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Provide notification to citizens of local, regional, national and international emergencies utilizing the Internet and electronic mail (email) in a secure and expedient manner.”

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State Emergency Plan

Emergency Plan (Proposed)

Take Charge California

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Reporting Transparency in Government

Amber Alert

California's Economic Recovery Portal

Governor Schwarzenegger
Reporting Transparency in CA Government recovery.ca.govGovernor's Latest Video

Governor's Environmental and Economic Leadership Awards ProgramCalifornia on YouTube mobile.ca.gov

Public CalendarsTraffic web camsPublic Records Searches

Green California90 Days of HopeCalifornia School Finder

www.dtv.gov logoDMV office locator

N11 (211-311-411-511-611-711-811-911) directoriesWiFi spots in California

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California Emergency Management Agency

California Governor’s Office of Emergency Services.

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Response and Recovery

Cal EMA Regions

Current Information

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Disasters XML orange button

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Available Feeds

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About Jill Puich

Teacher (20 years) Political Gawker Blogger