Most experts feel that Tom Umberg will win in the race for the 1st Supervisorial District. However, what if he were to lose to Santa Ana Councilman Carlos Bustamante? I realize that is likely impossible, but let’s suspend reality for a bit and examine the likely outcome of that event.
Bustamante would have to resign from the Santa Ana City Council. Then he would have to be replaced – either by appointing someone to the balance of his term or by holding a special election. In either case, there are several people that I think would be in the mix to replace Bustamante, as follows:
Former Santa Ana Councilman Brett Franklin – he was on the council before Bustamante. He was a lot better at it. He is a Republican but unfortunately he is an ally of Santa Ana Mayor Miguel Pulido. However, he is a great guy and he also serves on the OC GOP Central Committee. He has young children and he is married to a Latina. Franklin works in real estate.
Franklin told me an interesting story once that when he was elected to his second term, Bustamante suddenly walked into his office and told him that in four years he was going to run for Franklin’s seat on the City Council. He did not congratulate Franklin on his victory. Ever since, Franklin has not been a fan of Bustamante’s. This is one reason that Franklin is now running for the 1st Supervisorial District against Bustamante.
Former Santa Ana Councilman John Acosta – I believe Acosta is also a Republican. He is a great guy and he is a mentor to current Council Member Michele Martinez. He used to be a masonry contractor and he is now a Construction Administrator for an architectural company. He serves on the Santa Ana College Board of Directors. I have heard rumors that he was drummed off the Santa Ana City Council years ago via some made up scandal. My guess is he PO’d the powers that be, which is probably why I like him.
School Board Member John Palacios – Maybe he is getting tired of being on the school board? He is very well-connected with the unions and would have to be considered an eventual candidate to take on Pulido for the Mayor’s office. He is very savvy and his enemies would do well not to underestimate him.
Santa Ana Unified School District Bond Oversight Committee Member/Santa Ana Library Board Commissioner Oscar Garza – An ally of Tim Whitacre, Garza was involved in the recall of Palacio’s former fellow trustee, Nativo Lopez. He is Whitacre’s new alternate on the OC GOP Central Committee and he was in the running to replace Sal Tinajero on the SAUSD Board of Trustees.
Ryan Gene Williams – He now lives in Ward 3 and he serves on a county commission on drugs and alcohol. He is young, but energetic and eager to serve. Williams currently has his hands full helping Janet Nguyen’s campaign for the 1st District. He also has two votes on the OC GOP Central Committee, and was also appointed to be the 69th Assembly District’s representative on the OC GOP Central Committee’s Executive Committee.
Shane Barrows – President of the Park Santiago Neighborhood Association. He recently threw his hat in the ring for the SAUSD school board.
I’m sure I missed a few others – but I will leave it to my readers to suggest those overlooked candidates. Again, I fully expect Bustamante to lose, but wouldn’t it be funny if he won and Palacios ended up replacing him on the City Council? The unions would complete their takeover of the city, and Whitacre and his allies would probably have a big fat cow. And of course we would have quite a bit to write about…
I’d prefer not to see retreads like Franklin and Acosta. They had their time and did little for this city. We need new blood.
Plus, aren’t these guys prohibited from running (yet again) under term limits?
Pedroza, You are wrong about Ryan Gene. He was not appointed to the GOP’s executive committee. Little Ryan gleefully volunteered to take the spot but there were only 3 votes present from the 69th. It requires 4. Tim Whitacre promptly called attention to that fact the following day (he’s right again); the bylaws call for a majority vote from the caucus. The Parliamentarian agreed that the vote was invalid. Too bad, so sad. Now there will be a proper vote taken. Wanna bet your little friend will not be on the committee? Thank God!
At leaste one “made up scandal” re: Acosta was not made up. He left his wife for his council secretary (he later divorced the secretary as well and I believe is married now to a woman named “Star”)
Armando De la Libertad or Joe Dunn could both run.
Art, you really need to talk to some of us who were around in the old Acosta days. Talk about corrupt. Please! And Council members can come back after a certain amount of time off the Council. Pat McGuigan was reappointed after she was termed out and then got to run for more terms. I’m not sure what the actual amount of “time off” is, but the City Clerk can answer that question.
As for Palacio, he is another one who should never get on the Council. The old Nativo group, including Tinajero, did a lot of damage to the SAUSD. Why does anyone want to give them a shot at the City Council? That was my big objection to Tinajero running. Why reward corruption or stupidity?
I’d like to see some more of our Santa Ana Yutes run for office!
SEIU might also get behind Yvette Aguilar for council. She works for the City but could go back to work for the County if she won.
Michele Morrisey McDowell or Lisa Mills might also like to run.
Miguel Pulido could run for the Ward 3 seat ( he lives there) and support someone else for Mayor.
I don’t care who it is as long as it is a Latino! We can’t go back to the days of white people on the city council. Been there..done that!
I don’t think Acosta even lives in Santa Ana anymore. As i recall, it was questionable whether he even lived in the city during his last years on the council.
I for one am tired of the racist hateful words put forth by poster # 11.
Who cares what race or sex the person is as long as they are committed to improving our city for all residents equally.
Thanks for showing us all your ignorant uneducated view point.
Art…nice try with Oscar Garza to replace Carlos, however, he lives in Washington Square, home of Ms. Alverez. You need to review and confirm the information of your ghost writers before submitting an article.
Poster 14,
Ghost writers? I don’t think so. I write all my material. My bad re Garza. I thought he lived in Floral Park.
Mr. Gordon,
We had an all white council for over 100 years in Santa Ana. Now that we have an all Latino council, lets see how it goes for the next 100 years and after that we can bring one or two on to the council over the following 25 years. Nos Vemos en 2107!!!!
Would #16 be ok with a white Latino on the Counci???
Thank you to all our readers for the great suggestions. I left quite a few folks out and appreciate the additions.
Ryan’s a joke.
He’s not qualified to be street sweeper.
I like Acosta. He voluteered alot of his time way back in the old Elks park little league days. Good guy, who got cut up judging a beauty contest at the famous California girls club.
Palacio, no comment.
Franklin a good candidate.
John Acosta was the best councilperson this city has ever seen. Sure he had some issues in his personal life, but that has no bearing on his political life.
As for the person he insinuated that he was corrupt, lets see some facts. Lets see some evidence.
I for one would love to see John Acosta or John Palacio on the city council. Both men are good people who will look out for all the citizens of Santa Ana.
Tom had his run. But he tripped over his balls and is finished.
Carlos has good odds. If he can stay out of the mud fights.
Acosta’s only sin was judging a Wet T-Shirt contest for Oui magazine at a local bar. In those days there were several Gentleman’s clubs in Downtown S.A. that provided contests like that in the downtown over the noon hour to help men relax during the busy work day. In those days Playboy, Oui, and other men’s magaines were commonplace in local barber shops too. John is a good man and a man’s man and was active with many local charities.
No. 23. If a wet t-shirt contest is your idea of what helps men relax then I must be out of the mainstream as it has the opposite effect on me!
Mr. Acosta paved the way for the rest of us Latino leaders. Unlike todays highly feminized Latino Politicos…John was a real male leader.
John = Macho Man
Guess what? All these points are moot. All you folks must be dreaming if you think this opportunist has any chance of winning.
Poster 27,
Bustamante has almost the entire GOP machine behind him now. Umberg is withering on the vine. If the Dems don’t wake up Bustamante could win – which would be a disgrace. Indeed, as I have written before, both Umberg and Bustamante are a joke. This has become a race to see which dunce can prevail.
Art—If it makes you feel better, please continue to think that Tom’s campaign is withering on the vine. And you can say a few things about Umberg but dunce is not one of them. You’d never see him let someone on the BOS intellectually or physically push him around like Carlos let Claudia do.
“You’d never see him let someone on the BOS intellectually or physically push him around like Carlos let Claudia do.”
Awww Bladerunner, that’s half the fun.
Take a look at all the union cash Carlos has gathered up.
Republican? Me thinks not!
So even if Carlitos wins the BOS race, he will not be able to pretend to be Republican and use secret union support for his re-election.Then he’ll be off the BOS and out of his council gig.
“Then he’ll be off the BOS and out of his council gig.”
That’d be a gift from God.