First Supervisorial campaign update

I spoke to the leading conservative candidate for the First Supervisorial District, Garden Grove Councilwoman Janet Nguyen, yesterday. She says she is going to run no matter what happens. And now the field of candidates includes one less Vietnamese candidate, as Red County/OC Blog has reported that Democrat Phu Nguyen is not running after all.

Two other Vietnamese candidates are still on the ballot: Larry Phan and Trung Nguyen. Neither one has a snowball’s chance of winning. Other candidates who have filed include Santa Ana Councilman Carlos Bustamante and former Santa Ana Councilman Brett Franklin.

Westminster Councilman Kermit Marsh has also inexplicably pulled papers, again according to Red County/OC Blog. I am not sure what he is thinking. The last time he ran for this seat he came in last in a field of four candidates. Perhaps he just wants to increase his name ID?

Two more Santa Ana residents, Councilwoman Claudia Alvarez and anti-immigration activist Lupe Moreno are expected to turn in their papers next week. And the leading Democrat candidate, Garden Grove Councilman Mark Rosen, will likely do so as well.

There is still no word from another well-known Democrat, Tom Umberg. Some sources say he is not going to run. If so, Rosen is in good position to win with so many Republicans on the ballot. If he does win, the blame will fall on GOP Assemblyman Van Tran. He recruited Trung Nguyen just so he could undermine Janet Nguyen’s campaign. I don’t think the Trannies have the intention of winning – they just want Janet to lose.

I do think that Bustamante wants to win, but that is not going to happen. There are quite a few Santa Ana residents running and all of them have bigger fan bases than Bustamante, who just became a councilman in Santa Ana two years ago. He is definitely not ready for prime time, as those of you who have seen him getting shellacked online can attest.

Janet Nguyen is confident that she can win. I agree – but I wish the field was not as crowded. Nevertheless, as long as Bustamante loses I will be at least partially satisfied. That seems to be a foregone conclusion.

About Admin

"Admin" is just editors Vern Nelson, Greg Diamond, or Ryan Cantor sharing something that they mostly didn't write themselves, but think you should see. Before December 2010, "Admin" may have been former blog owner Art Pedroza.