As I entered the Board meeting room of the OC Board of Supervisors this morning I found a “standing room only” gathering. Every seat in the chamber was occupied with most wearing green badges reading OCCCWS. Forty-one of the approximately 200 citizens were in attendance to testify on Agenda Item #24 relating to CCW, Concealed Weapons Permits. Sheriff-Caroner Sandra Hutchens, dressed in a gray pants suit, sat up front where, following her remarks, she could watch and listen to the passionate presentations by the public speakers that lasted for nearly four hours.
Many of today’s speakers argued that by the issuance of letters relating to possible revocation of their CCW permits, without cause, is really our sheriff breaking a Contract. They felt that their permit, which carries both their signatures and their fingerprint, along with an expiration date, constitutes a binding Contract which should be upheld as long as they are law abiding citizens. Supervisor Norby stated that “an expiration date should have some meaning.”
One veteran stated that we lost 6 million Jews in Poland and Germany because we lost our gun rights to which the audience started clapping. Chair Bates chastised the crowd stating that there should not be any applause. Sorry Pat, but the crowd was not disruptive.
While there were a few speakers whose passion included a personal attack on the sheriff the vast majority avoided this type of conduct while being firm in their remarks. Several called for a vote of “no confidence.” Others suggested that the sheriff resign. In describing the new CCW Policy one speaker said “this is tyranny, not democracy. We had a contract and now we have changed from citizens to subjects.” Several questioned the legal interpretation of “good cause” by which the sheriff sent out letters of revocation with an option to accept an early termination date rather than have a mark on your record within the CA DOJ data base. One speaker called this “blackmail.”
Another stated that it is an issue of law versus ideology by sheriff Hutchens. He questioned what has caused the sense of urgency to have the CA DOJ revise their tracking system. I heard one speaker comment that “when a second counts, police are minutes away.”
At the conclusion of the public speaker testimony the sheriff was granted time to respond. She told us that she has not revoked and license to date with the exception where people move out of the county or commit a crime. With regard to “good cause” the policy has bullets. It is not intended to be all inclusive nor does it block gun ownership in our homes. She followed by stating I am required to enforce and abide by the law adding I have no control over CA law. It doesn’t matter if I agree with the law or not.
Supervisor Moorlach acknowledged having a discussion with the sheriff and openly stated telling her that “we have agreed to disagree on moving up expiration dates and good cause.
Supervisor Norby raised the issue of having a sizable contingent of undercover cops in the Board room at the last meeting pointing out that we, the Board, did not invite them. Sheriff Hutchens responded stating that “I would not use undercover staff in that capacity again.” He later commented that having two signatures and a date is a contract. These expiration dates have meaning. You do have a Contract with the County of Orange calling this change an “over restrictive policy.”
In her remarks relating to the sheriff ‘s offer to alter the current permit expiration date Supervisor Nguyen was very firm in pointing out that “there is nothing voluntary about this process.”
In closing the CCW discussion Chair Bates stated that “the Board has no authority on this policy.” I respectfully disagree but it’s not my call.
Now let’s look at what top law enforcement officers from around the country have to say about CCW permits:
“I lobbied against the (concealed carry) law in 1993 and 1995 because I thought it would lead to wholesale armed conflict. That hasn’t happened. All the horror stories I thought would come to pass didn’t happen. No bogeyman. I think it has worked out well, and that says good things about the citizens who have permits. I’m a convert.”
Glenn White, president, Dallas Police Association
“From a law enforcement perspective, the licensing process has not resulted in problems in the community from people arming themselves with concealed weapons.”
Commissioner James T. Moore,
Florida Department of Law Enforcement
“Some of the public safety concerns (over right-to-carry) which we imagined or anticipated a couple of years ago, to our pleasant surprise, have been unfounded or mitigated.”
Police Major Bill Brown,
Fairfax County, Virginia
“None of our concerns have been borne out.”
Hazard police Chief Rod Maggard, president,
Kentucky Chiefs of Police Association
“Anyone who believes a self-protection firearm is not a deterrent to crime is simply being unrealistic…I’ve not seen any problems with concealed carry, either legal problems or inappropriate behavior, during the four years we’ve had a concealed carry law in our state.”
Lt. Bill Booth
Oklahoma City PD
Hutchens needs to make this go away – this is not a winning issue for her in OC.
I think it is too late for her to make this go away. It is time for us to make her go away.
*In a very, very, very safe society….the arguments againsts CCW’s are usually more compelling! When however, the economy is on it’s
backside and the felons are taking to the streets in mass….because there is not enough police protection…because of budget constraints….well,the Sheriff has chosen a very poor issue to try to push down anyone’s throat.
The argument might be “for more” CCW’s rather than less! The streets are not safe….maybe it is just us, but we have had four events in the last few months which include “Gang Car” threats to our person, “Spitting on us! by homeless people..” and “Assault confrontations by a Rehab
nut case!” The days of Safe and Secure…..may
be fading fast in the OC!
Ron. One speaker from Huntington Beach shared the math to show that even with their current police department staffing it is unrealistic to have “one officer” provide police protection “for every 3,400 people” in that city. “Eroding voluntary compliance is not beneficial.”
Letting Carona bribers (GOP donors) walk around with weapons is not the answer to our law enforcement problems.
You guys are a riot!
How many people exercised their 2nd amendment right and openly carried a pistol or rifle?
Folks. When you disarm the law abiding public crime problems can increase. Let me suggest reading the following book which addresses this issue:
Question: What does the title mean: More Guns, Less Crime?
John R. Lott, Jr.: States with the largest increases in gun ownership also have the largest drops in violent crimes. Thirty-one states now have such laws—called “shall-issue” laws. These laws allow adults the right to carry concealed handguns if they do not have a criminal record or a history of significant mental illness.
Please elaborate on your comment? Date, time and place or is this a general comment on the local membership of the NRA?
I think the CCW is a smokescreen. Did not people bring their personal guns to a prior meeting?
No one other than OCSD was armed at any prior meeting. The Sheriff used some “anonymous” information about an Open Carry demonstration as a ruse to increase security at the January meeting. It never happened and there is no evidence that it ever was going to happen. It was a figment of her imagination.
Larry –
John R. Lott is now onto this issue and posted on his blog today that Hutchens is in deep political trouble for taking on the CCW issue. With Lott bringing national attention to this fiasco, I’d say her days are numbered.
And yes, he did point out the camera and text messaging scandals!
I understand the level of anger and antipathy directed at Sheriff Hutchins when people feel stripped and vulnerable to attack if not allowed to carry a firearm. I felt exactly that way whenever I didn’t have my M-16 in VietNam. But I truly feel most citizens who feel the need to pack a concealed firearm in O.C. have a greatly exaggerated fear of attack, bordering on paranoia. People carrying firearms and imagining themselves surrounded by threats scare the hell out of me. I’m with the Sheriff, and I’ll bet real money that the majority of O.C. citizens feel more like I do. We’ll find out for sure when the Sheriff comes up for election.
SAHS Teacher, you are absolutely correct that the majority of OC citizens feel like you do. These CCW activists are a small minority and could never sway an election because of this issue alone. All of the surrounding non-issues regarding necessary police presence, appropriate testing of security cameras and comical text messaging at BOS meetings are routine smokescreens. Does any hard working, family raising, community involved, common sense voter really care if a few misguided individuals aren’t allowed to carry a concealed weapon. Really.
SAHS Teacher.
You need to revisit the issue. When you have a drivers license issued by the State of California it contains your photo, signature, and an expiration date. As such it is a Contract enabling you to operate a motor vehicle. The only time that license can be suspended is if you are found guilty of DMV violations or related issues by a court of law. What the sheriff is offering in her proposal to CCW permit holders would shorten the expiration date of that permit without cause. If those who received termination letters object they run the risk of having a black mark against their name in the CA DOJ data base. That is not the same as lacking a valid reason to obtain a CCW in the first place. Just like anyone who can’t pass the DMV test or whose license has been revoked, it is not a fast track license. However, once received, to alter the Contract terms and conditions without cause is simply wrong.
“Guns are evil!” We have heard that before. So
is a Muscle Car, a Lamborghini, a Ferrari….who
might need such over performance that cannot be used realisticly on the streets of California?
The truth is; depending “where and when” you travel the safe streets of So. Cal… may
be putting your life and the lives of others with you in danger. Suppose you close a Jewelry Store at 9PM on 5th Street in Santa Ana? Suppose you have to drive through areas of Los Angeles off the 110 Freeway? Suppose you work and carry high amounts of cash or valuables in “iffy” areas? Should you be allowed a CCW or should you just call the PD every time you leave work? What if you have take the deposit from the days receipts from a 711 anywhere? Yes, it’s the Gun…that is the evil…not the lovely people looking for victims! And as Woody Allen might say: “Some say Paranoid…other say perceptive!”
Been to all those places…didn’t have a gun…omg, those scary areas off the 110 freeway!
Доброго времени суток! Мне вот тут стало интересно, а есть какие-нибудь он-лайн школы, курсы или что-то подобное, где учат на веб-мастеров? Пытаюсь найти, но ничего не нахожу. Очень хочу стать веб-мастером, слышал, что они хорошо получают. И вообще очень интересно, как это так они работают? И есть ли какие-нибудь спецпредметы, или ещё какие-нибудь специальные дисциплины, которые веб-мастерам знать обязательно? Может кто поможет, если не сложно?
Слышал, что новичков в этой среде не очень любят – и как тогда быть?
Innocent Bystander – Meet you Friday night on
Manchester off the 110. We will be watching from
an armored car. How long do you think you will last without a firearm? Hey, we could make some
cash on this game pool. How about 50 bucks a block of 100 and if you survive….you get the cash. If you don’t, we can have another pool the following week for someone else that is a hero!
Sheep, man, Sheep. If God didn’t want them Sheared, he wouldn’t have made them sheep.
Every day Hutchens fails to release the tapes of her Suppresion of Speech under Color of Law, every day she takes on a “high and mighty” attitude about the Citizens of OC and the Guns they choose to carry, is another nail in her coffin.
Anyone want to bet she and her cop husband move out of Dana Point as soon as they can scurry out after leaving her job so she can “run a horse farm” in soon to be CCW friendly Temecula?