The Real O.C. Political Blog Rankings

Until BNN can get their blog rankings right, we will continue to present the REAL O.C. Blog rankings featuring data from

Here are this week’s updated Alexa rankings:

  1. The Orange Juice Blog, Ranked 176,229
  2. Red County, Ranked 279,083
  3. Flash Report, Ranked 557,390
  4. The Liberal OC Blog, Ranked 613,699
  5. Bolsavik, Ranked 616,439
  6. John Seiler Blogs, Ranked 759,416

Bolsavik is once again nipping at the Liberal OC’s heels.  And John Seiler’s blog is holding on, right behind Bolsavik.  Red County is once again the #2 political blog in Orange County – even though they are a statewide blog while the Orange Juice is an Orange County blog.

July was our best month ever with 27,291 visits and 80,043 page views, according to Google Analytics.

Our Sitemeter data wasn’t working part of today.  The folks at Sitemeter are upgrading their software.  According to Google Analytics we have had over 600 visits to our site today and 1,565 page views.

With regard to BNN, they ranked the Liberal OC #5 this week.  LOC had 3,796 visits this week, according to Sitemeter.  We had 6,149 hits this week, according to Sitemeter.  We also had 18,410 page views this month.  The LOC had 6,741 page views this week. Yet they were ranked ahead of us.  Clearly BNN has issues with their ranknig service…

About Admin

"Admin" is just editors Vern Nelson, Greg Diamond, or Ryan Cantor sharing something that they mostly didn't write themselves, but think you should see. Before December 2010, "Admin" may have been former blog owner Art Pedroza.