I just received an email from Tino Rivera touting an upcoming campaign fundraiser on October 26, from 5:30 to 7:30 p.m. Rivera is a candidate for Santa Ana City Council, Ward 2. He is Santa Ana Mayor Miguel Pulido’s choice, as evidenced by Pulido’s name on the event flier. Pulido is the event chair, and Santa Ana Chamber of Commerce president Mike Metzler is noted on top of the flier.
Interestingly, OC GOP Central Committee member Tim Whitacre is included on the list of host committee members. I thought he had withdrawn his support of Rivera, after it was revealed that Rivera sought the endorsement of the OC Democrat Party. I guess I was wrong about that.
Other Republicans noted on the flier include Santa Ana School Board Member Rob Richardson; Santa Ana Mayor Pro Tem Lisa Bist; Laguna Niguel Council Member Paul Glaab; former Santa Ana Council Member Brett Franlin; and Lincoln Club members Dale Dykema and Don Crevier. No wonder Rivera was not endorsed by his fellow Democrats!
Rivera is opposed by Evangeline Gawronski, a candidate endorsed by the Republican Party of Orange County. He also faces two popular Democrats, Tish Leon and Michele Martinez. I believe that Martinez was endorsed by the OC Democrats. I also heard today that the local police union is not endorsing Rivera – or anyone else. Read into that what you will.
The event will be held at the home of Metzler, at 2315 N. Towner, in Santa Ana. You can get in for the fee of $99. Call Bertha Rivera by Oct. 23 to RSVP, at 714-721-8874, or email her.
Let’s hope that Tino decides to wear a suit and tie to his own event instead of workout shorts.
I still can’t believe this guy went precinct walking and asked people to support his while he was wearing workout clothes. His jock attitude shows no respect for voters.
Is he running for ward #3 or #2?
I guess that there is not anyone in #2 willing to lend support of their home or business.
No Anon, what is worse is Deborah Vazquez going precinct walking in the most working class areas of Santa Ana carrying a Louis Vuitton purse, designer outfit from Nieman Marcus and shoes from Bloomingdales. Yes that just shows she is part of the community.
Fortino should be a little more dressed up, wearing sweats is sort of an insult and shows he is somewhat out of touch with what the community thinks, but I just want to give you an example of the other side of the spectrum.
Folks, simple jeans and shirt will do for a precinct walk, and just being yourself.
I’ve had many, many candidates knock on my door while precinct walking and the men have always shown up in kahkis and a white shirt (or some variation of that) while the women have worn something professional but casual.
I would not recommend jeans nor would I recommend work out shorts.
I’d dress professional.
The South Santa Ana Merchants’ Association will hold a forum with candidates for City Council and mayor. The forum is at 6 p.m. today at the Orange County Musicians’ Association Hall, 2050 S. Main St. Admission $10 for non-members.
An Anon said:
I think that Dolphin Shorts, popular in the late 1970’s, also look way cool when you are walking door to door. You can go with either the two panal/two color variety or the stripes look nice as well.
Sounds to me like Mr. Rivera has excellent bi-partisan support for a non-partisan City Council seat… as it should be.
Yes, Mr. Rivera’s country club attire was well-targeted to this working class city. Tino or Tonto, you are marketing genius.
It is true that Mr. Rivera’s choice of clothing for purposes of introducing himself to voters is not the real issue. The real issue is we have a person that wants to help to lead this city by taking his cues from the Mayor.
Review Mr. Rivera’s contributions like I have (as well as other candidates) and you will discover that his contributions come from the same people that give to the Mayor. Yes folks, the Mayor is funding Mr. Rivera’s campaign. That is probably not news to most people who follow Santa Ana politics, but it is interesting because it underscores Mr. Rivera’s lack of independent support.
Go get’em coach.
Poster #11,
At least Rivera is receiving contributions. As for your poke at him and the Mayor, what about Pedroza’s “team” that can’t raise a dime between the three of them? How about Pedroza’s lame excuse to cover that fact – “They aren’t raising money because they don’t want to be beholden to anyone.”?
Puhleease! And speaking about mode of dress, what about Thomas Gordon with his jeans and t-shirt attire almost everywhere he goes? We’re supposed to vote for that instead? I don’t think so.
For me the choices are obvious. Not because they are supported by the Mayor; they happen to be the best candidates in the group.
Mayor: Pulido
Ward 2: Rivera
Ward 4: Benavides
Ward 6: Villasenor
If people were only going to vote in one race, I think Ward 6 is the most important because we cannot let Tijanero off the hook for the way he has helped run SAUSD into the ground. Now he wants to jump ship and start over with the city -NO WAY! Even though I like Mr. Collins – he seems like a nice guy, I’m voting for Ms. Villasenor because she has experience working in city government in Huntington Beach and she actually has a real campaign going with more money coming in every day. I don’t care what others say, it is impossible to win a race in Santa Ana without financial support. It also shows that residents are liking what they hear from Ms. Villasenor if they are opening up their wallets as well.
My best friend
-Ms. Villasenor has experience working in city government in Huntington Beach –
Please explain why she has worked for Rosemead,El Monte, Bell Gardens and her hometown Huntington Beach over the last 5 years?
Please explain why Mayor Pulido endorses her despite the fact that the address she listed on Wisteria as her residence is in fact the address of a Megan Laws registered offender?
-It also shows that residents are liking what they hear from Ms. Villasenor if they are opening up their wallets as well.-
Those donation are from companies that the Mayor forced to donate to her if they want to play in Santa Ana.
The girl ain’t got a clue.
Poster No. 12 aka Miguel Pulido:
You were able to deflect poster No. 11’s comments about Tonto Rivera.
The fact is Tino has a tight race and his lack of support (besides teh mayor) will hopefully be his undoing. Tonto is an empty suit.
Post 16,
I’m sorry, but i had to stop laughing to write this post. Does anyone believe that the 20% of police and firefighters who actually live in this city are asked their opinion as to who they believe is the best candidate. Or is it possible that they support the Mayors group because he has again promised them that If his group wins they will reap the benefits. Do you honestly believe their is a candidate running who doesn’t support the rank and file members. I’l bet you the mayors group couldn’y give you the names of 5 police officers or fireman that they have had the pleasure to work with in the community.
-the strongest of all the candidates on Public Safety and the is the reason Santa Ana Police officers and Firefighters are supporting her.-
They are supporting her because Mayor Pulido told them too.Face the facts.If all of the Mayor’s puppets, I mean candidates get elected, Police and Fire will come looking for a big fat raise.
A vote for Sal is a vote for Crazy Claudia!
Just to clarify, Santa Ana Firefighters, and Police Departments do not endorse candidates, their unions do. It is quite obvious why these two entities support the mayor and his group of candidates and it has nothing to do with how good they are as candidates.
It’s clearly time to say what we are all thinking. The throne is ripe for the taking. If not today then in 2 years. Those people who believe in a better tomorrow for Santa Ana need to send a clear message to the Mayor. We will no longer tolerate politics meant to enrichen those in city hall and their friends. We must not be divided, fooled or lulled into complacency. We are not Democrats or Republicans, white or brown. We are individuals, families, business owners and employees who hope for a better city. I will convince two people everyday form now until 2008 if necessary to not vote for the mayor. Who will join me.
As Jennifer’s campaign just gets stronger and stronger…and the people of Santa Ana begin to learn that Big Sal is in charge of the WORST school district in California…the lowly Sal supporters crawl out from under their rocks to put down the friend of Public Safety, Jennifer Villasenor. You notice they are no longer talking about the fact that Big Sal is a Santa Ana School board member. Why aren
Hyperbolizing your thoughts on Jennifer Villasenor and Sal Tinajero may serve your purpose, but lets try to stick with facts if at all possible.
Sal is not in charge of the school board, therefore he does not have control of the “plane” as you have stated.
Secondly, Garden Grove Unified is an extremely bad comparison in regards to the comparing Santa Ana, but again it serves your purpose of trying to dispel Sal’s candidacy.
One last question–IF Jennifer has accomplished so much can you tell us what it is she has accomplished?
I have to hear from her since her last campaign and even then she was not very well known. Can you explain this?
If Jennifer Villasenor is a friend of Public Safety, will you please have her tell us who Gregory Villasenor is, and when he will be released back into our community after serving his time for rape.
Thank you.
Luis…I’m still waiting for you to tell us what Big Sal has accomplished in Santa Ana. At least Jennifer has not ruined the lives and futures of over 50,000 students like Big Sal has done. Since Big Sal and his supporters refuse to talk about what Sal has done to our young children and how he has ruined their educations, they invite others to tell the story for you. The story will soon be told:)
I will be a gentleman and allow you to begin with Jennifer’s accomplishments in Santa Ana, and I will follow suit, the floor is yours.
Maybe the anon posters who believe Jennifer is somehow strong on public safety could give us a little of her history… anything that justifies such a belief.
How many of the prostitution meetings or COP events has she participated in? What fire station would respond in her precinct? How many of the public meetings involving the new burn tower and fire facility did she attend?
Jennifer is in no way strong on public safety issues, and never has been.
“Maybe the anon posters who believe Jennifer is somehow strong on public safety could give us a little of her history… anything that justifies such a belief.
How many of the prostitution meetings or COP events has she participated in? What fire station would respond in her precinct? How many of the public meetings involving the new burn tower and fire facility did she attend?
Cops and Fire fighers support candidates who they know they can count on to make sure they have the resources they need to be the best Police and Fire Departments around and make sure we don’t return to the days when the city councils in the 1980’s let things get out of control. Sorry gadflys, being strong on public safety does not mean baking cookies for the local fire fighters, getting arrested for taking photos of prostitutes on Harbor Blvd, or attending the Youth Festival and petting a police dog. For more information on who and why our Police Officers and Firefighters are supporting certain candidates please stay tuned to your local mail box:)
#25 Save your ire for Dr. Noji. She has served 16 years on the school board, while Sal has logged a mere six years.
Sal has not protected the inept administrators at Valley and Willard – the worst high school and intermediate school in the district.
Sal did not bring us the fuzzy math fiasco – Audrey Noji pushed that agenda and it has hurt our students immensely.
Sal has not provided the Segerstrom principal a pass to admit only those students she feels are worthy of Segerstrom.
Sal did not orchestrate the return of Jane Russo as the heir apparent to Mijares.
Sal has not been the perfect school board member, but he has not been parked in neutral for 16-years like Dr. Noji.
-Cops and Fire fighers support candidates who they know they can count on to make sure they have the resources they need to be the best Police and Fire Departments around and make sure we don’t return to the days when the city councils in the 1980’s let things get out of control.-
Back in the 80’s we had 500 police officers and now we have 300 thanks to mayor pulido.The SAPD is 50% of the cities budget,yet there are up to 7 hour waits for an officer.
-For more information on who and why our Police Officers and Firefighters are supporting certain candidates please stay tuned to your local mail box-
These are the ones who will hand over the 2.75 % at 50 bonus that the police and fire are hoping for.In other words,vote for them and service gets worse,crime gets worse,neighborhoods get worse.
If they win-You lose.
“Cops and Fire fighers support candidates who they know they can count on to make sure they have the resources they need to be the best Police and Fire Departments around…”
Well they’ve certainly done a bang-up job the past few years! Police, especially, show up to your house 20-30 minutes after you’ve already put in a call.
What was it before then? 45 minutes? Not much of a difference. A criminal could still G.T.A. and get to L.A. by the time Santa Ana P.D. answers an emergency call.
You can thank former Councilmembers McGuigen, Grisett, Young and company for the HUGE apartments they approved and the overcrowding that followed. Thanks for nothing!!!
“what about Thomas Gordon with his jeans and t-shirt attire almost everywhere he goes?”
That’s so untrue.
I am usually in shorts and a
“You can thank former Councilmembers McGuigen, Grisett, Young and company for the HUGE apartments they approved and the overcrowding that followed.”
Yeah, the dense downtown and train station lofts, Harrah’s 40 story condo tower, City Place, the high density included in the Renaissance area, the Main and McArthur and South Coast Towers, ll supported by the current mayor and council will be so much better.
Squeeze ’em in.
Most of you Anon’s are Political Gadflys with no clue as to how to get elected to political office in Santa Ana or what to do if you could get elected (which you can’t:) As soon as the election is over, most of you will be sucking up to Tino and David and Jennifer and trying to make them believe you were closet supporters and ask pretty please would they put you on a board or commission. Well, Gadflys, the candidates are on to your games and you will be left making speeches at COMLINK meetings and public comments at council meetings. You can’t kiss enough back sides to get back in the good graces of the team of Tino, David, and Jennifer. So keep venting that anger here on this blog and in a few short weeks you can go back your NASCAR races or Telanovelas or drinking with your adult son who stills lives at home, or being a D.J. at weddings, or taking photos of prostitutes on Harbor Bld, or Greyhound Dog rescuing, or whatever you do in between these elections every four years
Anonymous 3:37 PM:
After the election you and the Strouds(or are you a Stroud) can go back to being Racist and sit around your wine and cheese parties with the Bist and Don Cribb talking about people behind their backs and dreaming back to when Santa Ana was one big redneck sanctuary.You can give all the cash you want to Mr Pulido,Mr Benavides, Mr Rivera and Ms Villasenor, but your time to be someone has came and went.
A little parajito tells me that Fortina’s wife is obsessed with OJ and blogs anonymously. Since learning of her assault on Art Pedroza, OJ founder, I wouldn’t be surprised if #37 is Bertha Fortino.
Bertha’s 3 Muskateer agenda – Rivera, Villasenor and Benevides confirms that these candidates are not independent thinkers but merely Pulido’s Puppets on his personal stage.
I had to attend Teas of the World to get the low down on what’s happening in my own backyard. Wilshire Square has numerous Gawronski and Martinez signs. The only Rivera signs posted are at the Rivera residence.
I see on Fortino’s Webpage that he is endorsed by Santa Ana City Councilmember Carlos Bustamante.
Is this legal? Is he not some big shot in the OCGOP? Go figure.Now I know why the OCGOP can’t win local races.Guys like Carlos Bustamante blow it for everyone else.
I received an oversized mailer promoting Pulido and puppets Villasenor and Benavides. The exclusion of Rivera on this mailer, and the signs popping up all over town makes one wonder if Rivera’s candidacy was designed to divide the the Latino vote. Hmm .. if you read between the lines, that means Pulido’s choice in Ward 2 is Gawronski.
Quick. Someone tell Bertha. She’s in the process of finalizing her purchase of Santa Ana city council china for the holidays.
Martinez is looking better and better, every day.
#36 If Rivera, Villasenor and Benavides are the “team” you proclaim, why was Rivera excluded from the political signs that are littered throughout the city? And, why wasn’t Tino included on the oversized and obnoxious flyer that’s invading our homes?
Has Pulido cut Rivera loose in favor of Gawronski?
The explanation is that the police union did not endorse Tino – so he is not part of their team. I don’t think that Pulido is in cahoots with Gawronski. I believe she will be an independent council member – and I will hold her to that should she win in November. I have however been lied to before – by Carlos Bustamante. We must always be vigilant.
Martinez and Leon are both worthy candidates. If you are a Democrat and cannot stomach voting for a Republican, by all means please support one of them instead of Tino.
I’m a Dem who can stomach voting for a Rep. I don’t get too caught up in voting along party lines. I will be voting for Gordon because Dem Pulido denied me the right to vote on mayoral term limits and bullied Mike Garcia into withdrawing from the mayoral and council races.