts at reform as though he was destroying the very nature of our nation and turning it Communist. Just some thoughts…
Welcome to the madhouse PACO! This post should have had a POLL, Art.
Brother Vern. Did you say president Obama and modest in the same comment?
Just checking.
You’re going off the deep end, Cook. Next you’ll be telling us not to fill out our census forms!
#5 Ron & Ann Winship, you state, “*Half Slave, Have Free?”
My Response:
All Free.
#5 You state, “All were Patriots, All had differences of opinion!”
My Response:
The confederates were not patriots. They were violating the basic meaning of our Preamble to the US Constitution…”In order to form a more perfect [UNION]…” The Union may have not been perfect, but they were attempting to destroy the UNITED states. They could have a difference of opinion, but to initiate war to destroy the UNION rather than help make it a “more perfect Union”, that was and is treasonous against the United States.
#5 you state, “The Confederate Battle Flag is a symbol our ability as a nation to [HEAR] from opposite sides of an issue.”
My Response:
1) This Is a False romanticized notion. To hear from two sides assumes a fair and balanced approach, with civility.
2) Yes, let’s think of what we HEARD, let’s think of that sound.
During slavery you most likely heard from the slave owner/ you most likely HEARD the crack of the Whip, and from the slave you heard the anguished cries caused by the whip.
And in the South after the Civil War, you still heard the whip, or about a lynching or actually saw more than one, whenever African-Americans voiced their “opinion” that they should be entitled to full equal rights.
So the Confederate Battle Flag did represent a symbol of Slavery, and continued Oppression and Brutality based on Bigotry.
#5 You state, “Lincoln prevailed. Lincoln died!”
My Response:
I know you know this…Lincoln was assassinated. He didn’t just simply die, nor did he live a happy life and die a peaceful death as Robert E. Lee did.
#5 you state, “Only bad people can convey evil – not the flags!”
MY Response:
You seem to want to have it BOTH ways.
On the one hand you say that Flags do NOT convey anything. But on the other hand you want to have us believe the Confederate Flag conveyed Good, and not evil (because as you tried to imply above, the “Confederate Flag is a symbol our ability as a nation to [HEAR] from opposite sides of an issue.”)
#5 you state, “Reconstruction lasted over 100 years and Carpetbagging Northeners raped, pillaged and violated the South… The Union prevailed and we all have had to pay the price for those 150 more years of bigotry and racial divide.”
My Response:
1) Again, you seem want to have it both ways…(you accuse me of using the Confederate Flag a symbol, and yet you use symbolism) People do things to people, and not people to symbols (nor geography), nor symbols to people.
2) Northerners raped the south. I thought People raped people, and not Northerners the south (geography).
3) You want to paint the South as the victim and the North as the aggressor.
Remember the “South” attacked the “North”/The United States.
Ask yourself, if the White Southerners had it so bad under Reconstruction, did African-Americans in the South have it better or worse than Whites during this 100 years?
Who was the recipient of this Bigotry and Oppression in the South?
Who was the perpetrator of this Bigotry and Oppression in the South?
4) Again, Lincoln was assassinated by a conspiracy of southern Confederate sympathizers who were opposed to abolition or to voting rights for recently emancipated slaves.
I guess they were also opposed to the ideals that Lincoln espoused with his “Malice toward none speech” about a month prior to the South’s surrender.
“With malice toward none, with charity for all, with firmness in the right as God gives us to see the right, let us strive on to finish the work we are in; to bind up the nation’s wounds; to care for him who shall have borne the battle, and for his widow and his orphan – to do all which may achieve and cherish a just and lasting peace, among ourselves, and with all nations.” Lincoln’s Second Inaugural Address, March 4, 1865.
You can admire and respect many of the contributions from Americans of the Deep South; and you can honor the VALOR of the Confederate Soldiers, but we can not and must not want to honor the CAUSE of wanting to break up the United States, nor to want to emphasize or celebrate the symbols (the Confederate Flag and the Confederacy) of brutality, bigotry and oppression as existed in the south before and after the Civil War.
Francisco Barragan (my opinions only and not those of any group)
Using Francisco Barragan reasoning above then:
George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, John Adams, Benjamin Franklyn, etc. Also Known as the fathers of the USA, would all be terrorists and the country they formed could only be a bigoted terrorist country.
cook, you have hit upon an excellent point. History treats winners a lot differently that losers – because winners write it.
If the South had won independence we might very well be referring to the Unpleasantness Between The States as a successful rejection of the social contract.
BTW, there’s no “y” in Franklin.
Mr. Barragan ignorance is blind!. Did you mention in your article that Southerns were ABOLICIONISTS (against SLAVERY), and Northens NOT!(in favor of SLAVERY)?. Did you Mr. Barragan mention the the Largest Cmentery of Slaves is in the NORTH and no in the South?.I have more question for you but I’ll give you time to mention WHY the South and the North fought?.
With all the respect I’m looking foward to read your answer.
You can’t just come here with unsupported crazy talk and expect to get a serious response. At least tell us WHERE you heard that the South was for abolition of slavery and the north was pro-slavery. Give us a link at least. Or “with all respect” I’ll just respond that the world is flat and the moon’s made of green cheese.
Come on guys, they resolved all this like 150 years ago.
#20 Cook:
You are correct, I am aware that the US started with flaws, even flaws by our Founding Fathers.
But the point is that as we moved to make this a “MORE perfect Union” through our established process and rule of law, such as abolish slavery, the majority (not all) in the South/Confederacy resisted this and wanted to dissolve the UNION, outside of the process.
And then subsequent to the Civil War, the majority in the South continued with the Oppression, brutality and bigotry of “Jim Crow” laws.
Francisco “Paco” Barragan (My opinions only and not those of any group)
The only reason this comes up now, Irvine, is that there’s lotsa southern Republicans out there now, for SOME reason, trying to rewrite the history again. Maybe to keep SOME of their constituents happy. Maybe to cement their party loyalty while they go through the intense trauma of having a Black President.
Excellent post, excellent thread. I’ve learned a lot from it.
I’m waiting for an answer from #22 Mr. Freedom.
And I agree totally with Ron and Anna. Tiger Woods is very very bad man.
I hate to admit it Lam, but I’ve been learning a lot from it too, and thinking a lot. I think the majority of us here (those of us who aren’t slavery apologists) are reacting strongly to the recent whitewashing of history we’ve seen from the Virginia governor and elsewhere, which I interpret as the GOP trying to regain its racist cred to retain the allegiance of those voters who can’t stand having a black president.
I got a bad feeling voting for “treasonous terrorists” in this poll when I thought about your average Confederate grunt who owned no slaves and just thought he was fighting for his homeland. The Confederate leadership maybe, their intellectual godfather Calhoun maybe.
And then Cook’s comment #20 (NOT Cook’s other comments) got me thinking. Our Founding Fathers WERE treasonous terrorists, from the point of view of the British and the at least 1/3 of their (“Tory”) fellow citizens who considered themselves loyal subjects of the crown.
I tried in my head making the excuse that our Founding Fathers tried all means of redress before taking up arms. But Southerners in the 1850s & 60s said the same thing.
The Southerners fired the first shots at Fort Sumter (Honest Abe waited for them to.) I don’t remember who fired the first shots in the Revolution, it’s probably in dispute.
It comes down to the fact that our Founding Fathers fought for self-rule and self-representation, where as the Confederacy, no matter how they whitewash it, fought to keep slavery, their “peculiar institution.” There would have been no Civil War without them seceding, and they wouldn’t have seceded if it weren’t for the desire to hang on to their peculiar institution.
*John Brown was an “Abolitionist”…every heard of “John Brown’s Raid”? Ever heard of “54/40 or Fight!” Ever heard of a Republican Party that became because the “Whigs” and the “Do-Nothing” Parties became marginalized and so the Republican Party of 1858 was idea founded by necessity. The Democrats held the majority…just as they do now!
As usual, the Democrats were splint on everything, including Slavery! The British Slavers and monied interest were working both sides of the street…in order to get the Southern Cotton at a good price. The British as usual, wanted a war between the states, so they could sell both sides weapons. Starts to get boring doesn’t it? Same of strategy….same day different war!
Alot of brothers, fathers and cousins died representing both sides. Families were torn apart…and this is the reason that there were no winners in this war! We had two Union Generals from our Family and One Confederate! Charleston and Atlanta were annilated by Sherman’s March to the Sea! Renting Gone with the Wind occasionally and watching it again…..are still revealing!
I thought the British had abolished slavery by the civil war and they declared themselves neutral in the whole sordid affair?
Renting Gone with the Wind occasionally and watching it again…..are still revealing!
You two watch Gone With the Wind to learn your history.
THAT is revealing.
And unsurprising.
And funny!
#29 Ron & Ana:
I replied at post #19 to your post at #5.
I think it would be helpful to me, you and other readers, if you address my points at #19.
“Gone with the Wind” is Hollywood…”Birth of A Nation” is Hollywood.
Unfortunately, we can not have a “Director’s Cut” or sugar-coating revisionism of our history.
I can admire the VALOR and service of the Confederate Soldiers, and I appreciate the fact that there were many southerners opposed to slavery of the south; however, this is different from celebrating the CAUSE of secession and TREASON of the South, for want of continued slavery, and the bigotry and oppression that existed in the South through “Jim Crow” laws, which the Confederacy and the Confederate Flag represent.
Mississippi (MS) has also declared Confederate History Month, and has also ignored slavery…another attempt at Revisionism!
Mississippi Confederate History Month ignores slavery!…and the Racism and bigotry inherent in it.
and yet…
Mississippi’s declaration of secession before the Civil War said: “Our position is thoroughly identified with the institution of slavery — the greatest material interest of the world. Its labor supplies the product, which constitutes by far the largest and most important portions of commerce of the earth. These products are peculiar to the climate verging on the tropical regions, and by an imperious law of nature, none but the black race can bear exposure to the tropical sun. These products have become necessities of the world, and a blow at slavery is a blow at commerce and civilization.””
Francisco “Paco” Barragan
Francisco, I’m not sure why you’d waste your time trying to debate the Winship.
Vern, the confederates were no heroes; but I would not describe them terrorists. The word Terrorist have been wayyy overused in the last 10 years.
Francisco “Paco” Barragan – Your #19 answer is: Harriet Beecher Stowe. My other answer is “Huckleberry Finn” by Mark Twain.
Bad Rapping on “Gone with the Wind” is pretty funny.
None of you were even born
in 1939. Margaret Mitchell might want to have words with you “History Revisionist Types”! Vern didn’t get an A in High School History either! You boyz need a couple of weeks in Biloxi, Mississippi studying your shoes.
Lam Pho is still “ill informed” as usual!
Lincon was a master of symbolism. He did not sent Northen troopers to fight against southerners to free the slave. That was an excuse he used to gain European support. Liconln once wrote to the New York times that if he could save the union and not abolish slavery he wouuld.
The Confederacy was established by White Southerners on the ideology of White Supremacy. “Our new government’s foundation are laid, its conerstone rests, upon the great truth that the Negro is NOT EQUAL to the White Man , that slavery-subordination to the superior race- is his natural and normal condition.” Alexander Stephens vice president of the Confederacy
To the author:
Just reading your article you sound like a very ignorant person. You have no facts to support anything that you claim. First, you claim that that the confederates were treasonous, treason is when someone or group betrays their nation for a foreign nation, what foreign nation did confederates support? Second, you claim they were terrorists, how many civillians did they kill? Confederates did not “start the war” as you claim, they only sesceded from the union because Abraham Lincoln and the federal government were trying to take away their free trade, the union started the actual war. You claim slavery and bigotry as the main reasons but facts say otherwise, Letters and Documents from that time indicate that confederate general Robert E. Lee was against slavery, Abraham Lincoln said that he believed whites were the dominant race and that if he coup keep the union intact without releasing a single slave he would do that. The emancipation proclomation only claimed that in a time of rebellion that all slaves in the rebelling areas, seven union states still had slavery after the emancipation proclamation. Only 6% of the confederate population owned slaves, there were over 132,000 free africans in the confederacy. People who think the civil war was about slavery are just uneducated idiots who dont actually know what their talking about
Treason means to betray your country or attempt to overthrow your government/leader, a foreign country does not need to be involved, many in England and many other countries over history have been put to death for treason without another country being involved.
The article writer is not the ignorant one on this point
There were terrorists on both sides and heroes on both sides – but mostly soldiers who did their duty.
Examples, please? Which was Gen. Sherman?