Republican U.S. Senator John Ensign and his jilted wife, Darlene, along with Cindy and Doug Hampton, at a High School Reunion
Picture Courtesy of Inside Edition
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“Senator John Ensign of Nevada resigned his position as the fourth-ranking Republican leader in the Senate on Wednesday after publicly confessing to an extramarital affair with a former staff member,” according to the New York Times.
Ensign was supposed to be a rising star in the GOP. Now he is done. And to make matters worse, he had an affair with a married woman whose husband worked for him. She did too. And so did her son!
“The 19-year-old son of a woman who reportedly had an affair with Nevada Sen. John Ensign was being paid by the National Republican Senatorial Committee during the relationship, federal election records show,” according to the L.A. Times.
Oh my. And Ensign was apparently an ultra-conservative Talibani type Republican. He was fervently against gay marriage. But he apparently was okay with cheating on his wife and sleeping with his employee’s wife. Aye Dios!
Can the GOP survive any more hits? How sad as we need a party that can stand up to Obama – but the Republican Party has become a complete joke.
This is a great example of “third rail” media breaking a big story. Politco did a great job here.
This is a greater example of political hypocrisy, A so called “promise keeper” this lying sack of sh*t called for others to resign, villified them while he was doing the same thing.
Let’s see:
Ensign, Vitter (Diaper Dave, Haggard, Larry Craig, Mark Foley, Jeff Gannon, Newt Gingrich, Livingston……..WTF
Hypocrisy at it’s best. Better than the pius Molesters in my church exposed, except that most of these guys nailed women, not kids.
another story from our anti republican basher pedroza zzzzzzzz .lets see if i can counter this one . CLINTON , EDWARDS , RECONQUISTA , SPITZER , wonder why art does not write a post another dem caught cheating on his wife . OH I KNOW WHY they have a D next to their name . . its a 2 way street but in wacko pedroza land its his usual one way only .
Folks, I do not see anything wrong here!
If I would be Santa Ana mayor, as alpha mail, I would arrange for John to visit our Science Center while I would be kindly screwing his Cindy in my office.
So please have my honesty on your mind next election.
Geez, it’s happening right under your noses people! One day, maybe the residents of SA will be surprised by photos! I have to agree with this though: “Infidelity almost inevitably implies a pattern of deception.”
Unless you are a one-sided political hack, you quickly realize that the Democrat Party is a joke too. But if you point the finger at just one side that makes you….
Funny–regarding Loretta Sanchez’s adultery, duplojohn could only say that “she’s hot!” But with Ensign, he’s full of righteous indignation and moral judgment. Hmmmm, how do we explain such radically divergent responses? Furthermore, would someone please explain why the Sen. Ensign story is front page news in Washington two days in a row, while the equally egregious adultery of Rep. Loretta Sanchez is completely ignored by the congressional media? Could it be that she is a Democrat and Ensign is a Republican? That would appear to be the only plausible explanation.
Funny–regarding your post about Loretta Sanchez’s adultery, duplojohn’s response was “she’s hot!” But with Sen. Ensign, he’s full of righteous indignation and moral judgment. Hmmmm, how do we explain such radically divergent responses? I guess he’s not hot? Furthermore, would someone please explain why the Sen. Ensign story is front page news in Washington two days in a row, while the equally egregious adultery of Rep. Loretta Sanchez is completely ignored by the congressional media? Could it be that she is a Democrat and Ensign is a Republican? Or is it because she’s a she? Food for thought.
My amigo Art. If you need to translate something to Espanol, please ask a Latino fellow like me or anybody with good Spanish background in “Santana”. “Mamacita” is the write way to spell it; not mamasita. By the way, Sen. Ensign’s mistress doesn’t look Mamacita to me.
post 5 and 6 you hit a home run . we know why . if its a dem its on the back pages in small print . if its a rep . its in 12 inch print in the 1st page so everyone can see it . . look at edwards he did it and all you heard was cricket noises .
First, let me say publicly, I see no difference in the actions of Clinton, Edwards Spitzer ect… EXCEPT: They did not proclaim to be a “PROMISE KEEPER” whose sole mission is to “Serve as a man with integrity” and who stood in front of 100,000 people and claimed to abide by Promise Number Three: Leading A Life Of Sexual Purity…..
As for Edwards specifically, I think his affair was perhaps the most destructive because I am of the belief that he is SOLEY responsible for the election of Barack Obama instead of Hillary Clinton, who would have easily won the Iowa caucus had he been honest and released his delegates. His support would have likely gone to HRC and pushed her past Obama, when in concert with New Hampshire and Michigan, it would have beenm over. I am pissed about that and I think he’s a asshole.
Lastly Loretta Sanchez is HOT!! and John Ensign is NOT!
I used the pocho spelling on purpose, give our readership and the subject matter. And yes, she is no “mamacita!”
you hit a home run. we know why. if its a rep who pontificates about “family values”, his supporters conveniently become unable to see that hypocrisy.
Get a clue, not-so-great-one…and with regards to Edwards and the media coverage, are you kidding? Were you taking a not-so-great nap that week?
OK, duplojohn, good answer.(And sorry for the double comment–oops.) Still, Ensign did confess, unlike Edwards who had to be hunted down by the tabloid papparazzi. Also, Loretta espouses family values and Catholic morality in her autobiographical “sister act” book, “Dream In Color.” It’s not the strident Promise Keepers variety, but it’s definitely there. So, while Playgirl Loretta never held herself out as a moral paragon, you can’t give her a complete pass on the hypocrisy issue. Even Playgirls should play among the single men. She gets a pass because she is a woman, a Democrat, and she is undeniably popular. The question is, when will she do her contrite public confession? Probably sometime before Van Tran starts the attack campaign.
post 12 what news where you watching or reading . the ny times or l.a. times or watching msnbc . that news was hidden it barely made a blepp on the radar . i was wide awake because i had to keep my eyes open to find the story . of course your pals at msnbc where more n likely saying edward was setup . ha .
Art, the female pictured above is not Cindy Hampton. That’s his wife, Darlene. Here’s a link of a photo of their family with their three children:
The rich get to screw around, the middle class are too busy working to pay the taxes, while the underserved and the vunerable are booping the babies out like rabbits.
So its not a republican vs Dem thing, its just who has the time to think about the hanky panky:)
Ensign is getting hammered because he has been a raligious right, family values hypocrite. Loretta Sanchez is most famous for her attempt to hold a fundraiser at the Playboy Mansion during the Dem Convention in 2000. She has cultivated a racy image through her x-mas cards and public persona. So, when she has her own little sex scandal, no one can accuse her of being a hypocrite.
“Dems seem to follow the golden rule of politics:
Deny everything until someone produces the film
or pictures on My Space or You Tube! Then admit
it was a complete oversight! Bill Clinton, John
Edwards and all the rest!” Edwards really was
the worst…for fooling around on his wife while
she struggled with Cancer….
Republicans on the other hand: “Take the high ground and push toilet paper with notes on it under the other guys stall at airports. Then Republicans like Bob Barr and Newt and all the John Ensigns out there…..have all invested in hedge funds and derivatives. All have Swiss Bank Accounts and all could car less about what the public thinks. To these club’s all just a joke!
Both parties make their money on the side….and really have no respect for themselves, their families, the public, or the system. We agree with Michelle Q.
Loretta Sanchez es una verguenza y un asco de mujer. Su falta de criterio, falta de clase y cerebro es algo que no deja de seguir destruyendo la imagen de los mexicanos/mexiquenses y por su puesto a la mujer latina en si. Pobre zorra, hace el ridiculo. Es una mujer que se le nota lo vulgar y corriente. Tal vez surga una candidata latina con mas clase, educacion,inteligencia, y sin vicios. Esta mujer a sido un gargajo- pero con que poca cosa guanga se deslumbran los que la llaman “hot”. Yo estoy de visita en el condado de orange– pero me da verguenza todo lo que se dice de esta politica aqui en los estados unidos. Un tiempo atraz su propio grupo democrata tuvo turbios rumores de esta mujer y la llamaron zorra y ella se indigno–por favor– esta mujer parece una borracha. Quizas los editores de este blog puedan ayudar a corregir la imagen de la mujer latina. Me divierten los segmentos. Gracias a los editores por hacer un ezfuerzo por incluir un poco
sabor latino con lo bilingue–el Aye Dios quedo muy bien.. Adelante para los editores. Y si pueden traducir lo escrito por favor. Disculpen mi falta de octografia, soy medico y mi fuerte siempre ha estado en otro ramo –osea las ciencas y me disculpan. Buen dia, Chao hermanos.
post 19 english only . how do you expect people to respond to you when no one understands you .
Yes and No “The great one”. He/she could have translated such good comments she made on Loretta Sanchez, but it doesn’t mean that she can’t make any comments on any issues. After all, more than 30% of the population in OC have Latino backgrounds, and most of them speak Espanol. Maybe this guy simply wants to reach out to some people in his neighborhood and make a point. And maybe you ought to be trying to learn a language (Spanish) that is becoming more mainstream in our communities. Please don’t bring your “Minuto hombre” here. This is a free blog.
cm fellow news to you i speak and understand spanish is it becoming more of a mainstream language or is it taking over OUR COUNTRY . this is america WE SPEAK english here first . you should try and learn IT when you come here . the problem with today is that no one speaks english anymore . go to mickeys d or taco bell when you come in everyone in the back is yacking in spanish you come up to the counter and you are expected to speak spanish . it should be the other way around . when you take a drivers test it should be in one language only . the sign states STOP not alto . i dont have ill feelings to anyone who cant speak english if they just came here . but when i hear they have been here 15 years and dont speak english . OR DONT WANT TO SPEAK ENGLISH THATS WHEN I HAVE A PROBLEM .
Now that we learn that Faux News tipped off the Senator, and watching how he paid hush money makes this a spectacle.
Just like the GOP.
People in glass houses shouldnt throw stones. Remember also Henry Hyde, Livingston, Mc Cain! This isnt a democrat republican issue…it is a moral issue and the big mouths who spent 8 years and 75 million of our tax dollars to down Clinton are now going to pay the price. I am just glad the last 2 didnt drag their wives out in front of the press!
Yes, this clearly is a bi-partisan activity. Rep. Loretta Sanchez is probably the next politician to be inducted into the adultery hall of fame, when she admits to her affair with Jack Einwechter, which led to her divorce and his.