Happy 4th of July…but not much going on in Santa Ana

Why are there NO 4th of July celebrations in Santa Ana? Ours is one of the few cities that allow safe and sane fireworks. We have a very nice public stadium, Eddie West Field, which could host a fireworks show. But apparently patriotism is not a priority for our City Council. That is a shame.

There are plenty of fun events scheduled for the rest of Orange County. The Times O.C. has published a list of such events available at this link. The O.C. Register has also published a list of 4th of July events, at this link.

There are two 4th of July items to report regarding Santa Ana. The Park Santiago Neighborhood Association is hosting a Neighborhood Parade today at 3 p.m. The parade will start at the Lawn Bowling Center, over at Park Santiago. The route is South on Valencia, West on Santa Clara, North on French, East on Virginia, ending back at the park.

Also, the Santa Ana Girls Softball League is selling fireworks today at McFadden and Standard. You can also support the Santa Ana High School Girl’s Water Polo Team by buying fireworks at their stand, which is located at Warner and Bristol. Please support these fine athletes today by buying your fireworks at their stands!

While we celebrate the freedom that is our heritage as Americans, let’s not forget to say a prayer for our men and women who are serving in our Armed Forces. They are putting their lives on the line for our freedom. They will likely come under fire today, in Afghanistan and Iraq. While their brothers and sisters man our other far flung bases in Europe, Asia and the Middle East. May God bless them and bring them home safely!

About Admin

"Admin" is just editors Vern Nelson, Greg Diamond, or Ryan Cantor sharing something that they mostly didn't write themselves, but think you should see. Before December 2010, "Admin" may have been former blog owner Art Pedroza.