Libertarian Latino Carlos Rodriguez running for Congress in the 28th District

Here is an interesting press release from a Libertarian Latino who is running for the U.S. Congress, in the 28th District.


Carlos A. Rodriguez, Esq., Rodriguez Goes to Washington Committee (818) 773-7494


Pledges Immigration Reform

San Fernando, California, March 8, 2010. – The immigration system is broken, and no representative from the state of California has had the courage to deal with this issue head on. Carlos Rodriguez has been animmigration lawyer for over 15 years and has intimate knowledge of this crisis. He has seen the frustration anddespair on the faces of Americans & immigrants alike because of this failed government policy.

On March 11, 2010, at approximately noon, Mr. Rodriguez will hold a press conference to officially announcehis candidacy for the 28th Congressional District of California in front of the Registrar of Voters Office inNorwalk. The district he intends to represent encompasses the heart of the San Fernando Valley in Los AngelesCounty along with areas of Hollywood, and is currently represented by 28 year incumbent Howard Berman.

Carlos advocates a common sense approach to the immigration dilemma, favoring a strong guest workerprogram for those who want to come to this country to work and contribute to the economy.

The undocumented who have lived here a certain number of years, paid taxes, learned English, avoided criminalbehavior should be allowed to apply for their residency. Carlos believes in restoring order to the border throughour military forces which are being misused overseas. He believes entitlements such as education and medicalcare are seen by many as incentives for illegal immigration and thus should be removed not only for immigrants,but for all people. Such services are best provided by the private sector.

A sensible immigration policy has always been the cornerstone of a strong economy and free society. The sameover regulation which is killing our businesses have created our modern immigration mess. Carlos will fight for:a strong guest worker program, a compassionate legalization program, and a restoration of order to the border.

Carlos A. Rodriguez has been an immigration lawyer since 1994, having fled socialist Cuba over 40 years ago. He works and lives in the San Fernando Valley with his wife, a school teacher, and their two children.


About Art Pedroza