Carona’s machinations result in a Hunt lawsuit

The O.C. Register confirmed today that Bill Hunt will be suing O.C. Sheriff Mike Carona’s department over the attempt to demote him after he lost to Carona.

Here is a pertinent quote from the Register article, “I understand politics is a full-contact sport and (knew) that if I lost, there would be consequences,” Hunt said from Big Bear, where he is vacationing. “But I think they’ve overstepped. There’s a law against political retaliation.”

Times columnist Dana Parsons responded with a biting analysis of Carona’s latest unethical move, “all this comes down to is petty politics by a sheriff who’s outgrown his britches during his eight years in office?” Parsons also nailed the issue when he asked, “So, when it comes to serving the public, just when was it that Hunt went from good cop to bad cop?”

So, you might ask, wasn’t Carona just protecting himself from anything Hunt might do going forward? Here’s how Parsons answered that query, “A legitimate concern, but why not wait and see? Carona’s preemptive strike translates to one thing: political payback.”

Parson’s final advice to Hunt’s allies in the department – “Watch your butts.” I’m sure Carona is – but not in a good way.

A blogger recently asked in reaction to an earlier article on this blog, whether or not the O.C. Supervisors would intervene. They can’t, as far as I know, but they ought to take turns slamming Carona at their next meeting. He at least deserves that. I cannot imagine that Supervisors John Moorlach and Chris Norby are terribly happy about any of this.

About Admin

"Admin" is just editors Vern Nelson, Greg Diamond, or Ryan Cantor sharing something that they mostly didn't write themselves, but think you should see. Before December 2010, "Admin" may have been former blog owner Art Pedroza.