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President Obama’s White House has said it plans to address immigration reform in the coming weeks and months. A welcome turn! First and foremost, the Presidents duty is to protect and defend the Constitution of the United States and, by extension, every American citizen. The Constitution of the United States calls for “a uniform Rule of Naturalization”. Everyone must abide by the rule, and everyone must follow the same rule. To not follow the Constitution would be a violation of his duties as President and a violation of his sacrament to protect the American citizen. He should:
1. Acknowledge that no one is going to be deported. It would be impossible and impractical. They will leave under their own power.
2. No one is going to benefit from taxes they paid as illegals.
3. Make the 1 million legal immigrants with Masters and PhDs wating for jobs “in limbo” the highest priority.
4. Should DOUBLE the penalty for employing illegals with ten years in jail and stiffer fines, with enforcement measures modeled after the Arizona Legal Workers Act, a model upheld by courts.
5. Make the visa system work so the 50% of illegals who enter via JFK and just “overstay” are constantly tracked. Sort of like if they had stopped making payments on school loans. “We will not rest” would be a good slogan.
A few facts:
Now, the Ba’athi fascists in this country, who love to rule by tyranny of the minority, will fuss, cry and scream about the unfairness of applying “standards” to this problem, when the problem is standards have not been enforced for some time.
It is my postulation that Obama, who today holds numbers SIMILAR or LOWER than George W in his first 60 days as a President “chosen by the Supreme Court”, that he will take a tack very similar to the one listed here. Amnesty WILL NOT be on the agenda.
You started good, but then you ended up with quoting from some outdated polls.
At least you didn’t post all rubbish, so keep working on it…
Now to the content:
1. and 2. are pretty much common sense.
3. Shows that you have either no clue or can’t formulate. The people waiting for their Greencards to be processed HAVE jobs, they are NOT waiting for jobs. Their Greencards are employment-sponsored, and it is required for them to have jobs to be legal. They are still in limbo (you got that right, at least) because they are waiting for the Greencards to be approved. Thi waiting time, btw, was down to less than 2 years at the time the previous Democratic President left office. It was up 6 years when the last Republican President left office.
4. No objection from anybody, I guess (except employers who hire illegals…)
5. This is of course not possible in a democratic republic. It seems you are advocating a communist regime, like in East Germany. Interesting that a hardcore Republican who leaves no stone unturned to find a way to label Obama a “socialist” has no problem promoting socialist and communist ideas.
You show again that you are utterly confused, a sign of Alzheimers’, maybe?
Oh, and the last amnesty of course was done while Mr. Reagan, up to this day the main Republican icon, was President. It was signed into law on Nov. 6, 1986…
Joe, maybe you think someone on temporary visa, especially an educated worker, has a fine job. but that is not the reality.
Eight years ago, India-born Sacheen Kamath was hired by a U.S. technology start-up that was so successful it was quickly gobbled up by a California networking giant.
Although Kamath’s work as computer engineer has been stellar — he’s led the development of a next-generation networking product — his life here has begun to fall apart.
With his temporary visa, he can’t get a promotion because any change in his job description, or even his salary, would force him to reapply for a new visa. The temporary status makes it difficult to plan ahead and do simple things like look for a new job or even buy a house.
That is a Civil Rights Issue that, in a falling economy, deserves the strictest attention.
Oh, and interesting that you would find a proposal to track law-breakers “socialist”. That is government I support.
The best stimulus would be another Amnesty, like the one Ronald Reagan signed into law.
GAY FREEDOM is the civil rights issue of this time.
You watch, in a few years those on the “YES ON 8” issue will be clamoring about how they supported the rights.
This is a microcosim of 1960.
#2: Unlike you, I have first-hand experience of being a worker on a temporary visa, called H-1B.
So, don’t try to patronize me.
I have been through all this stuff.
“With his temporary visa, he can’t get a promotion because any change in his job description, or even his salary, would force him to reapply for a new visa. The temporary status makes it difficult to plan ahead and do simple things like look for a new job or even buy a house.”
I don’t know where you got that from, but it is simply NOT true.
First off, salary increases are NEVER a problem. I have had regular salary increases while I was on H-1B.
Second, in 2001, it has been made much easier for people who are waiting for their GC to change jobs.
Third, it is of course possible for people on H-1B or while waiting for the GC approval to buy a house or condo. Friends of mine have done just that while on H-1B.
So, next time, educate yourself about the issues instead of posting things that are clearly wrong.
And the “socialist” part is the tracking. In a democratic society, it is NOT possible to track people. If you want tracking, you are by definition advocating a socialist or communist rule.
Good post.