Seriously? Chuck Devore for the U.S. Senate? This is the BEST the California Republicans can do against Senator Barbara Boxer? How many times did Devore lose when he ran for the Irvine City Council back in the day? Does ANYONE take him seriously? Good grief!
DeVore supported Prop. 8. Enough said. Hopefully the Libertarians will be fielding a candidate, otherwise I will be voting for Boxer. How will YOU be voting?
UPDATE: Devore sent me an email today indicating that he ran once for the Irvine City Council and he barely lost by .02%. I suspect Boxer will beat him by a far larger margin!
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I generally like Devore, especially his willingness to engage constituents. On the other hand his feeble grasp of the subject of natural law and his ridiculous arguments against same sex marriage (next people will be marrying their pets!!!!!!) are problematic for me.
It’s still way early and Chuck is obviously trying to capitalize on being first out of the gate.
Hopefully there will be a wider choice for Republicans.
I agree with you David. I encountered Mr. Devore in Sacramento at the Capitol this past June (Larry, you were there). He was admittedly charismatic and engaging, but I was utterly shocked by his off-the-hook, homophobic perspective on same sex marriage. I can’t fathom he’d beat Boxer. At least I’ll pray he doesn’t!
i guess if you support prop 8 your a hater . my god california must have a bunch of haters this thing passed twice and you guys still cry about it .
Take down this post immediately if you want a future.
Barbara Boxer is one of the most disreputed Senators in office (and that’s saying something.) She is one of the dumbest. Watch CSPAN.
She is one of the most divisive.
One of her assistants was arrested for kiddie porn.
Remember when she attacked Condi Rice, then broke down and cried when she was challenged.
You want milktoast in the Senate for California? Vote Boxer.
I don’t know Chuck DeVore. It doesnt matter. If you’re making an argument between two evils, it cant measure up to any more of a choice between an ugle mole on your chin and fatal hemorrhoids.
Mr. Crowley,
And the fact that you would mention the personal failings of someone other than Boxer shows how dumb and divisive YOU are.
So Terry, you hate Boxer and don’t know DeVore. Was it that ‘kiddie porn’ proximity that did it for you or the crying?
As for Boxer being divisive, if we compare her to the entire Republican Party over the last 12 years (if not 16) its a lot like the pot calling the kettle black. To me she comes out looking like someone who didn’t roll over and kiss ass.
As for Boxer’s intelligence although I have little to judge her by, other than the email I get every other week or so and the responses I get to any letter or email I write to her, it does appear that she is at least smart enough to hire people who can do constituent services reasonably well.
Besides you wouldn’t think the Republicans were all that concerned with intelligence as it doesn’t seem to have been an essential requirement for its leaders (who have been known to invent intelligence when needed).
Any other Dems bothering you Terry, or was it just the mention of Devore that set you off? Wait I just re-read your comment. Sorry about the hemorrhoids man.
This post was not about Boxer (who is dumber than a bag of 6d nails). It was about Chuck Devore and seemed to be aimed at Republicans.
Devore needs to religify social issues with a certitude I find a bit disquieting. I think we’ve had a little too much of this sort of mindset in the GOP in recent years, and I would appreciate an alternative.
P.S. I will never vote for Boxer.
Hopefully you are right and we will have other options. Voting for Boxer is nauseating.
At the least I hope to see the Libertarians run a candidate against Boxer.
Watchhing some bowl games and the Rose parade I have missed this post.
The number of times any candidate loses an election is a non issue. While losing in the city of Irvine Chuck won a bigger prize, if you can call serving in the minority in SAC a prize.
Chuck has been out front confronting the energy crisis. And while some may not approve of nuclear power at least he has presented an option which can benefit all of us.
At this time I have not heard of any other Republicans willing to throw their hat’s into the ring.
Chuck’s support of Prop 8 should not be a litmus test for his qualifications to represent the state of CA in Congress. I believe that Congressman elect Tom McClintock also supported Prop 8 and was just elected.
PS: Assemblyman Chuck Devore was not alone. I think that somewhere close to 7 million Californians also voted in favor of Prop 8. How many votes was Mr. Devore able to personally cast?
As of now, unless someone better qualified decides to run, I will be voting for and supporting Chuck for Senate
I’m agree with mister Gilbert ! And also is time to change the dinosaurio of “boxer”like pulido in Santa Ana , she is to long in the SEAT!.Vote Devore!.WE NEED A CHANGE!!!!!!!!
Dennis Prager for Senate 2010
Mr. Crowley,
You criticize Caroline Kennedy as being too inexperienced to be appointed to the seat of junior Senator from New York, yet you’re willing to push for Dennis Prager for Senator from (presumably) California?
LOL. Well I gotta hand it to ya…you’re nothing if not entertaining.
Even though Devore is Pro 8 and for nuclear power, I will still vote for him even though moderate Republicans will likely vote for Boxer as usual.
As a queer Republican I find people like Devore scary, but on national security and fiscal responsibility he is pretty good on the issues.
It is likely that we will have another round of Boxer as our senator. The Democrats are going to tar and feather Devore where its not going to be funny. Bob Muholland is going to have a field day with Chuck.
One idea, is we need to bring one of the Eisenhowers to run for US Senate in California.
“I find people like Devore scary, but on national security and fiscal responsibility he is pretty good on the issues.”
Fiscal responsibility yes; national security though is a different matter. I remember Chuck being an ardent supporter of the Iraq fiasco.
Matt, Prop 8 denies you your right to enter into a contract with another competent adult. You would be willing to support a politician who likes that concept?
Didn’t OJ Blog’s very own Ron Winship write about how great Chuck DeVore was in his election recommendations?
That is why our blog is the #1 political blog in Orange County. My writers are free to take whatever positions they want to. I don’t tell them what to write – or what to believe.
Freedom. Try it sometime. I know you red-faced hacks aren’t used to it…
Art is dead on when he tells you that we have total freedom on our posts. I too recommended Chuck DeVore for Assembly in my Larry’s Picks
of candidates in the last election.
Do you really want a country made up of 300 million Dave’s or perhaps 300 million Larry’s?
Diversity is the single word that best defines the Juice blogger family.
Art, you have the number 1 political blog according to who? But I agree, your writers should feel comfortable taking any position they desire, being that you change yours so often.
Don’t take my word for it. Go to this link: You will see that over the past 12 weeks we are the number one political blog IN THE STATE! How do you like that?
As for my changes, I was a conservative Republican for years. I grew unhappy with the party’s hatred for Latinos and quit. After spending a year as a Decline to State voter I found a new home at the Libertarian Party. Many of my fellow Libertarians have followed similar paths.
Your party is on the road to extinction in California Dave. By all means keep up the Talibani social agenda and the bashing of Latinos. Orange County is already majority minority. And Obama almost won this county! In another couple of years the Dems will be the majority here just as they are throughout California. Your red-faced mob is to blame for the demise of the CA GOP…
The Republican’s do have a new choice coming forward from Los Angeles who I believe will be the next Republican superstar and someone who can restore pride to the GOP. His name is Al Ramirez. He’s a young hispanic, good looking(very), articulate, successful in business and smart. He ran for office as college student in Texas and he seems to really know politics. I think other people will also discover like I did that this man maybe GOP’s best chance to appeal beyond the Republican base without sacrificing our conservative values. I found him through a friend on facebook and he’s got a website
I believe with Al Ramirez the Republican’s finally have someone who will be able to compete with Barack and his message and image and bring some balance to California politics and hopefully nationally as well. We have to have to good parties to have fair representation.
Chuck is just doing this because he’s a fulltime campaigner (running for office after office) he’s only running to lose so he can run for State Senator in 4 years in Dist 32. Al Ramirez looks and sounds like the real deal with a political and technology business background that would serve California well in DC in the US Senate.