Com-Link, which is also known as the Santa Ana Neighborhood Communication Linkage Forum, is holding a meeting tonight, at the Community Room of the Santa Ana Police Department, located at 60 Civic Center Plaza, from 6:30 – 8:30 p.m.
You can socialize and network with other involved Santa Ana citizens from 6:30 p.m. to 7 p.m. Refreshments will be graciously provided by the Black Angus Restaurant.
At 7:00 p.m. the general meeting will commence, with Committee Reports, followed by
We were promised term limits
What happened?
Aren’t there more pressing issues in the City of Santa Ana than term limits. Honestly. Isn’t crime, graffitti, road repair, and failing education more important than term limits?
Sal Tinajero was originally scheduled to be there, but he flaked and was replaced by Sarmiento.
I went!
I was hoping to meet new council members up close and personally as advertised.
I went to mainly see my council member Sal T. Ward 6 to further lobby for my issues — he was missing in action.
As to the rest of the shining star members?
Once trail-park trash always trash.
Doesn’t everyone think the new councilmembers are so much better than the old guard? You will really see some changes in Santa Ana now! The new ones seem younger and more in touch with our youth. And I’m really happy with Michele. She is finally taking on the crime issues in S.A. I love her town hall meetings. It shows she cares. I hope she does more of them in my neighborhood. I wonder why it took so long for a councilmember to think of that? I’m so proud to live in Santa Ana now that we have this new council and changes are happening!!
“And I’m really happy with Michele. She is finally taking on the crime issues in S.A.”
I agree! She talks lot about the crime and creating commissions to be filled with her commadres and compadres.
However, she never took on the crime yet.
The presentation at this ComLink meeting by Latino Health Access was very enlightening.
The miniscule amount of parkspace in Santa Ana is shameful, especially in light of the massive dense projects being approved by the new council. Thousands more people to share the little parks, and the council allowing “in leiu” funds instead of demanding land set asides for real new parkland.
It was a real eye opener to see that the school district locks up many of the school fields after school and doesn’t allow the public to use the recreational amenities. All this, as the school district stands poised to fence in an additional 12 acres of open space in Centennial Park. Without adequate recreational space, the children of Santa Ana are doomed to continue the cycle of obesity, and crime will continue to go up as the children are denied a safe place to play.
Thanks to Latino Health Access for bringing this to the attention of the community.
Parts of the presentation are expected to be available online soon at
Town Hall meetings are nice, but they don’t solve problems. Same with the new Commission on intervention. All the potential “fixes” require funding, and that’s going to be the problem. The new Council members have a real lesson to learn, and it’s about funding. You can have great ideas, but if you can’t fund their implementation, nothing changes.
Problems have been identified. BFD. Blah, Blah, Blah. I don’t hear of any solutions to solve the upswing in crime. As a F TROOP ALUM, doesn’t Clowncilwoman Martinez have any answers.
Blogger # 9,our favorite Riverview West neighbors, can’t resist taking cheap shots at Councilmember Martinez. This lone couple keeps Santa Ana kids locked out of the parks. Here’s hoping Councilmember Martinez and Tinajero can make some headway and recapture space for the kids to play in.
“You can have great ideas, but if you can’t fund their implementation, nothing changes.”
I have grate idea which would work and in the process would generate 10 million+ in royalties an advertisement for the city.
However, young socialist council members rejected the idea.
Stanley –
We’re not interested in your French Park Red Light District area.
#12 “we”
Obviously “we”, same as Michele, you do not know how to read.
Nice report/idea Stan.
I am at a loss on a prior comment, I did not read about the “red light” idea in your link.
Getting the gang members to join an improvement program sound like a good idea to me.
Dear BFD #9 . Michele has answers to the problems that concern you and the rest of the county . She states them frequently . You just can’t hear them because of your hate .
“You just can’t hear them because of your hate”
Your frequent use of “hate” indicates that your dentist degree was given to you under affirmative action.
In politically correct language, it means that you are gravely challenged — Art L.
“Nice report/idea Stan”
If you relay like it Cook, you should contact your council member and tell him/her so!
Stanley –
Lighten up or people will start to think you left your sense of humor in your homeland.
At one time you did propose – in the heat of campaigning for mayor –
the prospect of redistricting French Park for bordellos. Ah, just like a politician – bogus campaign promises.
Stan , your association of “frequent use of hate ” to how a professional degree is obtained actually proves how mentally challenged YOU are . You make very litlle sense in most of your posts . Stan , one is not given a degree , one earns a degree . Maybe your experience was different . Your attacks on this blog are mostly directed at intellect. I beleive those that lack it , but fantasize of having it , seem to have your type of attack behavior . Is that “hate” or envy ?
“At one time you did propose – in the heat of campaigning for mayor – the prospect of redistricting French Park for bordellos”
That election promise have to be realized yet, #18. Was I elected as Mayor?….. No! So I have not broken any promise.
However, I have submitted two briefs to the council:
1) The Santa Ana Gangs Normalization Doctrine. (Re Gangs)
2) The Santa Ana Homeowners’ Association Normalization Doctrine. (Re Extortion of Hispanics)
I have not submitted yet any brief on:
The Santa Ana Red Light District Normalization Doctrine.
Once I do, I would appreciate if you read it and support it by calling your council member.
However, if you do not read the first two which should be of an interest to all Santa Ana citizens, I doubt that anyone will read about the Red light District because such issue could be understood by high IQ citizens only. Such are in deficit in the Santa Ana.
[one is not given a degree , one earns a degree] said Art L. — Under the affirmative action the degree like yours was GIVEN.
[ Is that “hate” or envy ?] said Art L. — The reason why you appear unintelligent is that you have again used word “hate”. That is classical case of a retardation because you are unaware about your own behavior.
Am I reading post #9 correctly? Did Santa Ana citizens elect a former F troop gang member to city council?
Stan , where does your superior intelligence originate from ? I believe you said before it is from your European genetics . Is this why you think everyone Hispanic working hard and earning a degree can only happen through affirmitive action ? Do you think Hispanics can not own a degree in any other way ? Do you believe a degree earned through affirmitive action is ill gotten ? Why do you associate a word you dislike (hate) with retardation (only to insult , I believe ) ? Maybe some people associate your frequent use of socialist with retardation as well .
“Stan , where does your superior intelligence originate from ?”
Based on quantum physics my IQ is directly proportional to the planck energy of the universe.
Only an idiot [not Dr.] can engage in such frivolous discussion with me in which his vocabulary consist of about 50% reference to the “hate.”
Your are a moron mongoloid Dr. Art L. so is the person who nominated you as a commissioner.
Stan , answer the questions . What are you afraid of . You can’t be afraid of a moron mongoloid ,would you? Free speech is given to you , Express yourself . I thought you were a macho man and not a coward.