Good news for our gay brothers and sisters, and liberty and equality in general, passed on by the moral-authority-free Marty Wisckoll:
For the first time, more Californians favor gay marriage (50 percent) than oppose it (45 percent), according to a new poll by the Public Policy Institute of California. Among likely voters support is virtually the same and within the margin of error, 49 percent to 45 percent.
Since PPIC began asking the question in 2000, support has never before been more than 45 percent.
“There are clear partisan divisions: majorities of Democrats (64%) and independents (55%) are in favor, and most Republicans (67%) are opposed,” according to the PPIC summary.
Meanwhile, 75 percent of Californians favor repealing the “Don’t ask, don’t tell” policy for gays in the military…
I still think it’s premature to put this up on the ballot again this year, when it could be so close – but if the groups supporting the repeal of Prop 8 insist on not waiting till ’12, then they can sure count on my support!
Thanks Vern.
I hope I will see the day when other same sex couples once again have equal rights.
And yes Terry I know, we need to be libertarian minded about this.
No, Jim, you and me and Art are the libertarians here.
Terry’s position (and I try hard to grasp it, so I may still be getting it wrong, he may come by, correct me and confuse us further) is an eccentric one: By allowing Californians to marry the person they love regardless of gender we are creating a “SPECIAL RIGHT” for gays – we become “GAY MARRIAGE EXCLUSIVISTS.”
The only positions that pass muster with Crowley (and I’m really trying to get this right)are the status quo, no marriage at all, or anyone can marry any person animal or object or numbers of those that they want.
In real life, WE are the libertarians. Terry lives in his mystifying head.