As we all know by now the Sheriff has embarked on a Jihad, yes I said it, against the gun owners who have CCW permits. I am really saddened to see that Appointed Sheriff Hutchens, refuses to look at the facts surrounding CCW permit holders and how they are less likely to be involved in a crime than are most regular citizens, and how time after time, when states start a “shall issue” policy their crime rates drop. Also it is sad when she refuses to recognize the fact that firearms are used exponentially more often to prevent a crime, than to commit one.
So let me ask her to explain it to me using emotion, which is obviously what she is basing it on. I have been told that I am not supposed to carry a gun, because I may use it, I should call the police when I have a problem so they can come protect me. Based on this logic I don’t need to carry a gun. Sheriff (and all of you opposed to freedom) do you carry a tire iron in your car? Why? If you get a flat tire, can’t you call the Auto Club to come change it? After all they are better trained than you or I to do it. They use that equipment everyday, and that is their job, to go around and help us when we have a flat tire, among other jobs. Why do you NEED a tire Iron? Have you been “Trained” on changing a flat tire?
You say Mark I need a tire Iron –
What if I am on a remote road, with no cell service?
What if it is late, and the Auto club is not around?
What if they are too busy to get there right away?
What if there is an EMERGENCY, and I need it done right away, and can’t wait?
Sheriff, I submit to you a gun is no different, nobody wants to use their tire iron, but we all have them, just in case….
Welcome to the Orange Juice!
Very good analogy.
BTW, did you read in the Register about the guy who was attacked in Los Angeles while he was taking some kind of surveillance video? The guy who attacked him pulled a gun and shot the contractor, after the contractor fought back by kicking the miscreant in the huevos.
If the contractor had been armed, he would have been able to defend himself. Instead he spent six hours in the hospital, and the bad guy took his Blackberry phone.
I still don’t understand how gun control advocate Sandra Hutchens ended up being appointed sheriff in Orange County. Who was pushing the buttons and pulling the strings to get her appointed?
Welcome Big Mark, and well said although I disagree with your conclusions.
But dang it, Art…another guy for the right field! Can’t you find some articulate progressive liberals to balance this blog out … like our old concert pianist? You’re hanging me out in left field, where I don’t wanna be. I’m used to speaking up at CTA/SAEA meetings to represent the very significant percent of conservative union members who want union representation for their jobs, but not for their political views.
SAHS Teacher,
Sadly, it is a tall order getting more liberals to write for me. Most OC liberals just have no fight in them. They either outright sell out to the GOP (ie. endorsing creeps like Carona and T-Rack, and Janet Nguyen) or they simply don’t get involved in local issues.
Hopefully some liberal bloggers will materialize, but that would be a surprise.
Until then, I will do what I can, along with Red Vixen, to represent socially progressive views on this blog.
Good debut Mark. I think I will contact AAA and get some tire iron training now. BTW, about a year ago AAA’s Professional was out to change a tire on my pick-up and he managed to smack my dog in the head with the tire iron. Can we please pass some laws restricting the use of such dangerous tools? Dubby is fine, but that damage could have been severe and he was, I think, traumatized by the event.
*In the words of the McLaughin Group: “Bye.Bye.!”
It’s true, carrying a handgun around is like carrying a tire iron around — it’s dead weight that you never expect to need to use; it’s just prudent to have it. Except that the handgun weighs on you more because it isn’t your car doing the work. It’s sometimes a pain to be prudent.
> “After all they are better trained than you or I to do it.”
Actually, Sheriff Deputies are not better trained in handgun use. The OC Sheriff’s Department firearms training consists of practicing with 30 cartridges every three months — 120 cartridges per year. And Sheriff Hutchens is revoking concealed-carry licensees who practice with 120+ cartridges every week — 50+ times the amount of practice in defending oneself.