(Photo courtesy of the O.C. Register)
The woman who was murdered yesterday lived in Morrison Park, although the O.C. Register reported that the crime occurred in the adjacent Floral Park Neighborhood, which is Mayor Miguel Pulido’s neighborhood.
“Saddler’s body was found by her son shortly after 2 p.m., when he went to her home in the 2700 block of North Lowell Lane, near Memory Lane,” according to the O.C. Register.
According to my sources, this home had been robbed previously this year. And about a year ago a judge who lives in West Floral Park was robbed in her own home. This time the repercussion of the crime was far more serious.
Tomorrow Pulido is opening his new “leadership” office in downtown Santa Ana. Now would be a great time for him to show some leadership, wouldn’t it?
We need more policemen on the street. We need more programs to keep kids from straying into gangs. We need more libraries and more parks. We need a Mayor who will stand up and show some spine. After 20 years, business as usual isn’t cutting it anymore. And now people are being murdered in their homes, in Floral Park.
My prayers go out to the family of the woman who was slain in such brutal fashion. Her children saw the aftermath and will no doubt need counseling and support. This episode is a red flag – it is high time for Pulido and company to do what they were elected to do. Lead us out of the bloody quagmire our city is mired in.
We need to take our city back from the criminals – but is Pulido up to the task? We’ll find out. I have a feeling the voters might be ready for change!
While I agree with your post, this story obviously involves something more than random crime. The Register reports that she recently moved in and was renting the house. It sounds to me like she may have been running from someone. Remember that the majority of murders involve someone the victim knew. I guess we’ll know more soon.
The home is located in Morrison Park not Floral Park. For being a council candidate, you need to know your Neigborhood Associations and there boundaries.
You need to do you homework if you want to be elected to the council.
I passed along what the O.C. Register stated in their article. The link is in my post. Go ahead and read their article. If someone got it wrong it was the Register, not me.
Morrison Park is right next door to Floral Park. It is entirely possible the Register got it wrong. Regardless, violent crime has now landed in an area that is not used to such activities. I met with the Morrison Park Neighborhood Association recently and they were very concerned about the lack of cops in their area. It looks like they were right.
So will Pulido and company finally wake up? We’ll see.
I attended the Morrison Park N/A meeting recently, and there were many folks upset by the lack of officers and extremely long response times. Many folks stated that robberies and graffiti are now everyday occurances.
And now a murder…….What a shame.
This neighborhood, like so many North of 17th, have long had plenty of tax dollars dumped into them as a thank you for voting for the idiots running city hall.
But when you are an island surrounded by insanity, eventually that insanity will come your way.
Too bad that the Mayor and Councilmember for this area are too busy campaigning to really give a damn.
I think John’s point, though, is well taken – if you are going to be a city councilman, know your neighborhoods. The OC Register article identified the cross-streets where the murder took place. I would think that someone who wanted to be the ward representative for that specific area would have gone further than the OC Register for details.
You seriously expect me to fact-check the Register? Seriously?
There are well over 50 neighborhood associations in our city. I served two terms on the Com Link board and several terms on the Artesia Pilar Neighborhood Association Board. I also have served as newsletter editor for the Park Santiago Neighborhood Association Board.
If you expect me to know every boundary of every neighborhood, sorry that is not going to happen. I doubt any Council Member could attest to such a photographic memory.
Morrison Park…Floral Park……who cares!!! Let’s stick to the point at hand & that is crime is getting out of hand in Santa Ana. Something needs to be done about it. We need more police on the streets…they need to do “sweeps” & get this scum out of our city!!!
Not every boundary, Art – just the ones of the ward for which you are running for councilman.
It’s very likely that the victim knew her killer. This appears to be a domestic dispute that ended by taking a life. This is different from the other gang killings in Santa Ana.
A life was lost and John & Stephanie are concerned about pouncing on Pedroza about boundaries. That’s the problem w/Santa Ana, most residents are too consumed with their barrio (that’s neighborhood in Spanish) ID. Floral Park promotes themsevles as “North Floral Park” the other end of town has adopted the slogan South Coast Metro area. It’s all Santa Ana.
You can put lipstick on a pig, but it’s still a pig. And I am not referring to Gov. Palin or Sen. McCain.
I was at the neighborhood meeting you attended. You only spoke to a few people who approached you at the end of the meeting. I live 2 streets away from the murder. I was traumatized. At a special neighborhood meeting the police gave sketchy and often inaccurate information about the victim. SAPD is notorious for not protecting Santa Ana’s residents. And they don’t make reports when they can get out of it. They told us it was not someone she knew, but possibly a serial killer. Serial killer? Is this supposed to make us feel safe? Not!
We have had increased vandalism, burglaries, and tagging. I emailed Claudia Alvarez (she said she had helped to decrease crime in Santa Ana)to ask how she could say crime was decreased. In fact, it has increased in our area. I have not received a response from her.
And to Mr. Pedroza..I applaud your enthusiasm, but I don’t think you know your way around the political arena, yet. I have been to some of the Comm Link meetings. They don’t appear to be neighborhood associations oriented anymore. We get a few reports from organizations who just make reports and give lectures, but don’t really “do” anything and then we get a presentation from the Police Department, Fire Department, or other City of Santa Ana agency. Again the presentations are usually about lectures/programs that don’t “do” anything. I sincerely would like to hear how you would “do” something to help Santa Ana.
In the meantime, we have not heard any updates on the status of the murder on Lowell. Is this another instance of the Santa Ana Police not being able to serve and protect the community?
This is all so funny. All you people think because you live in Floral Park you are better and that nothing should happen to you. Good Stuff. Remember you are still in Santa Ana. DUH. If Pulido was not the mayor of Santa Ana he would not be living there. The funniest thing about this whole thing. The murder happened seconds from Floral Park so deal with it. CLOSE ENOUGH! You all still live in Santa Ana. FLORAL PARK IS OVERATED.