O.C. Register editorial writer Steven Greenhut took aim today at wacky RINO and Fullerton Councilman Dick Jones. Here are a couple excerpts from his column:
The Republican establishment – including Rep. Ed Royce and Sen. Dick Ackerman — are backing Dick Jones, the crazy-uncle city councilman from Fullerton who is facing a tough re-election fight. A friend of mine, Fullerton activist Tony Bushala, has produced some devastating ads that mock Jones and his unprincipled stands on the issues. Check them out here. Jones is your classic RINO Republican — a member of the GOP who almost always supports bigger government, a staff-driven guy who has little sympathy for the average taxpayer or property owner. He approves or opposes development projects seemingly based on his own subjective judgments (like the time he noted that he was a cosmetic surgeon and understands beauty but that the development at hand was “ugly.”) I remember him once making a strong argument for using eminent domain.
Jones was apparently on board a plan — actively supported by liberal Democrats Pam Keller and Sharon Quirk and liberal Republican Don Bankhead — to spike pensions for Fullerton staff by 25 percent retroactively. Keller and Bankhead penned an angry rebuttal to our editorials opposing the plan. They focused on personal attacks and straw-man arguments. They have been taking out the long knives against the only conservative on the City Council, Shawn Nelson. Nelson blew the whistle on the back-dealing. But the liberals on the council decided to portray him as someone who violated the closed session requirements of the Brown Act for publicizing the subject of the closed-session discussions. What nonsense.
Really? He doesnt back the Republican philosophy of capitalism to the extreme, of spend but don’t tax, of borrow but dont cut loopholes to balance the budget, or smaller government to fit your bedroom but not the boardroom?
I think he might be in better shape for Reelection than Ackerman or Royce.
It is beginning to look like the people that label others RINO’s are so far out of current main stream thinking of most Republicans that they are the true RINO’s themselves.