Tinajero joins the Pulido faction, destroying any hope for reform in Santa Ana

The revolution in Santa Ana is over. Councilmember Sal Tinajero sold out to Mayor Miguel Pulido by voting for his latest puppet, attorney Vince Sarmiento, at tonight’s City Council meeting. In an instant Pulido regained his council majority and now it will take us two years to change the balance of power.

I guess I should have seen this coming. Tinajero was elected to the Santa Ana School Board with Rosie Avila’s help. In short order he abandoned her and went over to Nativo Lopez’ side. Then when Lopez was about to be recalled Tinajero flopped again. And now he has stuck it to his supporters once again. But this time there will be major ramifications.

For one thing, I guess that Council Members Claudia Alvarez and Michele Martinez will have to rethink their commission nominations. I cannot see any of their appointments making it now. Even worse, you can expect developer Mike Harrah to get every single variance he is asking for. In the next two years we will see a huge rash of development in Santa Ana and with it more congestion and more headaches for local residents. We can thank Tinajero for that.

You can also forget about opening any new libraries in Santa Ana. Might as well start burning the books. Pulido and his followers don’t care if the poor have access to books. Now Tinajero will be as much to blame for that as any of the Pulido puppets.

In one fell swoop Tinajero has become the the biggest vendido in the history of Santa Ana. As one friend put it tonight, we ended up with the same result that we would have had if Pulido puppet Jennifer Villasenor had won – except that she was a lot more attractive than Tinajero.

Why does Tinajero consistently betray his backers? Why can’t he stand up for what is right? Who knows? He lost his father in a tragic criminal act and perhaps he ended up growing up without enough male influences in his life. Regardless, I am not prepared to overlook this latest gaffe. Tinajero is going to find that his traitorous act will have horrible repercussions.

On the other hand, I think that perhaps Tinajero did not want to face another onslaught of awful hit mail in four years. He likely sold out to Pulido in order to avoid that fate. Maybe Pulido enticed him with the usual pseudo-bribes? We may never know. One thing we do know with full certainty is that Tinajero destroyed a lot of dreams tonight.

I’m sure that Tinajero will tell us that he did this in order to save money for something else, instead of “wasting it” on a special election. Sure Sal, whatever. There is no excuse, period.

I guess that those of us opposed to Pulido’s regime are now going to have to return to the trenches. We had Pulido on the ropes and now all we can do is continue our virtually underground resistance.

Nothing Tinajero does will ever make up for this. I don’t care if he singlehandedly finds Ossama Bin Laden and brings him to justice. There is no way to right this wrong.

About Admin

"Admin" is just editors Vern Nelson, Greg Diamond, or Ryan Cantor sharing something that they mostly didn't write themselves, but think you should see. Before December 2010, "Admin" may have been former blog owner Art Pedroza.