State agencies blew over $75 million on vehicles, furniture and meetings

“Even as the state grappled with a budget crisis last year, bureaucrats spent nearly $45 million on new vehicles, almost $30 million on new furniture and more than $2 million on off-site meetings and conferences, a legislative panel has found,” according to the Los Angeles Times.

This is truly a disgusting story.  Be sure to read the L.A. Times article so you can see for yourself how our state agencies waste our money.

“The expenditures were outlined in a report released Monday by the Assembly Committee on Accountability and Administrative Review, which plans to call on state agency managers to explain their spending at a hearing Wednesday.”

Will the Democrats who control our State Legislature actually do anything about this?  I truly doubt it.  Their new leader, John Perez, was talking about raising our taxes, again, even before he took over for Karen Bass.

Tea Party!

About Art Pedroza