Santa Ana Councilwoman Michele Martinez’ rally, with SAUSD School Board candidate Valerie Amezcua, was a big success. Volunteers met at Windsor Park, and picked up materials in the morning. They then walked precincts all over central Santa Ana. They later met at 1 pm to have lunch at the park.
Community activist Beatriz Salas (pictured above at the right) was there, with her “Change-Mobile,” and Council Candidate Lisann Martinez showed up too (pictured above at the left). I also spoke to Rancho Santiago Community College District Board of Education candidate Art Lomeli and Santa Ana Council Candidate Jim Walker showed up in the morning.
The volunteers delivered the flier below to hundreds of homes in Santa Ana today.
Art is wonderful to feel and smell The Change. My vote is for Collins, Pedroza, Lisann and Walker, therefore we as a city can have a really coherent city council and we do not have to spend $ 200,000 in special election to fill Michell seat. Second she will have couple more years in oder to get the maturity politically speaking in order to lead this city; don’t take wrong she has a brillant future. I wish for her the best because she overcome a very disfunctional childhood(per say). But what we nweed in this time is a man like Collins in order to bring Order to this our City. Vote for Collins.
Capitalized Mary, I like your attitude about local politics. Wait and see, the change in Washington is going to be better than you think too.
Oh, and take it easy on the gays! You just might need help from one of them some day.
Mr. Nelson:
What is wrong with gays according your statement?. One of more wonderful human being that i have the honor to have as a friend is a gay and I do not have problem whit them!. If you are proyecting homophobia with your statement ,that is your problem no mine!.
So if you like my sense of Change in Santa Ana, then Vote for Collins and Pedroza, Lisann and Walker!. See we just found common ground!.
Hm. What does your gay friend think of you supporting Prop 8?
MR. Nelson : my friend knows my vote on yes for PROP8, and gues what ,he is also voting YES on PROP 8!!. But that is irelevant when friendship is sincere and with integrity. Real friends no necesary have to be always agree. Are you able to have friens that think differet than you or viceversa?. If is not the case I feel sorry for you!.
Well, that’s unusual if you’re right. A gay man supporting Prop 8. There must be a couple, it’s a wild, wide world.
Beatriz Salas, Self serving lady who likes to take credit for everything and see her face and name in the paper whenever she can. Beatriz Salas you are so stupid! I have known Mr. Tim Whitacre a very long time and know for a fact he is just the opposite of what you state. He has never state anything about hating Mexicans! This is in your sick head. He has never done anything with the minutemen and he doesn’t even support Rosie Avila for congress. He thinks she is as wacky as everyone else does. You make it sound like they are buddies when in fact I know Mr. Tim hasn’t talke to her in months. Also I know that Mr. Tim can’t stand the Governor and has never voted for him so you are lying some more as usual. It is funny some of the things I have read here that I know aren’t true about Mr. Tim. Even though he hasn’t had time to do much in our community lately because of his taking care of his mother in another state, I still know him to have a heart for Jesus and he has done so much good for our city and for our local neighborhoods. He works very hard at church for lots of Hispanic children in the Cub Scouts and I know for a fact he has even helped you out before, Beatriz. I know you you used to call him at 6 am in the morning sometimes with your problems and this is how you disrespect him. You are a sad sorry excuse of a crazy woman. That is why you had to move away from our city for awhile because nobody would listen or talk to you anymore. You should move away again and stay gone this time you are so filled with made up lies and crazy thoughts. No one in SAUSD can stand you. No one on the City Council can stand you. Everyone knows how you are which is why no one wants to be around you. You are C – R- A – Z – Y!
Michele 2008
Wow, Bea – Great Rant! Crazy Bea – woah, harsh! Isela – right on!
If you are against marriage between latinos and wasp , you are RACIST
if you are against marriage between gays , you are HOMOPHOBIC .
Vote NO to prop8 vote NO to homophobia ,vote NO to religious talibans in Afghanistan or in California .
August 10, 2009
To President: Barack Obama
The White House
1600 Pennsylvania Avenue NW
Washington, DC 20500
Beatriz Salas
Anaheim California 92802
Dear Mr. President Barack Obama
I Beatriz Salas been a woman, that is been very involved in Orange County for many years, and that’s why I feel the need to write you these lines, I do not find the word adequate to express myself, at this moment I feel my soul is crying, I ask God to put the word adequate to be able to express myself to you. You are the President of USA because 70% of voter had elected you to represent us, and I believe you are the right person to make the difference. Californians are going through a struggle because our ignorance in politic have drive-in us into this situation that we are in right now. We try to make our system better, but it gets worst. In 2003 a group of Parents in Santa Ana Californian Recall a School Board member to better our kids Education, but a group of extreme Republican jumped in, by then we didn’t know these people or what they were up to, the Recall was a success; After this Recall a group of Republican Conservatives went after the Governor of California Gray Davis they accuse him that he drag the economy down, and ask for his Recall the majority of Californians supported the recall and Arnold Schwarzenegger took his place. After Arnold Schwarzenegger became the Governor of California, I started realizing what a Republican conservative means, and as I told you before I been very involved in the community, I became part of different group one of them it was the Central Committee of Republican of Orange County and I realize that this group is the brain of the Republican Party in the hole USA, and going into this meetings I could not believe what I heard in this meeting they say that the communist are their enemy, by then I did not know what a communist mean, and they said that they were doing the war in the wrong place, because the communist were here in the USA, and they need to go after them, that the worst enemy was Mexicans because they started taking positions in the USA Government and they need to exterminate their power, and that they need to clean the house by dragging them out of USA, and they believe that Mexican Government were sending the Mexican to take over USA, so they were talking of making a war against Mexico and take over Mexico because Mexicans are stupid and criminals, They said if the immigrants do not have a way to survive in the USA they will go back themselves to their foreign country, so that’s why the economy went down because they premeditated to freeze the economy, in 2006 Mexico had the President election the conservatives helped Felipe Calderon to get elected even though he lost the election the Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger and Bush supported him to use force when Felipe Calderon took the oath of office as Mexico’s president; [“Former U.S. President George Bush, father of the current U.S. president, and Spain’s Crown Prince Felipe were among the few prominent foreign dignitaries to see the chaotic inauguration ceremony. “It’s good action,” California Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger, best known for his Hollywood action movies, said dryly when asked about the brawls on the floor of Congress. Calderon will be a key ally of the United States in Latin America, which has turned away from Washington in recent years with a string of left-wing gains in presidential elections.”] So now the President of Mexico Felipe Calderon is helping the conservatives to exterminate the communist, they are using the excuse of the drug war so it will be easier for them, and people will thank them because they think that they are doing a good job by killing the criminals. “The term Communism -general term for the political and economic theory that advocates a system of collective, or government ownership and management of the means of production and distribution of goods. Which (as the term is commonly understood seeks similar ends but by evolution rather than revolution the theories of the movement come from Karl Marx.”
Drug violence has killed more than 13,000 people since Mexico launched a national crackdown in 2006. The government says most of the victims have been killed in turf battles with rival cartels fighting for control of lucrative drug routes, but Mexican are not dumb they know what is going on, if you President Obama continue giving money for the drug cartel war which is a good purpose and the Mexican President Felipe Calderon using the money to exterminate the Mexican population that is really bad and it is going to get worst, leading to a war in all America continent something we do not need.
Thank you
Beatriz Salas
“Government is controlled by Politics”
Today the majority of society is confused, they has no explanation to what is happening, there is high unemployment, many are losing their businesses, many are losing their homes, their investments and savings are being swallowed up by the banks, “a disordered world” it seems as though we are living in a cold war. In many parts of the world Journalist and leaders are being assassinated a massive extermination of people, Allegedly Government says they are exterminating drug traffickers and criminals but many knows that drugs are being controlled by government who use people for their own purposes. People are becoming more frustrated and angry which increases depression, which increases a high level of violence, and increasingly consumptions of drugs and alcohol. The majority of society does not like to discuss or listen to politics but that’s the way of the world, President, Governor, Mayor, School Board Officials, and City Councils are all elected by their parties which share the same ideology that has an effect on our everyday lives.
What is “happening” with today’s society plays a major part in our ignorance on Politics. Their ideology has placed us in this turmoil we are facing today, it is our fault that we ignore things that are happening and rely on politicians to resolve our problems, if we do not take action things will go from bad to worse, we have to get involved in the decision-making that politicians take and if we don’t we can’t complain. “We have the Power”!!!!!!!!!!!