Linh Ho is so damn cool!

Garden Grove city council candidate, public law attorney, field rep to Senator Lou Correa, intern for Congresswoman Loretta Sanchez, thirty-year-old dynamo Linh Ho sat down with me at a Starbucks Thursday to lay out her ideas and visions for a new, vibrant, green Garden Grove.

But – what am I thinking?  First, the announcement:

Sunday morning (tomorrow) at 10, Linh invites you to a Registration Rally and Bike Ride to learn about and promote her “Go Green Garden Grove” program.  We’ll be meeting at Village Green Park (Euclid Park) at 12732 Main St. and riding to Eastgate Park at 12001 St. Mark Street (6 miles away, near Chapman and Valley View.)  Then we’ll ride back to Village Green Park for a Noontime Riders’ Reception at the Clock Tower.

Linh becomes animated when she talks about her vision of Garden Grove with more park space and bike lanes, and the beneficial effects on Garden Grove’s families and quality of life.  She insists that the money for these projects is available at Parks and Recreations, and can also be acquired from events like the yearly Tet and Strawberry Festivals, as well as local churches like her own St. Columban’s.

Did I mention she’s not only been an aide to both Lou and Loretta (whose endorsements, along with the great John Chiang’s, she is very proud of) but has also been a Public Attorney specializing in advising cities, schools, districts and public agencies, which equips her to understand smart city planning and sustainability, her major interests.  So don’t let her apparent youth fool you – she has experience and expertise to rival any of the other candidates!

Also, young Asians (and everyone else) should be excited to help foster the new generation of Viet leadership, standing apart from and in defiance to the competing GOP cabals of Van Tran and Janet Nguyen!

Linh is also full of ideas for increasing community involvement in local government.  She is proposing holding town hall meetings on various local issues, in different locations of this sprawling, historic town.  Her eyes light up when she talks about her family – her six little brothers and sisters, all pursuing public service in their own ways, her Marine brother with four years of service.  You get the impression that it is enthusiasm for doing what’s best for the families of the city she grew up in and loves, that drives her to this Council run.  So if you’re GG, come ride your bike with her and her friends at ten, or at least drop by and meet her at noon.  And VOTE HO AND MARCARIO on Tuesday!

About Vern Nelson

Greatest pianist/composer in Orange County, and official political troubadour of Anaheim and most other OC towns. Regularly makes solo performances, sometimes with his savage-jazz band The Vern Nelson Problem. Reach at, or 714-235-VERN.