Just in from the Drudge Report.
While many conservative Christians have concerns with Rudy’s positions in some major family values policy areas such as abortion and gay rights, televangelist Pat Robertson, founder of the Christian Coalition, has just endorsed Rudy for president.
Has Pat lost his Christian focus?
What impact will this endorsement have in the primary?
If Rudy wins the primary will Christians stay home next November in protest?
Many conservative Republican voters have told me that they may go with their convictions in the February Primary even when their first choice may not be positioned to fund and win next November.
You can read the entire story here:
Robertson is a sell out. I wonder what post he was promised by Rudy to get this endorsement? What happened to Robertson’s hard core stands on abortion and gay rights? This does not help Rudy but it does hurt Robertson.
Rudy must have agreed to execute those hits in Central and South America that Robertson had advocated for previously.
I think Pat Robertson is showing his age and did not clearly think through what he was doing. I don’t think his endorsement will have any effect.
The sad part is that he could have endorsed Ron Paul. Ron Paul is the only candidate who can beat Senator Clinton and Ron Paul’s views on the abortion issue are certainly more in line with Robertson’s.
Did you see the look on Fred Thompson’s face today? Dark days
for Freddy are ahead. Robertson
did the right thing….in order
to give the Republican Party a
chance to beat Hillary “heads up”.
Hillary is the “Wicked Witch of
the Mid-West”, she knows it, we
know it and even Bill knows it.
(Our apologies to Bob Dole!)
Rudy has been given a great gift
and we hope he makes the most of
it! Rudy, Rudy, Rudy!
Who cares who Robertson endorses? He is on the FARRRR right, so far right that he is driving in the emergency lane. He is more of a detriment to the Republican party than anything.