No, I have not been drinking too much Kool Aid today.
With threats of litigation due to our shortage of (94) affordable housing units in Mission Viejo I thought it might be the season for out-of-the-box crazy ideas starting with the following.
We possibly have more parks in Mission Viejo than any other Orange County city. What we lack is new development. Mission Viejo has been built out for several years. We recently changed zoning of our last two vacant parcels of commercially zoned land to residential to meet part of our obligation to meet some bureacrat’s wish list for affordable housing.
So my plan, that will make everyone in my city mad, is to convert one or more of our 52 parks to meet this “alleged” obligation. In looking at a map of our city parks I am proposing the following which are city owned thereby avoiding the need to remove any commercial buildings or engage in “eminent domain” takings.
Construct affordable housing units at passive Barbadanes Park, Bart Spendlove Park, Pinecrest Park and/or Sycamore Park, none of which are among the more utilized parks by our many youth sports programs.
Let’s see where the rubber meets the road and have our city council and planning commission chew on this off-the-wall concept. “Me thinks” our population is growing older and perhaps the need for 52 parks, which require maintenenace, are excessive in light of the pending cloud of litigation.
I anticipate some interesting responses to this post.
I have a better idea. Let’s give everyone lead helmets so the eltromagnetic rays don’t hurt us. I want the one Diane Greenwood wears around town. How is “bird brain” Barker doing? STOP THE HATE STOP THE LIES.
You soon will have one more affordable housing unit…since that Teacher at the local high school has probably found a new
home at Theo Lacy…for a couple
of years..
Thank you for being the city’s watch dog. Be a good doggy and go away until next election. I speak for many when I say we are all tired of reading your rants.
I vote to place the affordable housing at “Flo Jo” Park.
It would serve these purposes:
1. It’s not in my backyard – but it is in someone else’s. (wink-wink)
2. The “evil” power lines that cross through or around the existing park would not impact anymore children – they’d have to go somewhere else like that Great Park in Irvine.
3. We would all save energy because the “po fok” living in the housing could use these dangerous high energy lines to cook with while outside on their porches because they cannot afford air conditioning.
4. Less kids in the park means less noise which means a better afternoon nap for some, like you-know-who.
5. The units of affordable housing might not be able to have front lawns – which means fewer yard signs during election season.
Isn’t this a win-win for LG and his crew?
“Out with Flo – In with the Po”
I don’t know Larry –
(With my Tongue completely in my cheek)
The good people of Mission Viejo do not want low cost housing because of the imagined “low lifes’ that might move to their fair city.
Teachers, Police Officers, the nice grocery clerk who always greets you by name. Riff Raff, all of them. I won’t mention the maid because I am sure she has a bus pass and is happy to ride the bus for however long it takes.
People wonder why young families and professionals don’t live here.
Response to Nimby et al.
I have another suggestion that I am sure you will like.
Why not construct “over water bungalows” like they have in Tahiti and anchor them in Lake Mission Viejo. Let’s do the math. our man made lake has 124 acres and we are short 94 units. Therefore we can zone each one to be at least an acre in scope including all the fish you can catch. Storage might be a problem but they can share the empty Tom Potocki Center on an interim basis.
And we will not descriminate against any applicant so long as they know how to swim.
These are some of the reasons why we’re looking to leave MV. Bland!
Pinecrest? NOT PINECREST!!
OK, so I used to live next to the park, and I have some fond memories of the neighborhood…
That’s precisely the problem…
NIMBYism is very strong in Mission Viejo, almost as strong as their love of the MV parks. And the suggestion of nixing off one or more of the parks to create housing for poor folks…
I can’t see it happening in MV.
All Mission Viejo needs to do is buy a couple of the large lots with single family homes on them, it the floral park area of Santa Ana, anex them into MV, rezone high-densidy and put in a project tower.
Hey look everyone, Larry thinks he is a comedian. Perhaps you and Michael Richards shoud do a duet.
Why not put the units on a raised foundation in the center of lake MV, that way you won’t have to come in contact with those “po foke”.
While you are at it Larry and all your like, wash your own cars, grow your own veggies, cook your own fast food, mow your own lawn, and take care of you own damn snotty kids!
Also,since you hate OTCA so much, help pass a council resolution to forbid any public buses from stopping in MV.
Perhaps then, you can cease these mindless rants you keep posting.
Larry it only goes to show that you are nothing but another bitter old WASP stuck in a time warp inside of your head.
ps it’s not the low income people’s fault your over-confident H.S. footbal team lost!
Oh, and Larry, I changed my mind, I ended up voting no on prop 90, as a matter of fact.
You might want to read the California Park Preservation Act, which requires local governments to replace any park land they sell with comparable land.
CQT 96.
You need some serious help. Let me suggest anger management.
As to your comments..
I wash my own car. In fact I also wash my wife’s car. And I am happy to report that we do not have any lawn to mow. Sorry to disappoint your picture of my alleged elitism.
Unlike yourself I did not have a nanny when I grew up in an inter-racial neighborhood in Newark, New Jersey. You wouldn’t survive one week in the atmosphere where I grew up.
Snooty kids? My “kids,” who are parents themselves, are probably older and better grounded than you are.
If you nothing of substance to add to my posts why not simply go away.
I’ve had all the turkey I need for this season. Thank you!
the entitlement bunch believe that it is their right to live at the expense of another.
if govt were truly interested in affordable housing, why not reduce the many regulations that push up the costs of ownership. cathy schlicht
Mission Viejo has a name for affordable housing and it is called “Santa Ana”