Vote for change in Santa Ana!

Here is the latest notice from Councilwoman Michele Martinez’ Mayoral Campaign:

Dear Supporters,

Yesterday’s Take It To The Street Rally was a massive success. The large turnout enabled us to attain the goals that we set out for. All the momentum is on our side now heading into the election. It is crucial that we maintain this momentum all the way until the last vote is counted.

Join us in our last Vote for Change program this Monday and Tuesday.

The following is the schedule for the program:

Monday: Phone Banking: 1:00 pm – 8:00 pm (If you would like to come earlier please call our office at 550-0629)

Vote for Change Slate Flier: 4:00 pm ? We really need as many volunteers as possible to distribute 6,000 fliers at voter homes.

Post signs: 9:00 pm ?

Tuesday: Poll watching: 12:00 pm – 7:30 pm

Phone Banking, 1:00 pm – 7:30 pm (If you would like to come earlier please call our office)

Sign Display on major streets or by carvan 1:00 pm , 3:30pm, 6:00 pm

Watch party: 8:00 pm (Please see details below)

This is our final chance to reach out to the residents of Santa Ana and deliver our message of change. Every final vote counts. Our campaign needs you in order to strongly finish this race to the very end.

Make one final push for Santa Ana.

Thank you for all the support…

Finally, if you don’t have a place to watch the election results, please join us:

You are invited to attend a Historic
Election Watch Party!
Hosted by Councilwoman Michele Martinez and Dr.Arturo Lomeli
415 N. Sycamore Street, Suite 300
Santa Ana, CA 92701

8:00 pm ?

RSVP to:
or 714-550-0629

About Admin

"Admin" is just editors Vern Nelson, Greg Diamond, or Ryan Cantor sharing something that they mostly didn't write themselves, but think you should see. Before December 2010, "Admin" may have been former blog owner Art Pedroza.