Following is a Press Release that I have just received which triggers a multitude of questions for which I welcome your feedback. Said questions will appear at the end of the Press Release.
Contact: Norita Taylor,
(800) 444-5791
Mexican trucks should remain there until proven safe, secure
DOT’s pilot program to start beginning Sept. 1
(Grain Valley, MO, August 29, 2007) – The Owner-Operator Independent Drivers Association (OOIDA) will be requesting an injunction be filed against the U.S. Department of Transportation’s plan to allow Mexican trucks to operate throughout the United States, set to begin this Saturday, Sept. 1.
“We are stunned at the contempt toward hard-working, American truckers, American highway users and most of all, the rule of law,” said Todd Spencer, Executive Vice President of OOIDA.
“They are determined to move ahead with this travesty and open our highways to Mexico-domiciled trucking companies, against the will of the public and nationally elected representatives, and regardless of the concerns that have been raised by Congress and the American people.”
The Owner-Operator Independent Drivers Association is the national trade association representing the interests of small-business trucking professionals and professional truck drivers. OOIDA was established in 1973 and is headquartered in the greater Kansas City, MO, area. The Association currently has more than 155,000 members from all 50 states and Canada.
OK. It’s your turn to consider and respond to the following.
Think for a moment. All international airlines must meet or exceed FAA minimum safety standards if they arrive or depart from any US airport. All inbound shipping must comply with our US Coast Guard rules and regulations.
Question #1. What role does this “open door” trucking program have on the authority of ICE, DOT, Homeland Security or Customs Agents?
#2 Will we be permitted to stop and inspect every truck that crosses into the US?
#3 Will these trucks be sealed? And if so, will be permitted to break the seals?
#4 If not what assurance do we have that the trucks will not contain any contraband, drugs or illegal immigrants?
#5. What if these trucks fail to pass a reasonable safety check. Do we have the authority to turn them back. i.e. bald tires, poor brakes, cracked windshields, etc
Feel free to expand this list. Thank you! Larry
Oh c’mon Larry, Bush has certified that these Mexican trucks are “safe”. What’s wrong, don’t we believe President Bush has America’s best interests at heart here? I gotta believe my President. He would never be in favor of letting accident prone, slipshod mexican trucks on our highways because that would mean he cares more about Mexico than the USA. Oh wait, I forgot we’re talking about someone who won’t enforce immigration laws and wants to give 20 million illegal aliens amnesty. Nevermind
#1 The DOT is the one responsbile for the program
#2 Yes, permitted, but the real question is WILL THAT HAPPEN. The DOT claims is doesn’t have the manpower to inspect all U.S. trucks as it is.
#3 No, not sealed.
#4 The DOT has not shown assurances
#5 Yes but the question is WILL THAT HAPPEN
Great post Larry. Independent and teamster truckers have been raising these safety and environmental issues but we all need to pay attention. The life these people save may be yours!
Looks like we need a bunch more
TSA Inspectors … doesn’t it?
Remember the old Postal Inspectors
we had back at the turn of 20th
Century. They got badges and really got lots of work during
Prohibition. Federal Agents or
Sworn Officers of some sort need
to stop, review manifests, unload
trucks at will, demand immediate
arrest or detention as required.
Where is Homeland Security in all
this again? Haven’t they not spent
billions of allocated bucks to
guard our National Security? This
“Open Borders for Trucks” is an
obscene slap in the face to every
TSA Agent at Airports around the
nation – detaining little old ladies that attempt to bring over 3 ounces of hair conditioner into the country!
Let’s hope the Injunction sticks!
Interesting this post shows up on same day that the press reports the OC DA has filed charges against the Hispanic surnamed driver of the semi that rear ended the family van in south county some months back, killing three little kids. We have too many trucks on our roads now -it seems most sig-alerts and major accidents in So. Cal. involve one or more “big rigs” losing control and it is a daily occurrence. Yet, we want the goods and that requires trucking. Relaxing safety standards is going in the wrong direction though.
Yes most of the loads will be sealed by a pre clearance agreement just like trucks coming over from Canada. I believe it is called FAST. Any law enforcment officer can break the seals anyway, they sign the bills and have a form saying who they are badge number etc and reseal the trailer when inspections are complete.
Most trucks will not be inspected at any time. Less than 5 percent of trucks are inspected by U S Govt. statistics.
My truck has in 35 years of driving been inspected by law enforcment for any reason 3 times..
Must be lucky? yeah right!
What about being able to speak and read english?
What if most of the drivers are Saudis? etc, etc, etc
Obviously the opponents of this “initial trial” know that if it’s a success, it’s “hasta la vista” to all those USA drivers unless they take a peso paycheck instead of $.
PS: I also failed to add that they should meet some minimum emission standards. Recognizing that CA laws may be tougher than those in other border states I will leave this somewhat open ended.
Another Republican president had an expression that I often reference. While you suggest that we trust president Bush let me respond with words of Ronald Reagan. “Trust but verify.”
I prefer sticking to his advice.
Have a great day!
I was being sarcastic Larry about trusting President Bush, LOL.
how can anyone believe that these trucks will meet federal air quality standards when mexico city has one of the worst air pollution problems in the world?
how can anyone believe that these trucks will be inspected when the vast majority of the container ships in our ports are not inspected?
are we going to see our roadway signs in english and in spanish?
cathy schlicht
Allan. I knew you were making a point. Howver, while I probably make my share of mistakes, I still try to practice what Ronald preached. Have a safe Labor Day weekend. Larry