Introducing our newest Juice writer…

Tamathy Solomon

The Orange Juice would like to welcome Tamathy Solomon as a regular BLOG Writer. With the economy in turmoil, mortgages collapsing, homes devaluing and life in general chaos if you are dealing with owning a home in California, the Juice has been looking for a Real Estate writer for some time. Someone with some established ties and a talent for telling it like it is.

Tamathy will be presenting a Monthly article on Orange County Real Estate. As well, this page marks the beginning of a running question and answer, for all things Orange County and Real Estate. BOOKMARK NOW!

If you are interested in having a question about buying a new home, refinancing or loan modification, write it here! Tamathy will check in and answer you best she can! Limit it to general questions as reality dictates she only has so much time.

A few words from Tamathy:

I have lived in Orange County for 39 years, and I have a teenage daughter. My priority has always been family and helping people. I love animals, and believe in the good balance in life of physical, emotional, and spiritual. My greatest motivation is to help you fulfill your dreams from the smallest condo to the largest home!

I started my Real Estate years ago with this mission statement; to create a network of clients offering the widest range of services before and after each sale and to always go the extra mile with a smile.

As a Real Estate Agent for many years I have come to one conclusion. Clients look for someone that they can trust, someone that is honest, intelligent, has knowledge of the market and has the best work ethic. I always have your best interest at heart!

A few words from Tamathy’s first newsletter:


I don’t make stuff up. Last month, in a column about tax planning, I mentioned that non-itemizers could claim an additional standard deduction of up to $1,000 for property taxes paid in 2008 and 2009. I did so almost in passing, intending simply to remind readers of a new tax break for homeowners that has been reported in the news. But since that column ran, I’ve received dozens of e-mails from interested readers.

More Coming Soon!

About Ask Tamathy