Please welcome Sgt. York to the Orange Juice blog

The Red Coats at the “Meg County Blog” better take cover!

Aaron F. Park, who used to blog at Red County as “Sgt. York,” is coming to the Orange Juice blog!

Park is the 4 term California Republican Assembly Sgt. at Arms. He has served on the Placer County Republican Central Committee. Park is well-known for hard-hitting blogging and campaign warfare for conservative candidates and causes.

Park was railroaded by Red County editor Chip Hanlon for backing Republican Steve Poizner, while being paid by a Poizner consultant to help his campaign.  These charges looked quite silly when we broke the news that Hanlon got paid $20,000 by Poizner’s weird opponent, Meg Whitman, ostensibly for ads.  That looked really odd when the news broke that other advertisers pay a lot less to be seen on Red County, which according to NBC is a blog with a “limited readership.”

I have invited Park to cross-post his work here at the Orange Juice and he will likely post original commentary as well.  Park lives up north and I expect he will greatly add to our coverage of California politics.

Welcome aboard Sgt. York!  Go get em!

About Art Pedroza