Accessibility for All Citizens Team “ACT Now”

Accessibility for All Citizens Team “ACT Now”

Concerned with the recent economic trends and fall out, a group of individuals decided to form an advocacy group to empower people with disabilities into changing their world. We plan to go beyond ADA compliance issues. Using the ADA laws as the floor and not the ceiling, our goal is to bring local communities into compliance by building understanding, developing positive working relationships, and setting realistic goals. And if necessary, we will draw upon the legal system to get the job done. There will be no dues. As advocates against restriction of dignity and accessibility, we will meet once a month to isolate a problem or violation and then work to get it fixed! All those interested in this new advocacy group plan to join us. Our first meeting will be October 18 at 1:00 pm at the DMC Center, 13272 Garden Grove Blvd., Garden Grove. At this meeting we will set up time and dates for future meetings and introduce new members.

Please RSVP to Arnie Pike 714 961-1481 or

If you are interested in joining this new group, please bring a your list of items you would like us to rectify. Our plans are to continue meeting at the DMC Center 13272 Garden Grove Blvd. Garden Grove, CA 92843 If the location/time is not convenient for you then stay in contact by e-mail – that way we will try to keep everyone informed of our projects as we go forward.


About ACT Now