Who was that Jerk yelling Liar at Obama? Joe Wilson (R-SC)


During the President’s speech to a joint session of Congress, Rep. Addison Graves “Joe” Wilson (R-SC), yelled out to the President of the United States “You Lie!” At the time, President Obama was explaining that health care reform would not cover illegal aliens. While some Republicans booed, Joe Wilson took things a step further. Such incivility and boorishness; such inexplicably disrespectful and rude behavior tells us all that we need to know about Mr. Wilson and much about the party that he belongs to.    The tatters of the GOP are knee jerk reactionaraies as we have seen even in ANTICIPATION of the President’s message to school children yesterday.  Rude and Clueless.

The president has promised to call out liars and address those who stand in the way of reforms.  I guess he’s finally had enough, too.  Good!

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