Was anyone as sickened as we were to watch the Hillary/Bill O’Reilly interview
the last couple of nights? The pandering was obnoxious…the kissy, kissy, cutezy
laughing and joking makes you wonder why they pay this guy six figures! We know why
they payoff the major media….so we guess O’Reilly has now made the big time. What’s
next Hannity doing a barbecue with Hillary at her home?
In the meantime, talk about trying to bury Obama…..with Jeremiah Wright! How
much redundant bull should be allowed to be pushed down the throats of the American
public? What’s next….Obama and Wright exchanging pleasantries in a public bathroom? Ridiculous! Who cares who Hillary knows? Who cares how many felons
Bill Clinton has received money from? Who cares how many times Bill Clinton has
had an “unofficial” affair with someone other than Hillary? Who cares which Church
Bill went to when he was in Russia or England or when he was dodging the draft in Arkansas? We don’t care…do you? Then why in the world has major media jumped on the big “Stab Obama with the Wright Stuff” bandwagon.
Polls…Racists….and paid off politicians…all are desperately afraid of Barack
Obama. He has alot of people concerned….that their jobs could be in jeopardy…
and rightfully so. The election of Barak Obama, as the next President of the United
States would create a “Sea Change” of major proportions. Hey, we have no false
impressions that he will change much in Government. There are far too many bought
and paid for people in Government….that is deep. But what Obama can do….is be
a voice of reason and common sense. He might even select some decent people to
serve in his cabinet.
Let’s look at the other two candidates:
McCain: Will say or do anything to get elected and then change his mind and do something totally different.
Hillary: Will say or do anything to get elected and then do exactly what she had in mind all the time regardless of what she said.
These are not good choices. Perhaps none of our choices are good ones….but we at least we will have a change with an Obama Presidency.
Let’s talk about issues: (1) Gun Control, (2) Stem Cell Research, (3) Abortion,
(4) Taxes, (5) Social Security, (6) Healthcare, (7) The War in Iraq, (8) The
cost of Energy in America, (9) Freedoms and Privacy, (10) The FLDS Child Marriage issue and finally (11) Who will be the next American Idol winner? Will it really matter who we choose as the next President – in regards to any of these issues?
Barack Obama and Michelle his lovely wife seem to be nice people…even through the veil of the media, you can tell they are more honest and direct than most. No wonder the “powers that be are scared to death” of eight years of honesty in the White House. What will happen with a Obama Presidency, is that the United States for once will not be generally characterized as a Racist Imperial Power. It still will be that, but with the election of Obama, the nations of world will have to reassess our credentials in that regard. Yes, we know Obama is supported by the Council on Foreign Relations…but at least he is not Member..yet! Bill Clinton, as we now…is a member! McCain…who cares?
We have to apologize for this out of character rant….but enough is enough. We are starting to get punch drunk from the repetitive Obama bashing and Hillary pandering
by Bill O’Reilly…like fingernails on a blackboard! Hey O’Reilly; tell us more about those Hedge Funds and Pension Issues….they really work us up! What does
your “Body Language” tell us about that?
“Was anyone as sickened as we were to watch the Hillary/Bill O’Reilly interview the last couple of nights?”
Actually, I get that sickened feeling every time I channel surf by Mr. O’Reilly.
What has Mr. Obama accomplished during his short time in national government that would lead you to beleive that he would be a successful President of the United States of America?
He seems like a nice enough guy -sincere and all. However, in my opinion, that does not qualify him for the most important elected office in the world.
Winships – Exactly how does Obama strike fear into Fox News?
I could not detect an explanation of this statement in your irrational Obama love rant.
We suggest that Bill O’Reilly has
already said…that he “thinks Obama will not come on his program
because he knows that Billy boy
will be too tough. It is rather
academic by the way regarding the
on-going pandering by the whole
Fox News Networks regarding Hillary. Virtually every other word keeps pounding the fact that
Hillary has caught up and will pass
Love Rant? Dude….which of the
other two are you voting for?
Faux News and O’Reilly (and the right-wing nuts on talk radio) would love to see Hillary as candidate… That would make it easier for them to plug McCain. Faux News is the mouthpiece of the neo-cons, after all. While the neo-cons don’t overly like McCain, they hate the Clintons, and in particular Hillary. While the right-wing hate talk influence is diminishing, I think it is still big enough to have a significant impact.
What has Mrs. Clinton accomplished during her short time in national government that would lead you to believe that she would be a successful President of the United States of America?
Her main accomplishment is that she is the spouse of the 42nd President.
Her voting record (e.g., for the Iraq war) doesn’t quite show the good judgment I would expect from a presidential contender.
You raise a good point. However, Hillary was one of a VERY large majority of Congresspeople who voted for funding the war when they though there were WMD in Iraq. I don’t think that vote should count for anybody knowing what we do now.
We should all look to the future and fix our mistake instead of pointing fingers at people who don’t have a talent for divination.
Aw, Iron Man, give the Windshifts some slack. (Better nickname than Windsaps I hope, and I mean it with all respect R&A – you can see which way the wind is blowing!) Remember, Ron and Anna are writing for the official Obama-endorsed blog! And they’re still wide-eyed novices in the land of Hope, who haven’t yet learned to express their ardent and newfound optimism in a learned and saturnine way. I for one give Mad Props to any lifelong Republicans who come Into the Light, especially in the Twilight of their Lives.
We have to apologize for this out of character rant….but
Heh! You’re kidding, right? You’re KNOWN for your meandering rants 😉
Nice to see you backing Obama.
Let us all be clear…if Kinky
Friedman, Jim Hightower, Terry Reed or Jim Marrs were running for
President….we probably would be
supporting them.
For us Obama seems the best of the
three primi time candidates. If however, he picks the wrong VP…like a Michael Bloomberg..
we will be voting for Nader!
Kinky and Hightower – good populist choices! Haven’t heard of the other two.
Don’t think I could handle Hightower’s high-pitched Texas yodel for an entire State of the Union though.
True, most Congresspeople voted for funding the Iraq war. But it *was* known at that time that there were no WMDs in Iraq. Only the Bush administration claimed otherwise.
I would expect that somebody who wants to get my vote for President doesn’t just blindly believes what the administration is saying. This goes back to showing good judgment.
Obama and fear? Yes Ron, I do fear Obama becoming our next president.
I guess we are consistent. One of my recent birthday gifts was a book entitield the “Nanny State” where big brother is very concerned about obesity in America. The Food and Drug Admin has placed a focus on caloric control looking at low/reduced calorie, low reduced fat, and light foods and beverages.
Larry where are you going with all this.
Well, according to your selection, the next step is to elect a “lighweight” president who may be in good physical shape but lacks the experience to deal with “heavyweight” world leaders such as former KGB leader Putin in Russia or HU Jintao, current president of the People’s Republic of China.
I want to elect a President who can think and is not reliant on advisors. I want one who can manage a complex, stressful, 24/7 job without getting sick. I want a President who will not think any person, any idea, any feeling a source of humor and give each the respect it deserves. I dont get a lot of information on these.
Good judgment is doing what the people want after our nation has been attacked. May I remind you that Bush’s approval rating after 9/11 was over 90% and just under 75% when he invaded Iraq. For a guy who doesn’t care about polls, he sure road high on them when they were in his favor!
‘I’ve earned some political capital and I intend to spend it.’ -G.W. Bush
How can you not contrast that to the record-low approval ratings currently attributed to both the executive and the legislature?
Again, I submit that the initial vote to invade Iraq is a moot point in the current political climate.
Whether Obama was a fortune-teller, better informed by the powers that be, or just plain lucky on this issue, I guess we’ll never know.
I’ve been trying to avoid commenting on this because I hate the predictable back-and-forth, but that’s just too obscene for you to be writing, Sarah: “Good judgment is doing what the people want…” We EXPECT our senators to be better-informed than us and to do the right thing and the wise thing, and this war was possibly the worst mistake this nation has made in a century or more. You’re tying yourself in knots trying to defend Hillary’s bad vote. Why can’t you (and Hillary) do like Edwards and Kerry already have, and say “I made a terrible mistake (for whatever reason) but there are lots of other good reasons to support me, and here’s while I’ll never make a mistake like that again!”
No, Obama was not a fortune-teller or just plain lucky. He was skeptical of this administration of lying bastards, and he was exactly as well informed as ME, and millions of other caring Americans who bothered to do a little reading. Going by Barack’s great early-2002 speech at a Chicago anti-war rally, he knew exactly the things I knew at the time and we were both right. And I didn’t read all the blogs I read now, I was informed at the time by The Nation, e-mails from MoveOn.org, and a few speeches I had managed to catch from Scott Ritter. Some things ring true, and some folks, like Bush and Cheney, wear the words “LIAR” in scarlet right on their faces.
I don’t know why Hillary in particular went wrong, she hasn’t been real forthcoming about it, but the Bushies – at the urging of Rove who of course denies it now – insisted on voting on the invasion BEFORE midterm elections and just a year after 2001, so they could use antiwar votes against Dem politicians running for re-election with a terrified and confused electorate. A low moment of US history.
Lift yourself up a little SMS, you are descending into way too much of a shill for Hillary. She does have her redeeming qualities, but the war vote needs to be explained and atoned for, not excused away.
I didn’t have to vote for the war so really I don’t have to admit anything, but I still say this: ‘do it once, shame on you, do it twice, shame on me.’ A legislature is only as good as the information it’s presented.
Of course, as I mentioned before, it’s also true that many of the voters, myself included, thought we should have taken out Saddam when Bush 41 was POTUS, and so naturally many of us were excited by the chance to finish what we started over 10 years prior.
Not to mention you act like Barack Obama was part of the majority and Hillary the minority when we all know it was the other way around. All I’m saying is I think Hillary, as well as the plurality of others who voted for the ‘war,’ should be given a mulligan, even if they don’t admit any fault.
It’s not just about Hillary. The only reason I don’t grant McCain the same break is because of how he’s been handling himself regarding the issue recently, ‘100 years’ and all that. Maverick my ass!
After 9/11, and with 91% approval ratings, frankly I don’t care what anyone says, Bush deserved the benefit of the doubt at that time. Did Hill (and I) make a mistake? Bet your ass we did, and yeah, she should admit it too, but I still think Obama set himself apart from the mainstream crowd for the sake of a political gamble so that just in case he ended up being right, he’d have a nice platform for a Presidential run.
Like I said on PPS’s Centrist World, I knew has was going to run the moment he finished his speech at the 2004 DNC. Are you telling me his position on the war and the timing, wording, and delivery of that speech were coincidental? You don’t think Senator Obama might have had a little help from those who have a plan for him, and indeed the entire world?
So OK, fine, even if, for sake of argument, we go ahead and grant Obama ‘foresight’ on this issue, overall he’s still too inexperienced, much too liberally idealistic (even if he happens to have strong support from independents at the moment), and he seems to me to address each issue piecemeal as opposed to having the perspective to see the big picture.
Empty suit platitudes? The answer is ‘yes he can!’ I’m sorry, but in terms of experience, vision, and centrism, I still have to go with Hill/Bill Volume 2, the least of three evils.
PS: I voted for Wesley Clark in the 2004 primary, so before you respond please try to keep things in perspective!
We believe you to be a thoughtful,
caring and patriotic American. Now, having said that…we might
remind you of a few things. Hillary says she has the advantage
of 35 years of grunt experience….
Her vote on the war in Iraq…doesn’t quite qualify as
a “Mulligan”…..when she was using
a Callaway Big Bertha Titanium Driver. She wasn’t even
trying to use a Sammy Snead 2 Iron.
It seems amazing that “suddenly” dear Hillary has seen the light:
“Now she is pro-gun?” Ugh! “Now
she finds out that the Oil Companies are ripping off the American public?” “Now she knows
that American Car Companies need to
make mileage minded autos?” Give
us a break….she has taken more
“Special Interest Money”….than..
Dan Rostonkowski! Her: “I will get
up every morning and work for you..
” bull…..has to be hard to take..
even for you a dedicated Hillaryfile! Wes Clarke? Good grief you must have heard that he
was going to be her running mate!
Put the skinny kid in….how bad
can it be? Not as bad as Hillary
or Johnny boy!
Bush 41 had his hands tied in the first Gulf War. The UN and the multinational coalition had very specific restrictions on the Mission, or rules of engagement, which simply stated, was to drive the Iraqi Republican Guard out of the neighboring country of Kuwait.
We were not allowed to move north to take out Saddam or the city of Baghdad.
Some label the second Gulf war in 2003 as “unfinished business.”
Not having access to Intel at the time neither I, nor every person reading this blog, has direct knowledge of all the facts.
I am frickin’ tired of all the pussyfootin’ around.
Knowing that we went into Iraq to ensure the supply of oil does not bother me one bit.
That is called protecting the national interest. It is also protecting the interest of our so called allies.
If the greenie weinies would allow developement of domestic sources of energy we would not need to expend our blood and treasure in order to protect our way of life.