Democrats loaded but lacking momentum going into the mid-term elections

There is good news and bad news for Republicans as we enter the New Year.

On the one hand, 11 Democrats have announced their retirement from the House of Representatives.  And the news gets even better for the GOP.

“In the Senate, at least four Democrats — including Majority Leader Harry Reid of Nevada and five-term Connecticut Sen. Chris Dodd — are in serious trouble. The party could also lose its grip on seats Obama held in Illinois and Vice President Joe Biden long occupied in Delaware,” according to the Washington Times.

The recent terrorist attack on a jet flight from Europe to Detroit has compounded things, particularly in the wake of Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano’s ridiculous comment that the “system worked.”

Our wars are not faring well.  Unemployment is at least 10%.  And President Obama has yet to do anything for Latinos – in fact Napolitano has cracked down on immigrants during her tenure.  Nor has Obama done a thing for gay rights.

The bad news for Republicans?  They are broke and cannot fund any congressional races.

“The National Republican Congressional Committee, the key cog in helping to finance GOP campaigns, has banked less than a third as much money as its Democratic counterpart and is ending the year with barely enough money to fully finance a single House race — no less the dozens that will be in play come 2010,” according to

Apparently the GOP members of Congress are not giving as much money as usual to the RNC.

If the GOP is to retake Congress it won’t be with money.  It will be on the back of volunteers, like those Americans involved in the Tax Revolt.

Funny that the Democrats are now the party with all the money – and seemingly all the headaches too.

About Art Pedroza