Tonight, after the Florida Republican votes are counted, a winner is named, and you get tired of listening to the many radio and TV pundits, let me urge you to listen to the following program that deals with the topic of EMF. For those not familiar with EMF, electromagnetic fields, it has been argued that EMF exposure can lead to serious health risks.
The following post is from the Mission Viejo Dispatch. I would urge you to tune in to find out what a recognized expert has to say regarding the health risk associated with electro magnetic fields, EMF. Wikipedia covers the health and safety areas of EMF as follows: “Health and safety.
The potential health effects of the very low frequency EMFs surrounding power lines and electrical devices are the subject of on-going research and a significant amount of public debate. In workplace environments, where EMF exposures can be up to 10,000 times greater than the average, the National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH) has issued some cautionary advisories but stresses that the data is currently too limited to draw good conclusions. The potential effects of electromagnetic fields on human health vary widely depending on the frequency and intensity of the fields.”
Concerned residents of Mission Viejo, who took elevated EMF readings after new SCE power lines were added above a very active park in our city, contacted Ms Sage over 18 months ago to get her input on the potential health hazard that we are exposing our children to. After months of being stonewalled by our city, activists were finally successful in obtaining a copy of her report this month. It is worth pointing out that the city directly or indirectly purchased a second opinion from a client of SCE around a year later. Why? Did the Sage findings conflict with SCE’s data? Larry Gilbert————————————————————————————————————————-
“Cindy Sage, who initially performed tests on electromagnetic frequency (EMF) radiation along the SCE corridor in Mission Viejo, will be the radio guest of George Noory tonight (Tues.) on KFI Radio, channel AM 64O Cindy will discuss the potential implications for health from EMF exposure between 10pm and 2am.
The Noory website is The program can be streamed via the website; alternatively it can podcasted or downloaded to computer later via the website. An access charge of $6.95 applies for the streaming or downloading features.
Cindy will appear at the Mission Viejo City Council Meeting on February 18 as part of a public hearing regarding current EMF exposure levels along the overhead powerline corridor operated by SCE.”
Thanks for letting all know just how the special interest like Southern California Edison can thumb their nose at the citizens and the public agencies that are supposed to provide oversight of them. Southern California Edison could care less about the children that utilize the parks in Mission Viejo. They had repeatedly proved that by Edison’s callus regard for their own employees health and safety and the falsification of Customer Satisfaction surveys.
After more than fifty years of testing the effects of EMF on hundreds of millions of Americans,
By shielding and concentrating the EMF in CRT’s (TV sets) and projecting those waves straight into our skulls for many hours a day.
What have the accumulated effect been?
The life expectancy of the average American has risen every year during this 50 plus year test.
So I think, unscientifically, that if we as a society restricted EMF by shutting down power plants, banning auto’s, trucks, and busses, and all the rest of the items that emit EMF’s.
I think that our life expectancy would take quite a drop, maybe 50 percent or more.
Leukemia, Cancer and Brain Tumors..
but hey..we are probably just
over-reacting here. The main complaints are Central Nervous
Disorders! But that just lines
that came out of Three Mile Island
…which is another story!
Finally, you are right sir…the
average age has risen each year..
but then….not everyone lives
under High Tension wires! Probably
just psycho-somatic!
Cook, who is talking about shutting down power and banning autos? But if you want to use that analogy, we have a healthier America from laws created to control pollution. Fifty years ago we had power plants and tailpipes spewing pollutants into the air, making us sick. The pesticide DDT is no longer produced in the United States and today we have regulations for lead-based paints and filtered cigarettes with reduced nicotene levels.
So it is time the power companies were made to deal responsibly with exposing its customers to EMF radiation. If there are not any health risks associated with EMF radiation, then why do we measure it ? cathy schlicht
Without getting into a deep technical discussion let me paint the picture we were shown.
When SCE tells the public that the readings will be X and our verifed readings are 25 or 50 percent higher than I would think that we were misled.
Especially when the replacement towers were supposed to result in lower EMF readings.
I think SCE are a bunch of lying crooks.
I would not put it pass them to cheat on safty requirements.
Tomorrow afternoon SCE appears before the CPUC in an effort to reduce its $200,000,000 judgment imposed by ALJ Barnett for stealing $125,000,000 from its ratepayers when it filed falsified documents to receive bonuses from the CPUC.
Where is the meeting? the CPUC web site isn’t working and SCE has nothing on this in there pending file.
Anonymous, you are an Idiot!