That is a good question.
One of the fun things about public records searches is that you can also see who is doing searches. Now that’s good, clean fun!
We found out that Matthew J. Cunningham of the formerly Red County blog did a public records search on County Clerk candidate and Republican Hugh Nguyen. He asked for Nguyen’s e-mails since the invention of the computer. Well, over two year’s worth, anyway.
Read the rest of “Why is ‘Red County’ Editor Searching Records on Republican?”
Too bad we can’t see the emails between Jerbal, the Diocese of Orange and pedophile protector John Urell.
Please use the photo with the whiskers.
Back in the 1990’s during his trial for murdering Polly Klass, Richard Allen Davis gave the finger and yelled an epithet at the family of the murdered child.
California was SHOCKED, the LA Times, The OC Register and even the SF Chron ran articles about the incident. My brother and I, Petaluma residents at the time wondered how naive the public could be. This guy raped and murdered a child, and society was surprised that he’d say “FUCK YOU”.
My point: Matt published the names of rape victims, perhaps in venengence, so why would we be surprised that he investigated one of his own party when it was a threat to his money chain. It makes you wonder does he have any real views?
This kind of search is what hired guns do – this guy Cunningham is apparently such a hired gun. Is there anyone on earth who would not be embarrassed by at least one e-mail they sent in the last two years? A pathetic way to make a living, right down there with pond scum.
Renee Ramirez has a funky body wide shoulders, big chichis,no butt. Tom Daly and Renee make a good couple they’re both GROSS!!!!
The problem here has been Renee Ramirez all along, I don’t think Tom Daly knew how much Renee Ramirez was hated by most of her co-workers, so therefore people hate Tom for giving Renee more power as his Asst.Clerk-Recorder to do whatever she wants. Tom Daly should have gotten rid of Renee along time ago and he would not be in this situation with most of his employees. TOM DALY OPEN YOUR EYES AND SEE THAT YOUR HATED BY MOST OF YOUR EMPLOYEES THANKS TO RENEE RAMIREZ!!! All issues with your employees are handle by Renee and i bet most of the time your not even awere of them. And because of your casual approach to your employees needs IT WILL COST YOU THE ELECTION!!! MR. NGUYEN YOU GOT MY VOTE!!