So the left made themselves hysterical over the Tea Parties. One more party they won’t be invited to join. Running for Miss America is out, running for Governor is out – if you follow the candidates – and pretty soon anybody who is left of center won’t have a friend who doesnt sound just like them. Thats because they are just plain angry these days. All left over from a long political campaign and nothing to gripe about except nothing to gripe about.
US News and World Report Online asked “Why is the left so angry?” I ask, why is the Left so MAD? When talking about the Tea Parties, they throw in references to anti-Muslim rhetoric, swastikas, and rising gun sales as well. I’ve never seen so much evidence that something “insubstantial” and “hooey” was clearly very substantial and a big problem.
So, those who have a stake in bigger government, higher taxes and higher spending, felt threatened.
The sad fact is, those people were expressing the classic impulse in this society. Less. That was the impulse that drove the founders. Conservation. Conserving impulses. Conserving resources. Conserving freedom. Today, there isn’t a cause a BIG GOVERNMENT person cant find that they dont want MORE of YOUR resources FOR. And the secret is, they are Democrats AND Republicans.
I am A CONSERVATIONIST. No more Conservative. No more Left and Right. This is about POWER. And on the Left and the RIght, the people who seek power are the people who want government to do more and more and more. And the people losing power are the people who want government to do less.
Now, its clear from the talk that the Madam DeFarges of the modern era want to see their enemies not just beaten, but destroyed and humiliated. They have no trouble rendering “verdict first, trial later”. They want to see them walked from the gallows to the guillotine. I am going to write about this very specifically in my next column but my short answer is: BRING IT ON.
The Madam DeFarges always forget they end up eating their own. One should not forget Mr Obama’s answer when asked a hypothetical about the use of strenuous interrogation techniques. The man who has made it cool to act like America ain’t so cool has put those techniques on the OK list, under certain circumstances. Once the Madam DeFarges are done with each other they pluck out their eyes with their knitting needles to keep from seeing what they dont want to see. And they are never, never, the last ones standing.
I hate to say it, but the angriest folks I speak to are those on the right. It is no contest…
Brilliant Terry.
YouR right it is not a dem/repub thing. Its about watching this country going down the drain!!
More and More of American’s of every race,creed,back ground do not want to take the left distroying our brilliant country anymore!!
We have got to let these representives know that we are watching them now, because we don’t trust any of them.
The left is angry, because the people are starting to question the real reason why the left wants to quiet the voice of the people so much?
The left make’s alot of money off the poor and ignorant. They want to keep it that way!!
I hate to say it, but the most pathetic people I talk to are those who claim not to be on the left or the right.
And ask yourself this: if you proclaim your views, who is more likely to call you names? There is no contest to the drivel of ism’s the Left spews forth.
If you drive around with peace stickers and upside down fishes on your car in a conservative neighborhood, are you going to get your car keyed?
Try doing that with a McCain sticker in a democrat neighborhood. Wait, you wouldnt.
You’re right. It is no contest. Listen to Janean Garafolo. She’s your liberal spokeshole.
the left is by far the most angriest party . they dont have bush to blame for everything anymore . the party has been hijacked by the aclu and move on .org . post 3 is correct their spoke holes are msnbc and janean garafolo a 3rd rate failed talk show host . telling people that if you are for the tax tea party your a racist toward obama . how clueless is this loon.