The Orange Juice would like to welcome Tamathy Solomon as a regular BLOG Writer. With the economy in turmoil, mortgages collapsing, homes devaluing and life in general chaos if you are dealing with owning a home in California, the Juice has been looking for a Real Estate writer for some time. Someone with some established ties and a talent for telling it like it is.
Tamathy will be presenting a Monthly article on Orange County Real Estate. As well, this page marks the beginning of a running question and answer, for all things Orange County and Real Estate. BOOKMARK NOW!
If you are interested in having a question about buying a new home, refinancing or loan modification, write it here! Tamathy will check in and answer you best she can! Limit it to general questions as reality dictates she only has so much time.
A few words from Tamathy:
I have lived in Orange County for 39 years, and I have a teenage daughter. My priority has always been family and helping people. I love animals, and believe in the good balance in life of physical, emotional, and spiritual. My greatest motivation is to help you fulfill your dreams from the smallest condo to the largest home!
I started my Real Estate years ago with this mission statement; to create a network of clients offering the widest range of services before and after each sale and to always go the extra mile with a smile.
As a Real Estate Agent for many years I have come to one conclusion. Clients look for someone that they can trust, someone that is honest, intelligent, has knowledge of the market and has the best work ethic. I always have your best interest at heart!
A few words from Tamathy’s first newsletter:
I don’t make stuff up. Last month, in a column about tax planning, I mentioned that non-itemizers could claim an additional standard deduction of up to $1,000 for property taxes paid in 2008 and 2009. I did so almost in passing, intending simply to remind readers of a new tax break for homeowners that has been reported in the news. But since that column ran, I’ve received dozens of e-mails from interested readers.
More Coming Soon!
Welcome and good luck.
Sounds more like an advertisement for real estate services than a blog article. Good luck.
I thought the point of this blog was to get to truth about issues affecting us here in the OC. If anyone is expecting any truthfulness from a real estate agent, they are deluding themselves. Agents have one goal: to make money. I guess this is free advertising at it’s best for her. Welcome anyway!
Please excuse junior. He’s packing his stuff and is on the way out soon. So he’s said! 😉
Welcome Tamathy!
Welcome aboard!
With your coming from the world of real estate you surely must have a thick skin. As you have noticed you will surely be tested on this blog.
Question. Should Art put in a bid for Trump Towers in Atlantic City or would you advise him to wait a few months to see if we have reached the R.E. floor. Donald is rumored to be seeking BK protection.
I’m sorry, I just can’t stand it. “Put your 401K into real estate”? Yes, let’s put our retirement money into a declining asset, brilliant idea.
You may need to take your Zolft, or Xanex. Are you so set on saying something negative? What is not declining right now? Stocks, Bonds, CD Tresuries, Cash? If a person wants to make a choice, let them. I put my 401 in the Stock and bond market, I think it is the best choice for me, if you want to let it sit in Cash, and have it eaten up by inflation, that is your choice, if you want to sleep on it that is fine too! But it is all declining! You need to chill.
Welcome I look forward to your tips and pointers on buying a home.
Tamathy who cares about this or that,your “LOOKING GOOD” Lady. Good luck and welcome aboard.
I put my 401 in the Stock and bond market, I think it is the best choice for me
I found this of interest. It is somewhat counter-intuitive to do this kind of investing right now, but I’d be interested in some details on how you made your decisions. How long ago did you invest? Did you pick the equities yourself or is it managed? Did you have any particular sector or company that looked particularly attractive at the current prices?
thanks for any insight.
*Tama girl,
Welcome aboard! We can’t wait for you to prognosticate the bottom of the Real Estate market for both Commericail and Residential right here in “The OC”!
Jump right in, the water is always hot and the soft soap is always slippery!
Red Vixen,
It all depends on the age you are now, and when you plan to pull the money out. If you are 60, it is probably not a good idea, for most people, if you are 20 is is a great Idea for most people. There are always exceptions in every case. Many people can’t handle the volatility day to day in the stock market, while many people are fine with it. Histroically the Stock market has returned abou 10% per year OVER TIME, so this may be 10 one yare -10 the next, +30 and then 6% but ovet time it has been about 10%
I am 35, I need to retire about age 65. So the question I have to ask is, will this market be up in 30 years? I have to assume yes. (If I don’t It will mean much much bigger problems) So the 401K is provided at work and you are ususlly limited to about 10 to 15 choices of mutual funds, from cash, to cash,& Stock, and all Stock. So look at your time horizon, when you will need the money, how much you will need, and take it from there.
Now, on my non-401 Money it is the same basic concept, but the time frame has changed, from 30 years to 6 months, 5 years etc. There are all kind of great buys, on Great companies right now, and the person who has the guts, and forsight to get in when everybody else runs, will do very well.
Remember “Buy Low and Sell High” is easy to say, but very difficult to do, on Both sides!
I am a professional financial advisor, so I would rather not put out any blanket “Ideas” on the web, there are plenty of fiancial pages that do only that, any they are not regulated the way I am, I hope you understand.
Thanks for the detailed response.
Bigmarkod Says: “”Histroically the Stock market has returned abou 10% per year OVER TIME, so this may be 10 one yare -10 the next, +30 and then 6% but ovet time it has been about 10%””
Over the last year the DOW has returned a negative 40 percent, over the past 80 years the DOW has returned ¼ of 1 percent over time.
I think Bigmarkod is a stock broker
Let me guess, right now is the best time to buy a house.
Do you hold yourself and the hundreds of thousands of real estate folk responsible at all for the economic situation our world is facing?
Cook….Step away from the anger…You sound like an idiot. I say in my reply that is what I do for a living….take your Zoloft…it is not all about hate…
Yes last year the Dow was down over 40%…and? Tat is why I used the big letters to say OVER TIME. Lets do your math….1/4 of 1% over 80 years that would be a 25% increase from 80 years ago? Hmmm that means in 1928 the Dow Jones was at 5625? That is what you are telling me! I have an Idea, Burgers flip to the left!
Lets give this poor lady a chance! We can attack her (verbally) after her 1st post! 🙂
#17 What is this obsession with Zoloft?
#16 Thanks, some sanity was finally brought back to the posts.
Bigmarkod you are right, I was off a decimal point.
2 ½ percent (0.025) not a ¼ percent (0.0025)
Thank you for those of you whom welcomed me. I express my sincere gratitude and looking forward to posting my monthly updates for your future needs.
Cook, you were off by several!
In 1967 the DOW hit 700, Do some math
Tmare, it is a joke, it means we need to settle down a little bit, I will try to work other drugs into the mix.
So, the almost daily real estate news, much of it negative, by this fellow Lasner in the Register is going to have competition on this blog? A race to see who can reflect the greatest gloom and doom and manipulation of statistics? Hope not. How about starting with a presentation on why a given month’s median home selling price is irrelevant (even though it is commonly headline fodder in the Register), and to a great extent why median is not a useful figure in such a market?