Rachel Maddow & Bob Barr on change.
Last week Air America’s talk show host, Rachel Maddow, made her debut on MSNBC television. Anyone here familiar with her? Gay, not pretty (her own assessment), bright, offbeat, Californian native, Progressive, young. Please click the link to watch her exchange with the Libertarian Party’s Bob Barr (Art’s guy!). What’s your impression? Tell us your opinion!
Rachel Maddow
Red, I’ve liked Rachael’s radio show and listen to that station occasionally but not frequently. I liked the idea of an alternative to the Limbaughesque quality of the talk radio genre but became disapointed when I percieved them to be embracing the Limbaugh model but with leftist themes. I prefer the more traditional journalism that allows the listener/viewer to make up their own mind without going the extra mile of telling them what the “right” thing to think is.
This show with candidate Barr seemed to me to be more of the “tradional” journalistic style I appreciate. I will gladly tivo her show and support her efforts as the alternatives to conservative thought need to be supported in order for people to make informed decisions.
I’m wondering to what extent in this representative democracy we choose a candidate because we trust them to know the issues and make the right decision or do we choose because we agree with them on all the inticracies of the issues needing to be addressed? Then to what extent is the character and knowledge of a candidate trumped by my ability to envision myself acting as they do in a similar situation?
Will two guys with genuine blue collar credentials be trumped by typical family mom Palin for the heart of the working men and women nationwide? Certainly the Special Education Community, well known for its own organization, is likely to be attracted by the Palin candidacy. There may be others and the Democrats need to look objectively at what factions of their traditional base are erroded by or attracted to the McCain/Palin ticket as a result.
Rachel appears to be a major talent! Good catch. I enjoyed the clip and Barr, as usual, made a lot of sense.
I absolutely love Rachel! I was very impressed with her commentaries/collaboration on Countdown with Keith Olbermann. She is liberal, yet she is objective and her opinions are fairly balanced.
Thanks for saying, you guys….
I loved Bob Barr’s assessment of McCain’s pledge to not do business with lobbyists – when in fact at the peak of his campaign, McCain had an estimated 5 dozen of them on payroll- He called the claims hilarious!
Olberman likes her as his lead-in. He also thinks she tempers him a bit (good thing!).