She sounds too good to be true. A new, yet for some familiar, face has emerged in Garden Grove’s political scene. Tram Linh Ho has announced her intention to run for the Garden Grove City Council. Two seats will be up in November. So far we have both red and blue Trannies in the race, Trung “Photoshop” Nguyen and Paul Lucas.
So who is Tram Linh Ho? Here is what the Bolsavik blog had to say about her:
T. Linh Ho was in the Union of Vietnamese Students Association of Southern California (Vietnamese: Tong Hoi Sinh Viên) at around the same time as some other now-notable names in the community: Phu Nguyen, Tammy T. Tran, etc. At UCLA, Linh played a major role in the unification of the former Vietnamese Students Association and the Vietnamese-American Coalition to form the Vietnamese Student Union.
Student activists from about 5 years ago probably will remember Linh from the UVSA, the Tet Festival, and the Camp for Youth, casually called in Vietnamese “Trai He Tong Hoi.”
After UCLA, Linh Ho went to Massachussetts to get a master’s degree from Harvard University’s Kennedy School of Government before returning to enroll in the UCLA School of Law. She is now working for a municipal law firm.
By all accounts Ho is also a progressive Democrat. So what’s not to like?
Well, there is more to the story. A 1996 article by Daniel C. Tsang revealed that Ho may have become an activist when the Garden Grove Police Department tried to take her picture – they thought she was a member of an Asian gang. The ACLU caught wind of this and rightfully put the kibosh on the project, which appeared to racially profile Southeast Asian teenagers in the city who were wearing baggy clothes, etc.
The ACLU won. Here is how Tsang described the outcome, “The $85,000 settlement in came almost three years after an incident involving three Southeast Asian teenagers, two of them high school honor students. Attired in baggy pants, they were stopped by Garden Grove police at the Euclid Retail Center, a strip mall, an area the police later claimed was frequented by gangs. The teens were questioned about gang affiliations, interviewed for “field interview” cards, and photographed without their permission.
Two years later Ho was a student at UCLA, where she was instrumental in starting the Vietnamese Student Union, which was then known as “SEACLEAR, which stands for Southeast Asian Campus Learning, Education and Retention,” according to an article by Andy Shaw in the Daily Bruin. The goal of this organization was to help “fellow Vietnamese students getting bad grades, dropping out of school and how they usually dealt with their problems by themselves.”
Later, as Bolsavik revealed, Ho graduated from the noted Harvard University’s Kennedy School of Government before returning to UCLA to earn a juris doctorate.
But one has to wonder if Ho did in fact leave her old gang persuasions behind. Her MySpace page labels her “Shorty,” which is a common gang name. In fact, if memory serves correct, one of disgraced Democratic Supervisorial candidate Hoa Van Tran’s cholos was named “Shorty” too.
However, Ho has, according to her Linkedin page, worked as an Legal Extern at the U.S. Department of Justice. And she states that she was a Field Representative for a member of the California State Assembly. And the law firm she works for states on their website that Ho “T. Linh Ho is an Associate in the Public Law and Trial and Advocacy Practice Groups based in the Los Angeles office of Burke, Williams & Sorensen, LLP.”
So what’s the deal? Is she “Shorty,” the teen who was fingered for being a gang member by the City of Garden Grove Police Department, or Attorney Tram Linh Ho – an up and comer in Orange County politics?
And here is another question to ponder – besides possibly being a sleeper for some unknown Asian gang, could she be affiliated with Republican Assemblyman Van Tran? According to a commenter at the Bolsavik blog, her dad is a contractor who has worked closely with Van Tran on many of his development projects.
I want to believe in Ho. I really do. But failed Supervisorial candidate, and devout Trannie, Dina Nguyen is already on the Garden Grove City Council. And Nguyen’s brother was caught in a huge drug bust that involved three countries and tons of drugs.
Can the people of the City of Garden Grove afford to put their faith in Ho without knowing where she stands with regard to gangs and Van Tran? Furthermore, can the Democratic Party of Orange County (DPOC) and their labor union allies afford to get behind Ho without truly vetting her? The Hoa Van Tran disaster was a nightmare for the DPOC – do they really want to go there again?
Ho owes it to the voters to come clean and to forcefully denounce Asian gangs AND Van Tran and his Trannies – which is something Hoa Van Tran refused to do.
I hope she is for real. Garden Grove needs help – particularly when the only announced candidates for their City Council openings are Trung Nguyen and Paul Lucas – and someone named Robin Marcario.
You really shouldnt judge someone on what they did as kids. You did the same thing to Michelle Martinez and you lost a good friend in her. And now you want to go and run right over Lin Ho beofre you even get to know her.
That just shows your true stripes. If Lin was involved in some rowdyness as a kid that does not make her that same kid that she was. heck who hasnt had some wild periods as teen agers.
But her father and van Tran go way back. They are old Friends. their families are old friends. but that doesnt mean that Lin is a dyed in the wool Tranny as you put it. So just back off and give her a chance. She cant help it if van and lins father are old friends.
Actually, to be accurate, I tossed Martinez to the curb after she gave up on change, in the wake of the passage of Measure D. She then took a job trying to raise our taxes via the fraudulent Measure G. That was the final nail in her coffin. I am quite done with her now.
As for Ho, perhaps you missed the nuance in my post. She is impressive – but why is she still using a gang nickname on her MySpace page?
As for Ho’s dad, granted she can’t tell him what to do – but don’t you want to hear her denounce Van Tran and his corrupt legion of Trannies?
I met Linh Ho at the 4th of July parade. She is really smart and funny… AND SHORT! Why does Shorty have to be a gang name?
And she can speak for herself on the Trannie matter, but the things she said to me will certainly put your mind at rest.
Why dies she have to come out and denounce anyone? Just because you tell her to? Jeez you have a huge ego. I would not expect her to denounce van Tran for anything just because you say she should.
She doesn’t have to. But after what the DPOC went through with Hoa Van Tran she would be ill-advised not to.
Shorty is a very common nickname in gang culture. But all she has to do is publicly refute Asian gangs and repeat what she told you about Van Tran in a public forum. Folks need to know where she stands.
art,so she calls herself “shorty” so what? i have a friend who’s nickname is “shorty” and he’s no gang member he’s a hard working immigrant who just happens to be short. you ask if she has left her gang life behind do you even know she was ever a gang member? my nephew david (rip)was once hassled by the sapd and photographed because they thought he was a gang member but he never was. his only crime was he was going to visit his grandmother while on break from college in a bad neighborhood where his grandmother lived. why do you even say she should denounce asian gangs and the trannies? why dont you ask her if she has communist leanings like the trannies and your friend janet nguyen who i know is a communist. one thing i know is she deserves the benefit of the doubt. we dont know what she’s about yet and it will be interesting to find out. but she doesnt deserve the b.s. you are implying.
Why dont you ask her to publicly praise Janet Nguyen instead of denouncing Van. Maybe that would be a good compromise? you cannot reasonably ask a woman to throw her families old friend under the bus. Heck before van got into politics he was a good person I am sure. Politics corrupts all eventually.
I think you should ask her to publicly praise Janet Nguyen instead of throwing a guy she calls uncle under the bus.
You are so full of yourslef and think you know everything about the Vietnamese Community. But you obviously dont know anything about us.
For example, did you know that there are always dust ups in the Viet Community between rival factions. The thing is that a majority of these squabbles are over when its over. And everyone resumes being frinds again. The only one who has not been able to show the maturity and inteligence to bury the hatchet and act like an adult is your girlfriend Janet Nguyen. Who we all know is a communist from the donations she has taken from them.
You should ask Lin to publicly and loudly and vociferously praise Janet Nguyen if you are going to be ridiculous enough to ask her to denounce Van Tran and some typical teen age behavior.
Wow! She sued the City of Garden Grove now wants to run it….. Ah no way Jose not for me….
Umm… guys… ‘shorty’ just means ‘girl.’ But I wouldn’t expect any of you to have a working knowledge of contemporary slang, now would I? 😛
Van Tran and his Trannies are scum – if Ho doesn’t want to say so then I think the voters need to give her a wide berth.
Don’t forget that Hoa Van Tran had the same problem – and look what happened to him. He is finished politically.
Van Tran is weaker now than ever before. His Trannies aren’t winning any elections any more. In fact one of them, San Jose’s Madison Nguyen, is about to get recalled!
Now is a GREAT time for Ho to let him have it – it’s not like Van Tran can do anything about it. Besides – what kind of Democrat is she if she cannot stand up to a lousy, corrupt Republican like Van Tran?
I see. So there must have been more to the Hoa Van Tran cholo who called himself Shorty than we thought. I hope his fellow cholos are OK with that! 🙂
Remember the other politician who sued Garden Grove? That would be George Jaramillo, the disgraced former deputy to ex Sheriff Mike Carona. He sued the Police Department, where he worked, for racism. Then he used the settlement money to get a law degree. He must not have learned ethics in law school!
1. shorty
affectionate term for a girlfriend, attractive female or concubine
It is also slang for attractive girl or newcomer to a game.
~just saying~~
Maybe you could put on a link to the UrbanDictionary “word of the day” for the older foggies here. Let them catch up on how spicy our world of words has become! 😉
That Ho may be a concubine? Harsh! 🙂
art, why wont you answer my question? and you have the nerve to say “she might be a sleeper for an unknown asian gang”?! what an f-ing idiot! i swear art you seem to get more looney tunes by the day. as if janet hasnt come clean about her “gang ties” you know what gang i’m talking about right? you know, the communists? the ones who she supports by hanging with them gobbling down roast pig? you have seen the pics on our friend the bolsaviks site right? i know you have but you still havent commented on those pics. why? before you start demanding answers of possibly an up and coming councilwoman you should start demanding answers from a communist who sits on the board of supervisors.
Art is picking on Linh Ho because he knows she will be a threat to Janet’s boy Andrew Do.
We have a neighbor named Ho. I always feel a little funky when I call over, “Hi, Ho!”
I agree w/ other posters , Art, you have just shown your true Reich wing colors, you are simply a Latino supremacist- ridiculous as that concept may be given history. She was never even charged. Learn some history, law, and try reading a paper besides the Reg, homeboy.
You should be ashamed for engaging in this type of behavior.
I dont expect much from you, but this is really something. Insinutating what you have is really low man. I only read this blog for its tabloid characteristics, but I did not think outright character assassination was also on the menu.
Art- Grow up…
Character assassination? Really? I don’t think so. As usual I asked the questions that your hackish friends at Blue County are either too afraid or otherwise prevented from asking.
Go back and read my post again. You’re supposed to be a smart guy. Surely you can differentiate between an assertion and an allegation?
I stated that I want to believe in Ho, and I do. But don’t expect me to chug blue Kool Aid just because she is a Dem. She needs to renounce Asian gangs and Van Tran and his Trannies. Otherwise she shall remain suspect.
Did you learn nothing from the Hoa Van Tran fiasco? Those that forget history are doomed to repeat it Tim. Why else do you think the DPOC is such a joke in Orange County?
And why malign my blog just because you disagree with me? We have plenty of blue writers here and our readership is now almost triple that of Blue County. And we have trounced Red County too in the past few weeks. Clearly our bipartisan formula is working.
art, if you ask the questions that need to be asked why dont you ask janet what she was doing gobbling down roast pig with the communists in front of our friend the bolsaviks former employer? after all you did call them communists so what was she doing there and doesnt her participation in those communist activities make her “suspect” as well?????????
Actually I compared the protestors to the Commies after some of the protesters resorted to violence and intimidation. It was an analogy. You are the only one who took the comment literally.
Everytime you call Janet a Commie you undermine your point. She is not a Commie and you know that.
Perhaps Janet wanted to find out more about her constituents? Who knows? You will not find even one Vietnamese politician who will slam the protesters, but I suspect you know that too.
Good job Art. The last time, Chris Prevatt exposed Hoa Van Tran and his gangs. The Dems never believed him. To make it worst, you slammed Chris. Look at the outcome. Now this.
Yes, support SHORTY so that we can see that the DEMS are for gangs.
Tim –
I don’t think I’ve seen your name on this blog in MONTHS! You choose NOW to comment? You choose THIS candidate to finally speak up about? Are ‘your’ OCYDs about to endorse another token Democrat? At least with Hoa Van Tran our friend Jason had the common sense to retract his endorsement in time.
So which machine are you with now? OCYD or DPOC? At this point, either will endorse anyone with a (D) next to their name. Vetting? What’s that?
I was going to support Ho because she seems young, vibrant, and independent, but if your machines are backing her she needs to be further scrutinized. Sorry, but that’s the sad truth based on your own party’s recent actions (and inactions for that matter).
The subject of this post is Tram Linh Ho. Any more comments from you that are not germane to that subject will be deleted.
I am surprised that you have nothing to say about Ho’s alleged connections to Van Tran, via her father.
Have you been able to secure an endorsement from janet nguyen for Ho? Or how about a public praise from Ho to janet? has Ho turned on Van yet and thrown her families old friend under the bus?
Face it Art, You have no real effect on OC Politics. And you certainly have no pull with janet. And you certainly will not get Ho to throw her fathers old and dear friend under the bus. You can have all the cheerleaders you want like Sarah M Spinosa, but it wont make Ho bend enough to go against van.
I’m a cheerleader? ROFL! That’s an interesting point of view. I don’t think many people would share it.
You are an even bigger joke than Art. Who do you thinky ou are to think you have any influence over the DOPC or even the OCYD?
Uncle Van = Tim Steed? Hmmm… Interesting moniker. I don’t think I have influence over organizations. I don’t need it. I have influence over voters and your organizations are putting them off. That’s why DTS is the fastest growing political group. I’m still inching towards that direction myself. Both parties in this state are a complete and utter bad joke.
How exactly do you have influence over voters Sarah? Thats a laugh. besids I digress, this post is about Lin Ho and Art asking her to renounce asian gangs and the Trannies. As if she is a sleeper for some asian gang or as if she is going to throw Van Tran under the bus?
Why the heck would Lin pick a fight with someone she has no fight with for starters, and secondly, how exactly is she supposed to renounce him? I mean Lin Ho never had business dealing with Van Tran as far as I know. Only her dad did. So how is it that Art and you are hilding her responsible and guilty for her dads associations and friendships?
I haven’t passed judgment on Ho. I don’t think Art has either for that matter. We’re merely bringing all of the facts to light.
Van Tran’s MO is power in numbers. I’d like to deny him another chance to build his army, but I will absolutely give every candidate, this one included, a fair hearing out. I feel it is an important part of my job as a blogger to assist in the vetting process, and vet I will.
Your job? You call this a job? I wonder what your day job boss would think about that? At any rate, you did pass judgement on her. You derided her for being backed by “The machine(s)” of the OCYD and the DPOC.
Didnt you join in Arts call for her to throw Van Tran under the bus? Why is it that her praising Janet Nguyen as publicly as you want her to denounce Van Tran and Asian gangs a good compromise? You may not have outright said it but your callous intentions are quite evident.
Oooh… the word twisting game! How fun! You must be a Democrat! 😉
I said that if she’s backed by any ‘machine,’ be it DPOC, OCYD, or the Trannies, her candidacy requires further scrutiny.
Scroll up and read it for yourself. It’s right there in blue and white.
Fair enough but who are you to be the scrutinizer? you dont even live in GG. Heck youre not even from the west coast are you? So whats your stake in all this other than what seems to be an obsession with putting in your half cent (and Im being generous) street value screeds?
Yours and Art assertion that Lin Ho needs to denounce Asian gangs and Van Tran are just plain ridiculous. As ridiculous as your assertion that you have some menaure of influence on voters and decision makers.
Look, Lin Ho had business in the past with Van Tran. I dont know if he does anymore as Van doesnt do real estate deals anymore since he is so busy being an elected official. Again Im assuming. But from those past deals and projects he made a good friend who happened to have a daughter named Lin Ho who happens to be runnig for Council now.
Art made the major leap of tying her in with Van Tran and thus a tranny. Theres just something wrong with that dont you think?
correction, I meant to say Lin Hos father had business with Van Tran, not Lin Ho
Art, I know you said you want to believe in Linh Ho. You should because as a teenager, the future Harvard graduate actually did something that made a difference in the lives of ordinary law abiding citizens of GG. She (with the help of constitutional lawyers) held the police department accountable for their practice of photographing citizens without their permission (and without probable cause) and placing them into “gang” files. Because of her actions, good people like you and me are less likely to be harassed by those who are paid to protect and to serve the community. Art, I agree with you 98% of the time and hope that you will open up to Linh Ho. She is the real deal and will make a great city council woman.
I also got the highest opinion of Linh from my five-minute conversation with her. She should be a candidate the OJ interviews and gets behind.
along with
Ken Arnold
Ana Rebecca
Gary Pritchard
Dan Kalmick
Andy Favor
and others…
Hip people know that “shorty” refers to a little, cute woman. It also happens that some women fit that description. Myspace is “cool” and cool people know that being a thugged out gangster is NOT. From your entry, she seems like bright potential. It’s about time for someone refreshing like her.
For all those with questions about Linh Ho, now you can meet her.
When: Sunday, August 10, 2008, 4pm – 8pm
Where: Pholicious Restaurant
10585 Slater Ave. Suite 4A
Fountain Valley, CA 92708