FBI: Iraqis Being Smuggled Across the Rio Grande
Brian Ross Reports:
The FBI is investigating an alleged human smuggling operation based in Chaparral, N.M., that agents say is bringing “Iraqis and other Middle Eastern” individuals across the Rio Grande from Mexico.
An FBI intelligence report distributed by the Washington, D.C. Joint Terrorism Task Force, obtained by the Blotter on ABCNews.com, says the illegal ring has been bringing Iraqis across the border illegally for more than a year.
Border Patrol officials in the area said they were unaware of the specifics of the FBI’s report, and federal prosecutors in New Mexico told ABCNews.com they had no current cases involving the illegal smuggling of Iraqis.
The FBI report, issued last week, says the smuggling organization “used to smuggle Mexicans, but decided to smuggle Iraqi or other Middle Eastern individuals because it was more lucrative.” Each individual would be charged a fee of $20,000 to $25,000, according to the report.
The people to be smuggled would “gather at a house on the Mexican side of the border” and then cross the Rio Grande into the U.S., the report says.
“Unidentified individuals would then transport them to train stations in El Paso, Texas or Belen, New Mexico,” according to the FBI document.
A spokesman in Albuquerque said the FBI had “no viable information” that could lead to a case.
Until recently, the United States has kept its doors all but shut to the estimated two million refugees fleeing the violence in Iraq. Until this year, the country had taken in fewer than 800 Iraqi refugees, according to the State Department. This May, the Bush administration pledged to resettle 7,000 Iraqi refugees here by the end of the year.
More “boogeyman” nonsense.
Sean. Do you have insider information to refute this report?
If so I would love to see it.
I guess you feel that 9-11 was a hoax created by President Bush.
On talk radio this morning, they peg the figures of 3/4ths of illegal immigration has happened under the GW Bush administration.
Larry –
Tell us something new. You want us to believe that only Mexicans are smuggled from the South. What about our northern borders?? What about the expired student visas?
We shouldn’t be afraid of the illegal immigrant, we should be afraid of ourselves!
Larry–I am in agreement we need leakproof border security–we need to be able to stop terrorists from any locale from entering the U.S. And that means we need to not only deal with our southern border but our northern one and the variety of visa overstays that can allow terrorists to set up shop here. Given the number of bad actors in the world who would like nothing better then to replicate 9/11 we need to make sure everyone comes in lawfuly. I’m not convinced we need a wall or huge fence(both of which cause long and short term problems with our neighbor Mexico) given the technology available but we need to step it up.
Now get some of your Party to stop doing the Tancredo Two Step and put those immigrants who are here without legal documents and are otherwise abiding by our laws on a path to legal residency and possible citizenship. If we do both we make this a stronger and more secure country.
According to the CIA report, Canada has about 30M population.
There is about 20M of illegal Mexicans in USA.
Do you believe that 2/3 of Canada immigrated to USA and that is why we need northern border????
“I guess you feel that 9-11 was a hoax created by President Bush.”
None of the 9-11 hijackers crossed the Mexican border illegally. The “Millenium Bomber” who was caught by the CLINTON ADMINISTRATION tried sneaking in via the Canadian border.
This is just more of the mumbo jumbo put out by the immigrant bashing right. These are the same folks that think building a fence is the answer.
Anonymous 3:51pm
This issue is not about finger pointing as to how many illegals cross the border(s) under which presidents watch. The focus should be first to acknowledge the problem and second to fix it which is harder to accomplish.
Anonymous 3:53 pm
“Tell us something new?” That’s what this post covers. It is not about illegal immigration from Mexico and other central or south American countries. And we are in agreement that our Canadian border needs to be patrolled as well. As to students who stay beyond their visa they should also be sent back home if we can find where they are which in itself is another problem.
“We should be afraid of ourselves?”
Please explain what you mean by that statement and I will do my best to respond. Thank you!
Bladerunner. Thank you for your comments. We are in agreeemnt that something needs to be done in finding a solution to the immigration debate that is acceptable to all parties. As it now stands we might see a new proposal in the next administration but I would not look for anything concrete in the next few years. Who will control the White House and Congress and how strong is their resolve will be keys to any short and long term solution. Best regards.
Anonymous 4:11pm.
Although the majority of those here illegally are from Mexico there are many from other countries. With regard to Canada. Although the number is probably small I am sure that there are people in this country who came here illegally through our northern border. Some of these possibly being terrorists. The bottom line is that we need better control at both borders. Let us not overlook those who arrive by boat from Asia or those who make it here from Cuba.
You’re kidding, right?
Less than 30 days ago Andrew Speaker,listed at the border as “non-entry”, was cleared to pass from Canada to U.S. soil. Why? The border agent said he looked OK.
Mr. Speaker illegally entered the country despite security provisions in place.
If we’re interested in securing our borders, for security purposes, of course, then our northern borders should be included.
Sean. Thank you for supporting my concerns. The Millenium bomber was caught trying to enter the US from Canada. If not for a sharp female border patrol agent who knows what havoc we averted by that capture.
That incident was included in the ABC TV Miniseries entitled “The Path to 9-11.”
It only takes one or two terrorists sneaking across one of our borders to impact our Homeland Security and quality of life.
Iraqis being smuggled across the Rio Grande is stale news.
Anonymous 4:50.
“Stale news.” No! Ongoing activity. This ABC News report was from TODAY. That is why we must close the holes in our borders (plural).
I remember that episode of the twilight zone.
Counting Mexican jumping over the fence will help you sleep at night.
Thank you Cook for adding your intellect to the discussion.
#6. Are you smoking crack? 20M illegal Mexicans? Puhleeeese. You sound like Stanley Fiala.
You should know better than to try to have a reasonable discussion on this subject here. So many of the folks here are advocates for illegal immigrants, they either can’t or won’t admit the danger of terrorists coming in through our Southern border.
It’s much easier to write you off as racist, and defend the continued stream of people sneaking into this country daily, than having to deal with the reality of this issue.
Anonymous 8:57 a.m.
Thank you.
However to sweep this story under a rug plays into the hands of the terrorists who prefer our not exposing their illegal entry.
I can take the hits in the name of Homeland Security.
Just to advise you that Brain Ross was on KABC radio at 7:30 this morning discussing this report.
Sadly, since 9-11, we dare not take anything for granted when it relates to our Homeland Security.