From Rick Reiff’s always pertinent OC Insider column in next week’s Orange County Business Journal:
Eleven House democrats voted against the economic stimulus bill. It would have been 12, but OC Rep. Loretta Sanchez changed her vote at the last moment. Sanchez said she’s concerned that too much of the $800 billion-plus won’t find its way down to the community level where it should go. But after initially voting “no,” she said she picked up a newspaper and read about another round of layoffs, and decided that a flawed bill was better than none. Sanchez said nobody pressured her: “They no better than that.”. Besides House Speaker Nancy Pelosi “knew they had the votes” for passage.
Kind of kudos to the Congresswoman, although she should have stayed with her original CORRECT vote.
This bill is complete trash, an abomination per Charles Krauthammer’s excellent column last week.
“Almost” only counts in horse-shoes.
Her change of mind was good, and her current vote is the right one.
She’s clearly the “hottest” congresswoman.
Nothing else should matter.
An “abomination” like Charles Krauthammer’s beloved TRILLION DOLLAR Iraq war. You Republicans have NO SHAME and NO IDEAS but plenty of HYPOCRITES!
When representatives such as Loretta Sanchez represent millions of illegal aliens and steal from the people to pay for their illegal alien consitituents, to the detriment of the American citizen taxpayer and their basic quality of life, it’s time to TEA PARTY them
out of office.
TEA PARTY 2009 – 2010 !
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