Are the California GOP leaders afraid of the Tea Parties?

(Picture Courtesy of the John and Ken Show)

Debra Saunders ripped the California Republican Party in a column in today’s San Francisco Chronicle.  It turns out that the Tea Parties are more about attacking the GOP than the Democrats.  I find that a little hard to believe given the massive anti-Obama sentiment at the O.C. Tea Parties, but here is how Saunders explains her theory:

Republican politicians are afraid of their base. Very afraid. Press folks have categorized the April 15 TEA parties – TEA for “Taxed Enough Already” – as anti-President Obama, anti-government and even “anti-CNN.” But it is GOP leaders who are scared senseless (for want of a better word) by the protests.

GOP officials are so afraid of becoming talk-show pariahs that the California Republican Party executive committee voted to oppose all six ballot measures, Propositions 1A to 1F, on the May 19 special-election ballot. That’s an amazing decision, considering that the cash-poor California GOP had given $650,000 to Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger’s political action committee, which is supporting all six measures. Not only that: Republicans came up with Props. 1D, 1E and 1F.

Mike Spence, head of the state GOP initiatives committee, told the Sacramento Bee that the party decided to oppose all six measures to avoid diluting the “no” message. Hmmm. That sure seems to suggest that party solons think their voters are too stupid to vote no on some but yes on others.

It certainly does seem like the CA GOP’s leaders are running scared.  And that donation to Schwarzenegger is inexcusable.  My suggest?  If you are still a Republican, quit your party NOW.  File as either a Libertarian or as a Decline to State voter.  And be sure to send a copy of your new voter registration to Scott Baugh, the chairman of the OC GOP, and to Ron Nehring, the Chairman of the CA GOP.

About Admin

"Admin" is just editors Vern Nelson, Greg Diamond, or Ryan Cantor sharing something that they mostly didn't write themselves, but think you should see. Before December 2010, "Admin" may have been former blog owner Art Pedroza.